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ОбложкаLaruelle M. Russian Eurasianism: an ideology of empire / transl. by M.Gabowisch. - Washington: Woodrow Wilson Center Press; Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2012. - xi, 276 p. - Bibliogr.: p.255-268. - Ind.: p.269-276. - ISBN 978-1-4214-0576-6
Шифр: (И/Т3(2)7-L34) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Acknowledgments ................................................ xi
Introduction: Eurasianism—Marginal or Mainstream
in Contemporary Russia? ......................................... 1
   The Historical Roots of the Eurasianist Idea ................. 2
   Neo-Eurasianism and Its Place in Post-Soviet Russia .......... 4
   Neo-Eurasianist Doctrine and Russian Foreign Policy .......... 7
   Marginal or Mainstream? ...................................... 9
   Premises of This Study ...................................... 12
   Plan of the Book ............................................ 14
1  Early Eurasianism, 1920-1930 ................................ 16
   The Life and Death of a Current of Thought .................. 17
   A Philosophy of Politics .................................... 25
   A Geographic Ideology ....................................... 31
   An Ambiguous Orientalism .................................... 40
   Conclusions ................................................. 46
2  Lev Gumilev: A Theory of Ethnicity? ......................... 50
   From Dissidence to Public Endorsement: An Atypical 
   Biography ................................................... 51
   "The Last Eurasianist"? ..................................... 55
   Gumilev's Episteme: Subjecting the Humanities to the
   Natural Sciences ............................................ 60
   Theories of the Ethnos or Naturalistic Determinism .......... 65
   The Complex History of the Eurasian Totality ................ 70
   Xenophobia, Mixophobia, and Anti-Semitism ................... 74
   Gumilev, Russian Nationalism, and Soviet Ethnology .......... 77
   Conclusions ................................................. 81
3  Aleksandr Panarin: Philosophy of History and the
   Revival of Culturalism ...................................... 83
   Is There a Unified Neo-Eurasianist Theory? .................. 84
   From Liberalism to Conservatism: Panarin's Intellectual
   Biography ................................................... 86
   "Civilizationism" and "Postmodernism" ....................... 89
   Rehabilitating Empire: "Civilizational" Pluralism and
   Ecumenical Theocracy ........................................ 95
   Highlighting Russia's "Internal East" ...................... 101
   Conclusions ................................................ 105
4  Aleksandr Dugin: A Russian Version of the European
   Radical Right? ............................................. 107
   Dugin's Social Trajectory and Its Significance ............. 108
   A Russian Version of Antiglobalism: Dugin's Geopolitical 
   Theories ................................................... 115
   Traditionalism as the Foundation of Dugin's Thought ........ 120
   The Russian Proponent of the New Right? .................... 126
   Fascism, Conservative Revolution, and National
   Bolshevism ................................................. 131
   A Veiled Anti-Semitism ..................................... 135
   Ethno-Differentialism and the Idea of Russian 
   Distinctiveness ............................................ 138
   Conclusions ................................................ 141
5  The View from "Within": Non-Russian Neo-Eurasianism
   and Islam .................................................. 145
   The Emergence of Muslim Eurasianist Political Parties ...... 146
   The Eurasianist Games of the Russian Muftiates ............. 155
   Tatarstan: The Pragmatic Eurasianism of Russia's
   "Ethnic" Regions ........................................... 162
   Conclusions ................................................ 169
6  Neo-Eurasianism in Kazakhstan and Turkey ................... 171
   Kazakhstan: Eurasianism in Power ........................... 171
   The Turkish Case: On the Confusion between Turkism,
   Pan-Turkism, and Eurasianism ............................... 188
Conclusion: The Evolution of the Eurasian(ist) Idea ........... 202
   The Unity of Eurasianism ................................... 204
   Organicism at the Service of Authoritarianism:
   "Revolution" or "Conservatism"? ............................ 209
   Nationalism: Veiled or Openly Espoused: The Cultural
   Racism of Eurasianism ...................................... 211
   Science, Political Movement, or Think Tank? ................ 214
   Is Eurasianism Relevant to Explanations of Contemporary
   Geopolitical Change? ....................................... 217
   Psychological Compensation or Part of a Global 
   Phenomenon? ................................................ 219
Notes ......................................................... 223
Bibliography .................................................. 255
Index ......................................................... 269

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