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ОбложкаIwashina T. Flavonoids of the plants composing flora of Japan. - Tokyo: National Museum of Nature and Science, 2018. - viii, 649 p. - (National museum of nature and science monographs; N 48). - Bibliogr.: p.515-649. - ISBN 978-4-87803-042-0; ISSN 1881-9109
Шифр: (И/E5-I98) 02


Место хранения: 02 | Отделение ГПНТБ СО РАН | Новосибирск

Оглавление / Contents
Introduction ...................................................... 1

I  Flavonoids in Dicotyledons of Angiosperms ...................... 2
I-1   Flavonoids from the family Aceraceae fig.5 ............... 2
I-2   Flavonoids from the family Actinidiaceae fig.6 ........ 7
І-3   Flavonoids from the family Aizoaceae fig.7 .............. 8
I-4   Flavonoids from the family Alangiaceae fig.8 .......... 9
I-5   Flavonoids from the family Amaranthaceae fig.9 ........... 9
I-6   Flavonoids from the family Anacardiaceae fig.10 ......... 11
I-7   Flavonoids from the family Annonaceae fig.11 ....... 13
I-8   Flavonoids from the family Apocynaceae fig.13 .... 14
I-9   Flavonoids from the family Aquifoliaceae fig.13 ....... 16
I-10  Flavonoids from the family Araliaceae fig.14 ............ 18
I-11  Flavonoids from the family Aristolochiaceae
      fig.15 ........................................... 20
I-12  Flavonoids from the family Asclepiadaceae fig.16 ...... 27
I-13  Flavonoids from the family Balanophoraceae
      fig.17 ............................................. 28
I-14  Flavonoids from the family Balsaminaceae
      fig.18 ............................................. 28
I-15  Flavonoids from the family Begoniaceae
      fig.19 .......................................... 29
I-16  Flavonoids from the family Berberidaceae fig.20 ........... 29
I-17  Flavonoids from the family Betulaceae fig.21 .......... 34
I-18  Flavonoids from the family Bignoniaceae
      fig.22 ........................................... 40
I-19  Flavonoids from the family Boraginaceae fig.23 ........ 41
I-20  Flavonoids from the family Buxaceae fig.24 ............... 41
I-21  Flavonoids from the family Campanulaceae fig.25 ...... 42
I-22  Flavonoids from the family Capparidaceae
      fig.26 ........................................... 44
I-23  Flavonoids from the family Caprifoliaceae
      fig.27 .............................................. 44
I-24  Flavonoids from the family Caryophyllaceae fig.28 ..... 49
I-25  Flavonoids from the family Casuarinaceae
      fig.29 .............................................. 52
I-26  Flavonoids from the family Celastraceae fig.30 ........ 53
I-27  Flavonoids from the family Cercidiphyllaceae fig.31 ..... 55
I-28  Flavonoids from the family Chenopodiaceae fig.32 ........ 56
I-29  Flavonoids from the family Chloranthaceae
      fig.33 .............................................. 58
I-30  Flavonoids from the family Clethraceae
      fig.34 ................................................ 58
I-31  Flavonoids from the family Clusiaceae fig.35 ............ 59
I-32  Flavonoids from the family Combretaceae fig.36 ........ 60
I-33  Flavonoids from the family Compositae fig.37 ............. 61
I-34  Flavonoids from the family Convolvulaceae fig.38 ..... 93
I-35  Flavonoids from the family Coriariaceae fig.39 ..... 95
I-36  Flavonoids from the family Comaceae fig.40 .............. 95
I-37  Flavonoids from the family Crassulaceae
      fig.41 ........................................... 97
I-38  Flavonoids from the family Cruciferae fig.42 ......... 101
I-39  Flavonoids from the family Cucurbitaceae fig.43 .......... 104
I-40  Flavonoids from the family Daphniphyllaceae
      fig.44 .............................................. 105
I-41  Flavonoids from the family Diapensiaceae fig.45 ...... 105
I-42  Flavonoids from the family Dipsacaceae
      fig.46 ........................................... 105
I-43  Flavonoids from the family Droseraceae
      fig.47 ........................................... 106
I-44  Flavonoids from the family Ebenaceae fig.48 ......... 106
I-45  Flavonoids from the family Elaeagnaceae fig.49 ........... 108
I-46  Flavonoids from the family Empetraceae
      fig.50 ........................................... 108
I-47  Flavonoids from the family Ericaceae fig.51 ............ 109
I-48  Flavonoids from the family Euphorbiaceae
      fig.52 .......................................... 120
I-49  Flavonoids from the family Eupteleaceae
      fig.53 ............................................. 125
I-50  Flavonoids from the family Fagaceae fig.54 ............... 125
I-51  Flavonoids from the family Gentianaceae fig.55 ....... 129
I-52  Flavonoids from the family Geraniaceae
      fig.56 ............................................ 132
I-53  Flavonoids from the family Gesneriaceae fig.57 ...... 133
I-54  Flavonoids from the family Glaucidiaceae
      fig.58 ........................................... 134
I-55  Flavonoids from the family Guttiferae
      fig.59 .......................................... 135
I-56  Flavonoids from the family Haloragaceae
      fig.60 ......................................... 137
I-57  Flavonoids from the family Hamamelidaceae fig.61 ..... 137
I-58  Flavonoids from the family Hemandiaceae
      fig.62 ............................................ 138
I-59  Flavonoids from the family Hippocastanaceae
      fig.63 ............................................... 139
