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ОбложкаProceedings of the International symposium on Exotic Nuclei: EXON 2016, Kazan, Russia, 4-10 Sept. 2016 / eds.: Yu.E.Penionzhkevich, Yu.G.Sobolev. - Singapore: World Scientific, 2017. - xxviii, 455 p.: ill., tab. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art. - Auth. ind.: p.405-411. - ISBN 978-981-3226-53-1
Шифр: (И/В38-I.69) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ....................................................... vii
Yu.E. Penionzhkevich
Committee Members ............................................ xvii
Organizers .................................................. xviii

1. Methods and Production of Light Exotic Nuclei and Study of
   their Properties ............................................. 1

Delayed Multi-Neutron Emission in very Neutron-Rich Nuclei ...... 3
I.N. Borzov
High-Excited States of Light Neutron-Rich Nuclei ............... 11
B.A. Chernyshev, Yu.B. Gurov, L.Yu. Korotkova, S.V. Lapushkin,
R.V. Pritula, V.G. Sandukovsky, M.V. Tel'kushev

Do the Dilute States Exist in l6O .............................. 17
A.N. Danilov, A.S. Demyanova, A.A. Ogloblin, S.A. Goncharov,
T.L. Belyaeva

Neutrons Transfer in the Reaction 22Ne + 197Au ................. 25
at Energy Region Near Coulomb Barrier
N.A. Demekhina, A.R. Balabekyan, В.M. Hue,
Yu.E. Penionzhkevich, N.K. Skobelev

The First Identification of the Proton Halo in the Excited
State of 13N ................................................... 31
A.S. Demyanova, A.A. Ogloblin, A.N. Danilov, T.L. Belyaeva,
S.A. Goncharov, W. Trzaska
Spectra of Fragments in Heavy-Ion Collisions in Hydrodynamic
Approach with a Non-Equilibrium Equation of State .............. 38
A.T. D'yachenko, I.A. Mitropolsky, Yu.G. Sobolev
Total Nuclear Reaction Cross Sections Measurement .............. 41
B. Erdemchimeg, A.G. Artukh, S. Davaa, S.A. Klygin,
G.A. Kononenko, G. Khuukhenkhuu, S.M. Lukyanov, К. Mendibaev,
T.I. Mikhailova, Yu.M. Sereda, Yu.E. Penionzhkevich,
A.N. Vorontzov

Study of the Interaction of Deutrons with 3 < Z < 50
Nuclei at the Energies up to 200 MeV ........................... 46
A.M. Kabyshev, K.A. Kuterbekov, A.К. Azhibekov, M.M. Kubenova,
A.M. Mukhambetzhan, Yu.E. Penionzhkevich, Yu.G. Sobolev,
S.M. Lukyanov, V.M. Maslov

Investigation of Elastic Scattering of 3He on 28Si Nucleus in
Energy Range 8-217 MeV ......................................... 51
K.A. Kuterbekov, A.M. Kabyshev, A.K. Azhibekov, M.M. Kubenova,
R. Nurgaliyeva, Y.M. Orda, Yu.E. Penionzhkevich,
Yu.G. Sobolev, S.M. Lukyanov, V.M. Maslov

From Quark and Nuclйon Correlations to Discrete Symmetry and
Clustering in Nuclei ........................................... 58
G. Musulmanbekov

Neutron Rearrangement in Reactions with Light Weakly-Bound
Nuclei ......................................................... 67
M.A. Naumenko, Yu.E. Penionzhkevich, V.V. Samarin,
N.K. Skobelev

Inelastic 9Be + a Scattering at 90 MeV: Whether a Catastrophe
in 9Be Spectroscopy Happened? .................................. 72
A.A. Ogloblin, A.S. Demyanova, A.N. Danilov, S.V. Dmitriev,
V.I. Starastsin, S.A. Goncharov, T.L. Belyaeva, W. Trzaska

Energy Dependence of Total Cross Sections for Reactions with
6He, 6,9Li Nuclei .............................................. 78
Yu.E. Penionzhkevich, Yu.G. Sobolev, V.V. Samarin,
M.A. Naumenko

Fusion and Breakup Fusion of 6Li with l94Pt at Energies Around
Coulomb Barrier ................................................ 87
C. Petrone, S. Calinescu, С. Borcea, A. Buta, R. Borcea,
R. Margineanu, A. Negret, A. Olacel, F. Rotaru, M. Stanoiu,
G. Suliman, Yu.E. Penionzhkevich, Yu.G. Sobolev,
S.M. Lukyanov, N.K. Skobelev, M.P. Ivanov, Ph. Dessagne,
M. Kerveno

