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ОбложкаCybernetics: the Macy conferences 1946-1953: the complete transactions / ed. by C.Pias. - Zurich; Berlin: Diaphanes, 2016. – 734 p. - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - Ind.: p.729-734. - ISBN 978-3-03734-598-6
Шифр: (И/З 81-C98) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Editorial Note .................................................. 9
The Age of Cybernetics ......................................... 11
   Claus Pias 

Participants ................................................... 28
Introductory Discussion ........................................ 29
The Psychological Moment in Perception ......................... 41
   John Stroud
The Neurotic Potential and Human Adaptation .................... 66
   Lawrence S. Kubie
Quantum Mechanical Theory of Memory ............................ 98
   Heinz von Foerster
Possible Mechanisms of Recall and Recognition ................. 122
Sensory Prosthesises .......................................... 160
   Norbert Wiener
References .................................................... 163

Participants .................................................. 166
Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation Conference Program ................ 167
   Frank Fremont-Smith
Introductory Remarks .......................................... 169
   Warren S. McCulloch
Some of the Problems Concerning Digital Notions in the 
Central Nervous System ........................................ 171
   Ralph W. Gerard
The Manner in Which and Extent to Which Speech Can Be 
Distorted and Remain Intelligible ............................. 203
   J.C.R. Licklider
The Redundancy of English ..................................... 248
   Claude E. Shannon
Experience in Learning Primitive Languages Through the Use 
of Learning High Level Linguistic Abstractions ................ 273
   Margaret Mead
On the Development of Word Meanings ........................... 291
   Heinz Werner
The Development of Language in Early Childhood ................ 303
   John Stroud
The Relationship of Symbolic Function in Language Formation 
and in Neurosis ............................................... 307
   Lawrence S. Kubie
Appendix I:
Body Symbolization and Development of Language ................ 326
   Lawrence S. Kubie
Appendix II: References ....................................... 335

Participants .................................................. 338
Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation Conference Program ................ 339
A Note by the Editors ......................................... 341
Communication Patterns in Problem-Solving Groups .............. 349
   Alex Bavelas
Communication Between Men: The Meaning of Language ............ 382
   Ivor A. Richards
Communication Between Sane and Insane: Hypnosis ............... 416
   Lawrence S. Kubie
Communication Between Animals ................................. 446
   Herbert G. Birch
Presentation of a Maze-Solving Machine ........................ 474
   Claude Shannon
In Search of Basic Symbols .................................... 480
   Donald M. Mac Kay
Appendix I:
The Nomenclature of Information Theory ........................ 511
   Donald M. Mac Kay
Explanatory Glossary .......................................... 513
Alphabetical Index of Terms Used in Information Theory
and Related Communication Theory .............................. 522
Appendix II: References ....................................... 525

Participants .................................................. 530
Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation Conference Program ................ 531
A Note by the Editors ......................................... 533
The Position of Humor in Human Communication .................. 541
   Gregory Bateson
The Place of Emotions in the Feedback Concept ................. 575
   Lawrence S. Kubie
Homeostasis ................................................... 593
   W. Ross Ashby
Discrimination and Learning in Octopus ........................ 620
   J.Z. Young
Reduction of the Number of" Possible Boolean Functions ........ 629
   John R. Bowman
Central Excitation and Inhibition ............................. 634
   Ralph W. Gerard
Mechanical Chess Player ....................................... 651
   W. Ross Ashby
Turbulence as Random Stimulation of Sense Organs .............. 654
   G. Evelyn Hutchinson
Investigations on Synaptic Transmission ....................... 657
   Walter Pitts
Feedback Mechanism in Cellular Biology ........................ 666
   Henry Quastler
Appendix I: References ........................................ 677

Participants .................................................. 682
Foreword ...................................................... 683
The Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation Conference Program ............ 683
Introductory Remarks .......................................... 687
   Warren S. Mc Culloch
Studies on Activity of the Brain .............................. 689
   W. Grey-Walter
Semantic Information and its Measures ......................... 697
   Yehoshua Bar-Hillel
Meaning in Language and How it is Acquired .................... 707
   Yuen Ren Chao
Appendix I: Summary of the Points of Agreement Reached in 
the Previous Nine Conferences on Cybernetics .................. 719
   Warren S. Mc Culloch
Appendix II: References ....................................... 727

Index ......................................................... 729

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