I-60  Flavonoids from the family Hippuridaceae fig.64 ...... 140
I-61  Flavonoids from the family lUiciaceae fig.65 ........... 140
I-62  Flavonoids from the family Juglandaceae fig.66 ......... 141
I-63  Flavonoids from the family Labiatae fig.67 ............... 142
I-64  Flavonoids from the family Lardizabalaceae fig.68 ...... 151
I-65  Flavonoids from the family Lauraceae fig.69 .......... 152
I-66  Flavonoids from the family Lecythidaceae fig.70 ..... 158
I-67  Flavonoids from the family Leguminosae fig.71 ............ 158
I-68  Flavonoids from the family Linaceae fig.72 ............... 227
I-69  Flavonoids from the family Loganiaceae fig.73 ........... 227
I-70  Flavonoids from the family Loranthaceae fig.74 ....... 228
I-71  Flavonoids from the family Lythraceae fig.75 ......... 229
I-72  Flavonoids from the family Magnoliaceae fig.76 ....... 230
I-73  Flavonoids from the family Malvaceae fig.77 ............ 231
I-74  Flavonoids from the family Meliaceae fig.78 .......... 234
I-75  Flavonoids from the family Menispermaceae
      fig.79 ............................................. 234
I-76  Flavonoids from the family Menyanthaceae
      fig.80 ............................................. 234
I-77  Flavonoids from the family Molluginaceae
      fig.81 ............................................ 235
I-78  Flavonoids from the family Moraceae fig.82 ............... 236
I-79  Flavonoids from the family Myoporaceae
      fig.83 ......................................... 247
I-80  Flavonoids from the family Myricaceae fig.84 ........ 248
I-81  Flavonoids from the family Myrsinaceae fig.85 ...... 249
I-82  Flavonoids from the family Myrtaceae fig.86 ......... 250
I-83  Flavonoids from the family Nelumbonaceae fig.87 ......... 252
I-84  Flavonoids from the family Nyctaginaceae
      fig.88 .......................................... 253
I-85  Flavonoids from the family Olacaceae fig.89 ...... 255
I-86  Flavonoids from the family Oleaceae fig.90 ........... 256
I-87  Flavonoids from the family Onagraceae fig.91 ......... 259
I-88  Flavonoids from the family Orobanchaceae fig.92 .... 261
I-89  Flavonoids from the family Oxalidaceae fig.93 ........ 261
I-90  Flavonoids from the family Paeoniaceae fig.94 .......... 261
I-91  Flavonoids from the family Papaveraceae fig.95 ........... 262
I-92  Flavonoids from the family Phytolaccaceae fig.96 ... 263
I-93  Flavonoids from the family Pittosporaceae fig.97 ....... 264
I-94  Flavonoids from the family Plantaginaceae fig.98 .... 265
I-95  Flavonoids from the family Platanaceae fig.99 .... 266
I-96  Flavonoids from the family Plumbaginaceae fig.100 ..... 268
I-97  Flavonoids from the family Podostemaceae fig.101 .. 269
I-98  Flavonoids from the family Polygalaceae fig.102 ........ 269
I-99  Flavonoids from the family Polygonaceae fig.103 ........... 270
I-100 Flavonoids from the family Portulacaceae fig.104 .... 281
I-101 Flavonoids from the family Primulaceae fig.105 ...... 282
I-102 Flavonoids from the family Proteaceae fig.106 ....... 285
I-103 Flavonoids from the family Pyrolaceae fig.107 ...... 285
I-104 Flavonoids from the family Ranunculaceae fig.108 .... 286
I-105 Flavonoids from the family Rhamnaceae fig.109 .... 289
I-106 Flavonoids from the family Rhizophoraceae fig.110 ....... 291
I-107 Flavonoids from the family Rosaceae fig.111 ............... 294
I-108 Flavonoids from the family Rubiaceae fig.112 ............ 316
I-109 Flavonoids from the family Rutaceae fig.113 ............. 318
I-110 Flavonoids from the family Sabiaceae fig.114 ........... 327
I-111 Flavonoids from the family Salicaceae fig.115 ........... 327
I-112 Flavonoids from the family Santalaceae fig.116 ....... 331
I-113 Flavonoids from the family Sapindaceae fig.117 ........ 331
I-114 Flavonoids from the family Saururaceae fig.118 ........ 332
I-115 Flavonoids from the family Saxifragaceae fig.119 .... 334
I-116 Flavonoids from the family Schisandraceae fig.120 ..... 340
I-117 Flavonoids from the family Scrophulariaceae
      fig.121 ............................................ 341
I-118 Flavonoids from the family Simaroubaceae fig.122 ........ 347
I-119 Flavonoids from the family Solanaceae fig.123 ............. 347
I-120 Flavonoids from the family Stachyuraceae fig.124 ........ 348
I-121 Flavonoids from the family Staphyleaceae fig.125 ... 349
I-122 Flavonoids from the family Sterculiaceae fig.126 ...... 350
I-123 Flavonoids from the family Styracaceae fig.127 ........ 350
I-124 Flavonoids from the family Symplocaceae fig.128 ....... 351
I-125 Flavonoids from the family Theaceae fig.120 ............ 352
I-126 Flavonoids from the family Theligonaceae fig.130 .... 357
I-127 Flavonoids from the family Thymelaeaceae fig.131 .. 357
I-128 Flavonoids from the family Тіііасеае fig.132 ......... 360
I-129 Flavonoids from the family Trapaceae fig.133 ............. 361
I-130 Flavonoids from the family Ulmaceae fig.134 ............... 361
I-131 Flavonoids from the family Umbelliferae fig.135 ........... 362
I-132 Flavonoids from the family Urticaceae fig.136 ....... 367
I-133 Flavonoids from the family Valerianaceae fig.137 .... 368
I-134 Flavonoids from the family Verbenaceae fig.138 ....... 368
I-135 Flavonoids from the family Violaceae fig.139 ............ 372
I-136 Flavonoids from the family Vitaceae fig.140 ............. 373
I-137 Flavonoids from the family Zygophyllaceae fig.141 ..... 375

