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ОбложкаAnalytic and algebraic geometry 2: [proc. of the annual conf., this vol. is dedicated to tree mathematicians celebrating in 2017 the jubilees of 70th and 60th birth annversaries: A.Ploski, K.Rusek a. K.Kurdyka] / ed. by T.Krasiński, S.Spodzieja. - Łódź: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2017. - 188 p.: ill. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art. - ISBN 978-83-7969-017-6
Шифр: (И/В18-A53) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ......................................................... 7

DEDICATIONS ..................................................... 9
1  Arkadiusz Płoski
   Photo of Arkadiusz Płoski ................................... 11
   Arkadiusz Płoski - Scientific biography ..................... 13
2  Kamil Rusek
   Photo of Kamil Rusek ........................................ 15
   Kamil Rusek - Scientific biography .......................... 17
3  Krzysztof Kurdyka
   Photo of Krzysztof Kurdyka .................................. 19
   Krzysztof Kurdyka - Scientific biography .................... 21
4  |Shreeram Shankar Abhyankar|
   Photo of Shreeram Shankar Abhyankar ......................... 23
   Note about Shreeram Shankar Abhyankar (1930-2012) ........... 25
   Poem: |Shreeram S. Abhyankar|. Polynomials and power 
         series ................................................ 27
   Poem: |Shreeram S. Abhyankar|. Wielomiany i szeregi potggowe
         (translation into Polish by Michał Szurek) ............ 29
   Poem: |Shreeram S. Abhyankar|. Wielomiany i szeregi 
         potęgowe (translation into Polish by Tadeusz
         Krasiński) ............................................ 33

SCIENTIFIC ARTICLES ............................................ 35
5  Szymon Brzostowski, Tadeusz Krasiński, and Justyna 
   A short proof that equisingular plane curve singularities
   are topologically equivalent ................................ 37
6  Szymon Brzostowski and Tomasz Rodak
   The Łojasiewicz exponent via the valuative Hamburger-
   Noether process ............................................. 51
7  Stanislaw Janeczko, Zbigniew Jelonek, and Maria Aparecida 
   Soares Ruas
   On a generic symmetry defect hypersurface ................... 67
8  Zbigniew Jelonek, Wojciech Kucharz, and Krzysztof Kurdyka
   Vector bundles and blowups .................................. 75
9  Piotr Jędrzejewicz, Łukasz Matysiak, and Janusz Zieliński
   A note on square-free factorizations ........................ 79
10 Wojciech Kucharz and Krzysztof Kurdyka
   Rationality of semialgcbraic functions ...................... 85
11 Jean Moulin Ollagnier and Andrzej Nowicki
   Rational constants of cyclotomic derivations ................ 97
12 Andrzej Nowicki
   Divergence-free polynomial derivations ..................... 123
13 Beata Osińska-Ulrych and Grzegorz Skalski
   The Cauchy-Kowalevski Theorem .............................. 145
14 Arkadiusz Płoski
   Formal and convergent solutions of analytic equations ...... 161
15 Arkadiusz Płoski and Maciej Seękalski
   Bézout's inequality for real polynomials ................... 175
16 Stanisiaw Spodzieja and Anna Szlachcińska
   Łojasiewicz exponent of overdetermined semialgebraic
   mappings ................................................... 179

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