The story of Alderley: living with the edge (Manchester, 2016). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаThe story of Alderley: living with the edge / with contributions by J.Adams et al.; ed. by A.J.N.W.Prag. - Manchester: Manchester University press, 2016. - xxxii, 984 p.: ill., tab. - Bibliogr.: p.934-951. - Ind.: p.952-984. - ISBN 978-0-7190-9171-1
Шифр: (И/ Е5-S87) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
List of plates ................................................. xi
List of figures ................................................ xv
List of tables ................................................ xxv
List of contributors ........................................ xxvii
Foreword ..................................................... xxxi
   Lord Stanley of Alderley
Preface .................................................... xxxiii
   Tristram Besterman
Preamble and acknowledgements .............................. xxxvii
   A.J.N.W. Prag
Note on units ................................................. xlv
List of abbreviations ....................................... xlvii

Part I. Introductory
1  The background to the Alderley Edge Landscape Project ........ 3
   A.J.N.W. Prag
2  Approach to the Edge: a personal view ....................... 24
   Alan Garner

Part II. The bedrock of the Edge - geology and geography
3  The geological story of Alderley Edge ....................... 49
   David B. Thompson and Simon Timberlake
4  Rocks, minerals and landforms: an overview .................. 51
   Simon Timberlake
5  The solid geology ofAlderley Edge ........................... 73
   David B. Thompson, Geoffrey Warrington, John E. Pollard
   and John R. Nudds
6  The minerals of the Edge .................................... 98
   David I. Green, Richard S.W. Braithwaite, David
   B. Thompson and Geoffrey Warrington
7  Geomorphology: the evolution of the landscape .............. 103
   Richard H. Johnson and David B. Thompson

Part III. Natural history - the flora and fauna
8  The natural history of Alderley: an introduction ........... 115
   A.J.N.W. Prag with Sean R. Edwards, Simon Timberlake and
   Laurence Cook
9  The vegetation of the Edge ................................. 120
   Sean R. Edwards, Simon Timberlake and Jonathan Guest
10 The trees of Alderley Edge ................................. 144
   Simon Timberlake and Sean R. Edwards
11 The birds of Alderley Edge ................................. 180
   Jonathan Guest, M.V. Hounsome and Edward Stanley with
   John Adams, Alan Straw and Henry McGhie
12 Alderley Edge pondlife ..................................... 209
   Jonathan Guest and Jill Smethurst
13 The insects and other invertebrates of Alderley Edge ....... 220
   Dmitri V. Logunov and Roger L.H. Dennis

Part IV. Human history - archaeology and underground
14 The archaeology of Alderley Edge ........................... 303
   A.J.N.W. Prag and Simon Timberlake
15 Early mining: the evidence before 1598 ..................... 342
   Simon Timberlake
16 Mining in the Alderley district: the documented period ..... 368
   Geoffrey Warrington
17 Working the mines at Alderley Edge: a contemporary
   perspective ................................................ 414
   Nigel Dibben
18 The quarries of Alderley Edge .............................. 436
   Nigel Dibben (based on original text by Simon Timberlake,
   Tom Burke and Clare Pye)

Part V. Human history - overground: the social history
19 The history of Alderley Edge ............................... 463
   Clare Pye
20 The Archive ................................................ 504
   Jean Wearne
21 Living memory: the people of the Edge ...................... 540
   John L. Ecclestone
22 The graffiti on stone and wood ............................. 566
   Carolanne King, Clare Pye, Nigel Dibben, Simon Timberlake
   and Alan Garner
23 Alderley Edge: the villas and the village .................. 586
   Matthew Hyde
24 The Stanley estate ......................................... 603
   Matthew Hyde
25 Nether Alderley Mill: a historical and architectural
   study ...................................................... 620
   Mike Redfern
26 Crossing the Edge .......................................... 647
   Clare Pye with Simon Timberlake and Carolanne King
27 Round the ragged Edge: recumbent rocks and standing
   stones ..................................................... 663
   Jeremy Milln and John Adams
28 Alderley: the names of street, house and field ............. 680
   J.S. Adams

Part VI. Looking back, looking forward
29 Close to the Edge - ensuring the future of the Edge for
   everyone ................................................... 727
   Christopher Widger
30 By Seven Firs and Goldenstone: an account of the Legend
   of Alderley ................................................ 762
   Alan Garner
31 Envoi ...................................................... 778
   A.J.N.W. Prag

5.1  Reptilian tracks from the Hayman's Farm Borehole ......... 783
     John E. Pollard
6.1  Primary mineralisation at Alderley Edge .................. 788
     David I. Green
9.1  Inventory of vegetation recorded on the Edge ............. 800
     Sean R. Edwards
9.2  An account of the Rubus species of Alderley Edge ......... 810
     David R. Earl
11.1 Alderley breeding birds, 1978-84 and 2004-06 ............. 818
     Jonathan Guest
13.1 A checklist of the invertebrates of Alderley Edge ........ 821
     Dmitri V. Logunov
13.2 The butterflies of Alderley Edge ......................... 874
     Roger L.H. Dennis
19.1 Leicesters or Leycesters? ................................ 875
     Clare Pye
19.2 A brief history of the Alderley Beacon ................... 877
     Jeremy Milln
19.3 The Hagg Cottages: the historical background to the
     2003 Alderley Sandhills Project excavation ............... 881
     Clare Pye
21.1 John Evans: the death of a hermit ........................ 890
     Robin Salmon
21.2 The voice of Philip Jarvis ............................... 897
     John Adams with A.J.N.W. Prag
29.1 The National Trust Sites and Monuments Record (NTSMR) .... 902
Christopher Widger

General glossary .............................................. 908
     A.J.N.W. Prag (ed.)
Geology glossary .............................................. 912
     Simon Timberlake, with Nigel Dibben, David
     I. Green and Geoffrey Warrington
Glossary of mining and quarrying terms ........................ 917
     Simon Timberlake with Nigel Dibben, David I. Green and
     Geoffrey Warrington

References .................................................... 934

Index ......................................................... 952
     Compiled by Simon Timberlake

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