Raaij W.F. van. Understanding consumer financial behavior: money management in an age of financial illiteracy (Basingstoke; New York, 2016). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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Обложка Raaij W.F. van. Understanding consumer financial behavior: money management in an age of financial illiteracy. - Basingstoke; New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. - xvi, 285 p.: ill. - Bibliogr.: p.247-273. - Ind.: p.275-285. - ISBN 978-1-137-54424-7
Шифр: (И/ У5-R11) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
List of Figures ............................................... vii
List of Tables ................................................. ix
Foreword ....................................................... xi
Acknowledgments ................................................ xv
1  Introduction ................................................. 1

Part I
2  Money Management ............................................ 13
3  Saving Behavior ............................................. 33
4  Credit Behavior and Debt Problems ........................... 45
5  Insurance and Prevention Behavior ........................... 63
6  Pension Plans and Retirement Provisions ..................... 77
7  Investment Behavior ......................................... 89
8  Tax Behavior: Compliance and Evasion ....................... 103
9  Victims of Financial Fraud ................................. 113
10 Responsible Financial Behavior ............................. 127

Part II
11 Individual Differences and Segmentation .................... 145
12 Confidence and Trust ....................................... 159
13 Loss Aversion and Reference Points ......................... 173
14 Risk Preference ............................................ 185
15 Time Preference ............................................ 195
16 Decision-Making, Decision Architecture, and Defaults ....... 211
17 Self-Regulation ............................................ 227

Notes ......................................................... 245
Bibliography .................................................. 247
Index ......................................................... 275

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