II  Flavonoids in Monocotyledons of Angiosperms ................. 375
II-1  Flavonoids from the family Alismataceae fig.142 ...... 375
II-2  Flavonoids from the family Amaryllidaceae fig.143 ... 376
II-3  Flavonoids from the family Araceae fig.144 ............ 377
II-4  Flavonoids from the family Commelinaceae fig.145 ...... 379
II-5  Flavonoids from the family Cyperaceae fig.146 ..... 379
II-6  Flavonoids from the family Dioscoreaceae fig.147 .... 383
II-7  Flavonoids from the family Eriocaulaceae fig.148 ...... 384
II-8  Flavonoids from the family Gramineae fig.149 .............. 385
II-9  Flavonoids from the family Hydrocharitaceae fig.150 .. 399
II-10 Flavonoids from the family Iridaceae fig.151 ............ 400
II-11 Flavonoids from the family Juncaceae fig.152 ............ 407
II-12 Flavonoids from the family Juncaginaceae fig.153 ........ 407
II-13 Flavonoids from the family Lemnaceae fig.154 .......... 408
II-14 Flavonoids from the family Liliaceae fig.155 ............. 409
II-15 Flavonoids from the family Najadaceae fig.156 ......... 421
II-16 Flavonoids from the family Orchidaceae fig.157 ............ 421
II-17 Flavonoids from the family Palmae fig.158 ................. 423
II-18 Flavonoids from the family Philydraceae fig.159 .... 424
II-19 Flavonoids from the family Pontederiaceae fig.160 ... 425
II-20 Flavonoids from the family Potamogetonaceae fig.161 . 425
II-21 Flavonoids from the family Sparganiaceae fig.162 ....... 426
II-22 Flavonoids from the family Stemonaceae fig.163 ....... 426
II-23 Flavonoids from the family Typhaceae fig.164 ............. 426
II-24 Flavonoids from the family Zingiberaceae fig.165 ...... 427
II-25 Flavonoids from the family Zosteraceae fig.166 ......... 428

