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ОбложкаBudapest geokalauza = Budapest geoguide / eds.: G.Laszio et al. - Budapest: Geological and geophysical institute of Hungary, 2016. - 314 p.: ill. + 1 l. m. - Text parall. Engl., Hung. - ISBN 978-963-671-304-1
Шифр: (И/Д59-В92) 02


Место хранения: 02 | Отделение ГПНТБ СО РАН | Новосибирск

Оглавление / Contents
Foreword ........................................................ 5
General review .................................................. 7
  Introduction .................................................. 8
     The history of researcii ................................... 9
  Geograptiic overview ......................................... 11
  Geologic overview ............................................ 14
     Geological history of ttie area and its tectonic evolut ... 14
     Formations mentioned in the geological guide .............. 21
     The caves of Budapest and its vicinity .................... 31
     Geological nature trails .................................. 34
     Geological key sections ................................... 35
  Hydrogeology ................................................. 37
     Rivers .................................................... 37
     Lakes ..................................................... 40
     Subsurface water .......................................... 44
        Shallow groundwater .................................... 44
        Springs ................................................ 46
     Baths (spas and medical baths) ............................ 53
  Geology of buildings ......................................... 55
Geological sites ............................................... 59
1-16. From the Aranyhegy Creek to the ördög Ditch .............. 61
  1  Buda, Castle Hill ......................................... 62
  2  "Felhéviz" bathes, Moinár János Cave ...................... 67
  3  Szemlő Hill and its vicinity .............................. 72
  4  Ferenc Hill and Balogh Ádám Cliff ......................... 76
  5  Kiscell ................................................... 78
  6  Mátyás Hill - Pál Valley .................................. 80
  7  Fenyőgyóngye .............................................. 86
  8  Hármashatár Hill Group - Eastern side ..................... 89
  9  Hármashatár Hill - Ujlak Hill ............................. 92
  10 Kecske Hill ............................................... 97
  11 Látó Hill ................................................ 100
  12 Apáthy Cliff, Кő Gate .................................... 102
  13 Vörös Fortress ........................................... 104
  14 Felső-patak Hill-Kálvária Hill ........................... 106
  15 Clay mine at Solymár, Alsó-patak Hill .................... 108
  15 Solymár, Rozália brickyard ............................... 110
17-39 From the Ördög Ditch to the Budaörs Basin ............... 113
  17 Gellért Hill ............................................. 114
  18 Gellért Hill, springs, bathes ............................ 118
  19 Sas Hill ................................................. 122
  20 Kis-Sváb Hill ............................................ 125
  21 The western side of János Hill ........................... 127
  22 Zugliget, Tündér Cliff and its vicinity .................. 129
  23 Hárs Hill ................................................ 132
  24 Fazekas Hill ............................................. 134
  25 Márton Hill .............................................. 136
  26 Ördög Comb ............................................... 138
  27 Rupp Hill, Tüzkő Hill, Nap Hill .......................... 140
  28 Budaörs, Budaörs Hill .................................... 143
  29 Budaörs, Кő Hill ......................................... 145
  30 Budaörs, Odvas Hill ...................................... 149
  31 Budaörs, Út Hill ......................................... 154
  32 Budaörs, Törökugrató ..................................... 156
  33 Budaörs, Huszonnégyökrös Hill ............................ 160
  34 Budaörs, Beehive Stone, Kecske Hill ...................... 164
  35 Budaörs, Ló Hill ......................................... 167
  36 Budakeszi. Sorrento and the Farkas Hill .................. 169
  37 Budakeszi, Vadaspark ..................................... 172
  38 Nagykoväcsi, Remete Creek ................................ 175
  39 Páty, Mézes Hill ......................................... 177
40-43 From the Nagy-Szénás Hill to Piliscsaba ................. 179
  40 Solymár, Ördöglyuk and its vicinity ...................... 180
  41 Nagykovácsi. Nagy-Szénás ................................. 182
  42 Pilisszentiván, Ördög Tower and its vicinity ............. 184
  43 Piliscsaba, Csabai-gomba and its vicinity ................ 187
  44 Pilisvörösvár. friable dolomite quarry ................... 189
45-53 The south-eastern part of the Pilis Hills ............... 191
  45 Csobánka, Oszoly High .................................... 192
  46 Csobánka, Kis-Kevély ..................................... 195
  47 Pilisbofosjenő. Nagy-Kevely .............................. 198
  48 Pilisborosjenő, Teve Cliff ............................... 202
  49 Pilisborosjenő, Köves Crag. Kutyák Valley ................ 204
  50 Pilisborosjenő, Ezüst Hill and its vicinity .............. 207
  51 Budakalász, quarry ....................................... 210
  52 Üröm. Péter Hill, Laposkő Quarry ......................... 212
  53 Róka Hill (Csillaghegy) .................................. 215
54-63. The southern foreland of the Buda Hills ................ 219
  54 Springs and wells of bitter water ........................ 220
  55 Kamaraerdő ............................................... 223
  56 Budafok .................................................. 225
  57 Budatétény ............................................... 229
  58 Baross Gábor estate ...................................... 232
  59 Diósd. limestone quarries ................................ 234
  60 Diósd, Beehive Stones .................................... 236
  61 Törökbálint, clay pit .................................... 238
  62 Sóskút, limestone quarry, Kálvária Hill .................. 241
  63 Biatorbágy. Nyakas Cliff ................................. 244
64-66 The islands of the Danube ............................... 247
  64 Szentendre Island, drinking water wells .................. 248
  65 Margaret Island .......................................... 251
  66 Csepel Island ............................................ 257
67-74 The Pest Plain and the Gödötlő Hills .................... 259
  67 Fót, Somlyó Hill ......................................... 260
  68 Mogyoród ................................................. 263
  69 Csömör, gravel-pit ....................................... 265
  70 Rákos railway cut ........................................ 268
  71 Kőbánya .................................................. 270
  72 City centre .............................................. 272
  73 Terézváros. Erzsébetváros ................................ 279
  74 városliget / City park ................................... 286
  75 Metro lines .............................................. 291
Appendix ...................................................... 307
  Dictionary (in Hungarian) ................................... 308
  Further reading ............................................. 313
Enclosure: The Geological map of Budapest area 1:50 000

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