Study of Ground States of Few-Body and Cluster Nuclei by
Feynman's Continual Integrals Method ........................... 93
V.V. Samarin, M.A. Naumenko

Multi-Neutron Emission of Neutron-Rich Ca Isotopes ............ 100
A.P. Severyukhin, N.N. Arsenyev, E.O. Sushenok, I.N. Borzov,
Yu.E. Penionzhkevich, D. Verney

Search for 2p Decay of the First Excited State of 17Ne ........ 105
P.G. Sharov

The Population of Excited Nuclear States in Fusion and
Transfer Reactions with Beams of Weakly Bound Nuclei .......... 111
N.K. Skobelev, Yu.E. Penionzhkevich, V. Burjan, V. Kroha,
J. Mrázek, Š. Piskoř

Two-phonon Mixed-symmetry States in the Domain N=52 ........... 119
Ch. Stoyanov

2. Superheavy Elements. Synthesis and Properties .............. 125

Dynamical Approach for Synthesis of Superheavy Nuclei at the
Center of Island Stability .................................... 127
Y. Aritomo

Superheavy Elements: A New Paradigm ........................... 132
C. Borcea, Yu.E. Penionzhkevich, S.M. Lukyanov,
D.T. Aznabayev, B.M. Hue, V.A. Maslov, K. Mendibaev,
F. Rotaru, N.K. Skobelev, V.I. Smirnov, Yu.G. Sobolev
Pre-Scission Model Predictions of Fission Fragment Mass
Distributions for Superheavy Elements ......................... 137
N. Carjan, F.A. Ivanyuk, Yu.Ts. Oganessian

The Study of Fusion-Fission and Quasifission Processes in
the Reactions 48Ca + 208Pb, 232Th > 238U 244pU, 248Cm .......... 143
E.V. Chernysheva, E.M. Kozulin, I.M. Itkis, G.N. Knyazheva,
L. Krupa, F. Hanappe, W.H. Trzaska

Remarks on the Fission Barriers of SHN and Search for
Element 120 ................................................... 155
S. Hofmann, S. Heinz, R. Mann, J. Maurer, G. Münzenberg,
S. Antalic, W. Barth, H.G. Burkhard, L. Dahl, К. Eberhardt,
R. Grzywacz, J.H. Hamilton, R.A. Henderson, J.M. Kenneally,
В. Kindler, I. Kojouharov, R. Lang, В. Lommel, К. Miernik,
D. Miller, К.J. Moody, K. Morita, K. Nishio, A.G. Popeko,
J.В. Roberto, J. Runke, K.P. Rykaczewski, S. Saro,
C. Scheidenberger, H.J. Schött, D.A. Shaughnessy,
M.A. Stoyer, P. Thörle-Pospiech, К. Tinschert, N. Trautmann,
J. Uusitalo, A.V. Yeremin

Possibilities of Production of New Transfermium Isotopes
in Various Evaporation Channels ............................... 165
J. Hong, G.G. Adamian, N.V. Antonenko

Fusion Probabilities in the Reactions with Actinide Nuclei
Leading to the Formation of SHE ............................... 173
I.M. Itkis, M.G. ltkis, G.N. Knyazheva, E.M. Kozulin

Inverse Quasifission in the Reactions 156,160Gd + 186W at the
Coulomb Barrier Energy ........................................ 181
I.M. Itkis, E.M. Kozulin, G.N. Knyazheva, К.V. Novikov,
M.G. Itkis, S.N. Dmitriev, A.V. Karpov, V.I. Zagrebaev,
A.E. Bondarchenko, E. Vardaci

Some Results on the Structure of Superheavy Nuclei ............ 186
R.V. Jolos, G.G. Adamian, N.V. Antonenko, A.N. Bezbakh,
V.G. Kartavenko, L.A. Malov, V.O. Nesterenko,
N.Yu. Shirikova, A.V. Sushkov

Recent Achievements in Theoretical Predictions of Gas-Phase
Experimental Behavior of Elements 112, 113 and 114 ............ 192
V. Pershina

The Prompt Neutron Characteristics in the Spontaneous
Fission of Superheavy Nuclei .................................. 199
V.A. Rubchenya

