Redox proteins in supercomplexes and signalosomes (Boca Raton, 2016). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаRedox proteins in supercomplexes and signalosomes / ed. by R.O.Louro, I.Diaz-Moreno. - Boca Raton: CRC/Taylor & Francis, 2016. - xv, 338 p.: ill., tab. - (Series in biophysics). - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.325-338. - ISBN 978-1-4822-5110-4
Шифр: (И/Е0-R32) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ....................................................... vii
Editors ........................................................ xi
Contributors ................................................. xiii

Chapter 1  Multi-Electron Transfer in Biological Systems ........ 1
   Catarina M. Paquete, Bruno M. Fonseca and Ricardo O. Louro
Chapter 2  Diversity of Interactions in Redox Systems: From
   Short- to Long-Lived Complexes .............................. 35
   Antonio Díaz-Quintana, Isabel Cruz-Gallardo, Miguel A. De
   la Rosa and Irene Díaz-Moreno
Chapter 3  ATPases and Mitochondrial Supercomplexes ............ 61
   Sara Cogliati, Rebeca Acín-Pérez and José A. Enriquez
Chapter 4  Role of Cardiolipin in Mitochondrial Supercomplex
   Assembly .................................................... 81
   Eugenia Mileykovskaya and William Dowhan
Chapter 5  Mitochondrial Supercomplexes and ROS Regulation:
   Implications for Ageing .................................... 107
   Maria L. Genova and Giorgio Lenaz
Chapter 6  Mitochondrial Respiratory Supercomplexes in
   Physiology and Diseases .................................... 149
   Anna M. Ghelli, Valentina С. Tropeano and Michela Rugolo
Chapter 7  Regulation of Photosynthetic Electron Transport 
   via Supercomplex Formation in the Thylakoid Membrane ....... 167
   Kentaro Ifuku and Toshiharu Shikanai
Chapter 8  Microbial Redox Proteins and Protein Complexes
   for Extracellular Respiration .............................. 187
   Liang Shi, Ming Tien, James K. Fredrickson, John М.
   Zachara and Kevin M. Rosso
Chapter 9  Unravelling New Metabolic Pathways:
   Supramolecular Organisation of Aerobic Bacteria
   Respiratory Chains ......................................... 217
   Ana M.P. Melo, Emma B. Gutiérrez-Cirlos and Miguel 
Chapter 10 Membrane Organisation and Electron Transport 
   Switches in Cyanobacteria .................................. 239
   Conrad W. Mullineaux and Tchern Lenn
Chapter 11 Regulation of Cellular Signalling by Thioredoxin ... 255
   Toshiya Machida, Hidenori Ichijo and Isao Naguro
Chapter 12 Cytochrome c-Based Signalosome ..................... 275
   Katiuska González-Arzola, Blas Moreno-Beltrán, Jonathan
   Martínez-Fábregas, Miguel A. De la Rosa and Irene 
Chapter 13 Cell Membrane Raft Redox Signalosomes: Platform
   Responding to Danger Signals ............................... 299
   Pin-Lan Li, Justine M. Abais, Jun-Xianc Bao and Yang Zhang
Chapter 14 Conclusions ........................................ 321
   Irene Díaz-Moreno and Ricardo O. Louro

INDEX ......................................................... 325

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