III  Flavonoids in Gymnosperms ................................. 429
III-1 Flavonoids from the family Cephalotaxaceae fig.167 ... 429
III-2 Flavonoids from the family Cupressaceae fig.168 ......... 431
1II-3 Flavonoids from the family Cycadaceae fig.169 ........... 434
1II-4 Flavonoids from the family Ginkgoaceae fig.170 ........ 435
1II-5 Flavonoids from the family Pinaceae fig.171 ............... 438
III-6 Flavonoids from the family Podocaфaceae fig.172 ........... 443
III-7 Flavonoids from the family Sciadopityaceae fig.173 .. 444
III-8 Flavonoids from the family Taxaceae fig.174 ............. 444
III-9 Flavonoids from the family Taxodiaceae fig.175 ........... 445

IV  Flavonoids in Pteridopliytes ............................... 447
IV-1  Flavonoids from the family Aspleniaceae fig.177 ... 447
IV-2  Flavonoids from the family Azollaceae fig.178 .... 450
IV-3  Flavonoids from the family Blechnaceae fig.179 ...... 450
IV-4  Flavonoids from the family Cyatheaceae fig.180 ........... 451
IV-5  Flavonoids from the family Davalliaceae fig.181 ......... 452
IV-6  Flavonoids from the family Dennstaedtiaceae
      fig.182 ....................................... 453
IV-7  Flavonoids from the family Dicksoniaceae fig.183 ... 454
IV-8  Flavonoids from the family Dryopteridaceae fig.184 ...... 454
IV-9  Flavonoids from the family Equisetaceae fig.185 ........ 463
IV-10 Flavonoids from the family Gleicheniaceae fig.186 .... 466
IV-11 Flavonoids from the family Hymenophyllaceae fig.187 . 467
IV-12 Flavonoids from the family Lindsaeaceae fig.188 .. 468
IV-13 Flavonoids from the family Lomariopsidaceae
      fig.189 ........................................... 468
IV-14 Flavonoids from the family Lycopodiaceae
      fig.190 .......................................... 468
IV-15 Flavonoids from the family Marattiaceae
      fig.191 ......................................... 469
IV-16 Flavonoids from the family Marsileaceae fig.192 ...... 469
IV-17 Flavonoids from the family Ophioglossaceae fig.193 .. 470
IV-18 Flavonoids from the family Osumundaceae fig.194 ....... 473
IV-19 Flavonoids from the family Parkeriaceae fig.195 ... 473
IV-20 Flavonoids from the family Plagiogyriaceae
      fig.196 ........................................... 476
IV-21 Flavonoids from the family Polypodiaceae fig.197 ...... 477
IV-22 Flavonoids from the family Psilotaceae fig.198 ...... 478
IV-23 Flavonoids from the family Pteridaceae fig.199 .... 478
IV-24 Flavonoids from the family Schizaeaceae fig.200 ....... 481
IV-25 Flavonoids from the family Selaginellaceae fig.201 .... 481
lV-26 Flavonoids from the family Thelypteridaceae fig.202 ... 484
IV-27 Flavonoids from the family Woodsiaceae fig.203 ...... 487

