| Boer R. de Trends in continuum mechanics of porous media. - Dordrecht: Springer, 2005. - 282 p. - (Theory and applications of transport in porous media, ISBN 1-4020-3143-2; Vol.18). сигла: 066 |  | Bullo F. Geometric control of mechanical systems: modeling, analysis, and design for simple mechanical control systems / Bullo F., Lewis A. D. - New York: Springer, 2004. - XVIII, 726 p. - (Texts in Applied Mathematics, ISBN 0-387-22195-6; Vol.49). сигла: 013 |
 | Chung-Chun Y. Uniqueness theory of meromorphic functions / Y.Chung-Chun, Y.Hong-Xun. Mathematics and its applications. - Beijing: Science Press; Dordrecht; London: Kluwer Academic, 2003. - 570 p. -(Uniqueness theory of meromorphic functions. - ISBN 1-4020-1448-1; Vol.557). |  | Effect of space weather on technology infrastructure: Proc. of the NATO ARW, Rhodes, Greece, 25-29 March 2003 / Ed. I.A.Daglis. - Dordrecht; London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004. - 324 p. - (NATO Science series II: Mathematics, physics and chemistry, ISBN 1-4020-2748-6; Vol.176). сигла: 060 |
 | Few-cycle laser pulse generation and its applications. - Berlin; London: Springe, 2004. - 450 p. - (Topics in applied physics, ISBN 3-540-20115-7; Vol.95). сигла: 053 |  | Franc J.-P. Fundamentals of cavitation. / J.-P.Franc and J.-M.Michel. - Dordrecht; London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004. - 306 p. - (Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications, ISBN 1-4020-2232-8; Vol.76). сигла: 019 |
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 | Heinz S. Statistical mechanics of turbulent flows. - Berlin; London: Springer, 2003. - 214 p. - ISBN 3-540-40103-2 сигла: 01 |  | High-pressure crystallography: Proc. of the NATO ASI, Erice, Italy, 4-15 June 2003 / Eds. A.Katrusiak, P.McMillan. - Dordrecht; London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004. - 580 p. - (NATO Science series II: Mathematics, physics and chemistry, ISBN 1-4020-1954-8; Vol.140). сигла: 01 |
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