Modelling of magmatic and allied processes (Cham, 2014). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаModelling of magmatic and allied processes / eds.: S.Kumar, R.N.Singh. - Cham: Springer, 2014. - xi, 240 p.: ill., tab. - (Society of Earth scientists series). - Bibliogr. at the end of the art. - ISBN 978-3-319-06470-3; ISSN 2194-9204
Шифр: (И/Д21-M78) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Magmatic Processes: Review of Some Concepts and Models .......... 1
Santosh Kumar

Models for Quantifying Mantle Melting Processes ................ 23
R.N. Singh and A. Manglik

Geochemical Modelling of Melting and Cumulus Processes:
A Theoretical Approach ......................................... 47
K. Vijaya Kumar and K. Rathna

Parameterized Mantle Convection Analysis for Crustal
Processes ...................................................... 75
R.N. Singh and A. Manglik

Modelling Paleogeotherms in the Continental Lithosphere: 
A Brief Review and Applications to Problems in the Indian
Subcontinent ................................................... 89
R.N. Singh and Jibamitra Ganguly

Accessory Phases in the Genesis of Igneous Rocks .............. 109
Igor Broska and Igor Petrík

Self-Similar Pattern of Crystal Growth from Heterogeneous
Magmas: 3D Depiction of LA-ICP-MS Data ........................ 151
Ewa Słaby, Michał Śmigielski, Andrzej Domonik and Luiza 

Microanalytical Characterization and Application in Magmatic
Rocks ......................................................... 167
Naresh C. Pant

Hydrothermal Fluids of Magmatic Origin ........................ 181
Rajesh Sharma and Pankaj K. Srivastava

viii Contents Oxidized Granitic Magmas and Porphyry
Copper Mineralization ......................................... 209
Shunso Ishihara and Akira Imai

Mass Balance Modelling of Magmatic Processes in GCDkit ........ 225
Vojtěch Janoušek and Jean-François Moyen

About the Editors ............................................. 239

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