Transboundary waters and basins in the South-East Baltic (Kaliningrad: Terra Baltica, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ
ОбложкаTransboundary waters and basins in the South-East Baltic / Russ. acad. of sciences, P.P.Shirshov inst. of oceanology, Atlantic Branch; ed. by B.Chubarenko. - Kaliningrad: Terra Baltica, 2008. - 306 p.
Оглавление книги
Preface ......................................................... 5

FEDERATION), LITHUANIA AND POLAND ............................... 7

Boris V. Chubarenko Shared watersheds in the South-East
   Baltic ....................................................... 7
Dmitry A. Domnin, Boris V. Chubarenko Watershed and
   administrative division of the Kaliningrad Oblast ........... 22
Boris V. Chubarenko The Vistula Lagoon ......................... 37
Zita Rasuolė Gasiūnaitė, Darius Daunys, Sergej Olenin,
   Artūras Razinkovas The Curonian Lagoon ...................... 58
Sergey I. Zotov, Nikolay S. Belov The characteristics
   of the Pregolya River basin ................................. 68
Tatiana A. Bernikova, Maria N. Shibaeva, Vladimir A. Shkitsky,
   Nadezda A. Tsoupikova The Prokhladnaya River ................ 80
Maria N. Shibaeva, Tatiana A. Bernikova, Vladimir
   A. Shkitsky, Nadezda A. Tsoupikova The Primorskaya River .... 88
Tatiana A. Bernikova, Maria N. Shibaeva, Vladimir
   A. Shkitsky, Nadezda A. Tsoupikova The Mamonovka River ...... 96
Tatyana I. Grin, Svetlana S. Smirnova The Sheshupe River
   basin ...................................................... 106
Tatiana A. Bernikova, Maria N. Shibaeva, Vladimir
   A. Shkitsky, Nadezda A. Tsoupikova The Vishtynetskoye
   Lake ....................................................... 118
Evgenia S. Gurova, Boris V. Chubarenko, Vadim V. Sivkov
   Transboundary coastal waters of the Kaliningrad Oblast ..... 127


Peter Kessler, Sergey V. Kondratenko, Mikhail Yu. Durkin The
   legislative basis of international cooperation of Russia
   for sustainable management of water resources of
   transboundary waters ....................................... 143
Raisa A. Gouseva Public initiatives in environmental
   protection process in the Kaliningrad Oblast ............... 153
Felix E. Alexeev Water resources management in the
   Kaliningrad Oblast; expedience and perspectives of
   applying the principles and norms of the EU Water Frame
   Directive .................................................. 162
Boris V. Chubarenko, Georg Umgiesser, Irina P. Chubarenko,
   Inga Davuliene, Arturas Razinkovas, M. Feike Numerical
   modeling of the Curonian and Vistula lagoons revisited ..... 177
Recommendations on ecosystem approach and decision making
   for sustainable use and development of the Curonian and
   Vistula lagoons ............................................ 193
Yuri V. Velikas, Nataliya V. Shchagina, Tatiana L. Laleko
   Bilateral agreements between Hydrometeorological and
   Environmental Monitoring services of Lithuania, Poland
   and the Kaliningrad Oblast ................................. 203

CHAPTER 3. CASE STUDIES ....................................... 207

Jan Kwiatkowski, Boris V. Chubarenko, Erik Koch Rasmussen
   Vistula Lagoon as a trap of nutrient pollution ............. 207
Sergey V. Shibaev, Maіgorzata Bielecka Water monitoring
   database as a tool for transboundary cooperation for
   management of water resources .............................. 215
Vadim L. Boldyrev, Valentina P. Bobykina Coasts of Vistula
   and Curonian Spits as transboundary territories ............ 225
Zita Rasuolė Gasiūnaitė, Jari Hanninen, Artūras Razinkovas,
   Ilppo Vuorinen Transboundary environmental monitoring
   in the Curonian Spit protected territories ................. 237
Vladimir A. Chechko Spatial structure and evolution of
   bottom sediments in the Vistula Lagoon ..................... 244
Inga E. Igoshina, Svetlana G. Matviy, Svetlana G. Chepurina
   The Lyna-Lava transboundary river basin: ecological
   assessment and recommendations for monitoring .............. 250
Boris V. Chubarenko, Artem I. Shibin, Natalia V. Reznichenko
   Transboundary influence of potential oil spill sources
   on the Curonian Spit area (South-East Baltic) .............. 268
Irina P. Chubarenko, Natalia Yu. Demchenko Large-scale
   transport of coastal waters into the Gulf of Gdansk due
   to seasonal mixing mechanisms .............................. 279
Boris V. Chubarenko The role of coastal lagoons in land-sea
   transport of water and substances in the South-East
   Baltic ..................................................... 289

Authors ....................................................... 293
Index ......................................................... 305

This book is a collection of articles, presented information on coastal waters, lagoons and main river basins in the south-east part of the Baltic Sea, related to the Kaliningrad Oblast of the Russian Federation. The book is devoted to wide audience of environmental experts, students and readers interested in water issues.

Оглавления по алфавитупо темам: науки о Земле | экологияШифр книги: I2010-19, Д22/T820 ч/з1

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