V  Flavonoids in Bryopiiytes ................................... 492
V-1   Flavonoids from the family Aulacomniaceae fig.204 ..... 492
V-2   Flavonoids from the family Bartramiaceae fig.205 ...... 494
V-3   Flavonoids from the family Blasiaceae fig.206 .... 496
V-4   Flavonoids from the family Bryaceae fig.207 ....... 496
V-5   Flavonoids from the family Conocephalaceae fig.208 .... 498
V-6   Flavonoids from the family Dicranaceae fig.209 ...... 498
V-7   Flavonoids from the family Frullaniaceae fig.210 .... 499
V-8   Flavonoids from the family Funariaceae fig.211 .. 500
V-9   Flavonoids from the family Grimmiaceae fig.212 ... 500
V-10  Flavonoids from the family Hedwigiaceae fig.213 ..... 500
V-11  Flavonoids from the family Hylocomiaceae fig.214 ... 501
V-12  Flavonoids from the family Hypnaceae fig.215 .......... 502
V-13  Flavonoids from the family Jungermanniaceae fig.216 .. 504
V-14  Flavonoids from the family Lejeuneaceae fig.217 ..... 504
V-15  Flavonoids from the family Lunulariaceae
      fig.218 ....................................... 505
V-16  Flavonoids from the family Marchantiaceae fig.219 .... 505
V-l7  Flavonoids from the family Metzgeriaceae fig.220 ... 506
V-18  Flavonoids from the family Mniaceae fig.221 ...... 507
V-19  Flavonoids from the family Monosoleniaceae
      fig.222 ......................................... 508
V-20  Flavonoids from the family Pelliaceae fig.223 ...... 508
V-21  Flavonoids from the family Polytrichaceae fig.224 .... 509
V-22  Flavonoids from the family Pseudolepicoleaceae
      fig.225 ....................................... 509
V-23  Flavonoids from the family Radulaceae fig.226 ...... 509
V-24  Flavonoids from the family Ricciaceae fig.227 .......... 510
V-25  Flavonoids from the family Scapaniaceae fig.228 .... 511
V-26  Flavonoids from the family Sphagnaceae fig.229 ........ 511
V-27  Flavonoids from the family Takakiaceae
      fig.230 ...................................... 512
V-28  Flavonoids from the family Targioniaceae
      fig.231 ......................................... 512
V-29  Flavonoids from the family Tricholeaceae fig.232 .... 512
V-30  Flavonoids from the family Wiesnerellaceae
      fig.233 ........................................... 513

VI  Flavonoids in other organisms .............................. 513
VI-1  Flavonoids from algae fig.234 ............................... 513
Vl-2  Flavonoids from animals fig.235 ............................ 514
Vl-3  Flavonoids from fungi fig.236 .............................. 515

References ..................................................... 515

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