Experiments on Synthesis of Superheavy Nuclei 284F1 and 285F1
in the 239,240Pu + 48Ca Reactions ............................. 205
M.V. Shumeiko, V.K. Utyonkov, N.T. Brewer,
Yu.Ts. Oganessian, K.P. Rykaczewski, F.Sh. Abdullin,
S.N. Dmitriev, R.K. Grzywacz, M.G. Itkis, K. Miernik,
A.N. Polyakov, J.B. Roberto, R.N. Sagaidak,
I.V. Shirokovsky, Yu.S. Tsyganov, A.A. Voinov,
V.G. Subbotin, A.M. Sukhov, A.V. Sabel'nikov, G.K. Vostokin,
J.H. Hamilton, M.A. Stoyer, S.Y. Strauss

Discovery of Elements 113-118 ................................. 210
V.K. Utyonkov, Yu.Ts. Oganessian, S.N. Dmitriev, M.G. Itkis,
K.J. Moody, M.A. Stoyer, D.A. Shaughnessy, J.B. Roberto,
K.P. Rykaczewski, J.H. Hamilton

Results from the Recent Study of the 249-251Cf + 48Ca
Reactions ..................................................... 219
A.A. Voinov, Yu.Ts. Oganessian, F.Sh. Abdullin, N.T. Brewer,
S.N. Dmitriev, R.К. Grzywacz, J.H. Hamilton, M.G. Itkis,
K. Miernik, A.N. Polyakov, J.B. Roberto, K.P. Rykaczewski,
A.V. Sabelnikov, R.N. Sagaidak, I.V. Shirokovsky,
M.V. Shumeiko, M.A. Stoyer, V.G. Subbotin, A.M. Sukhov,
Yu.S. Tsyganov, V.K. Utyonkov, G.K. Vostokin

3. Nuclear Reactions, Fission and Decays. Rare Processes ...... 225

Two-Proton Radioactivity of 67Kr .............................. 227
T. Goigoux, P. Ascher, В. Blank, M. Gerbaux, J. Giovinazzo,
S. Grévy, T. Kurtukian Nieto, C. Magron, J. Agramunt,
A. Algora, V. Guadilla, A. Montaner-Piza, A.I. Morales,
S.E.A. Orrigo, B. Rubio, D.S. Ahn, P. Doornenbal, N. Fukuda,
N. Inabe, G.G. Kiss, T. Kubo, S. Kubono, S. Nishimura,
H. Sakurai, Y. Shimizu, C. Sidong, P.-A. Söderström,
T. Sumikama, H. Suzuki, H. Takeda, P. Vi, J. Wu, Y. Fujita,
M. Tanaka, W. Gelletly, P. Aguilera, F. Molina, F. Diel,
D. Lubos, G. de Angelis, D. Napoli, С. Borcea, A. Boso,
R.B. Cakirli, E. Ganioglu, J. Chiba, D. Nishimura,
H. Oikawa, Y. Takei, S. Yagi, K. Wimmer, G. de France,
S. Go, В.A. Brown

The Reaction 32S + 197Au Near the Interaction
Barrier ....................................................... 236
I.M. Harca, E. Kozulin, E. Vardaci, M. Ashaduzzaman,
C. Borcea, A.	Bracco, S. Brambilla, S. Calinescu, F. Camera,
M. Ciemala, B.	DeCanditiis, O. Dorvaux, I. Itkis,
V.V. Kirakosyan, G. Knyazheva, N. Kozulina, I.V. Kolesov,
G. La Rana, A. Maj, I. Matea, K. Novikov, C.	Petrone,
A. Pulcini, D. Quero, P. Rath, E. Saveleva, C. Schmitt,
G. Sposito, O. Stezowski, W.H. Trzaska, J. Wilson

Evidences of True Ternary and Quaternary Fission of Low
Excited Actinides ............................................. 243
D.V. Kamanin, A.A. Alexandrov, I.A. Alexandrova,
E.A. Kuznetsova, A.O. Strekalovsky, О.V. Strekalovsky,
V.E. Zhuchko, Yu.V. Pyatkov, N. Mkaza, V. Malaza
Production of Neutron-Rich Nuclei in l36Xe + 208Pb
Multinucleon Transfer Reaction ................................ 249
A.V. Karpov, V.V. Saiko

Production of Radon Isotopes in the Reactions 48Ca + 242Pu
and 48Ca + 208Pb on Mass Separator Masha ....................... 256
A.M. Rodin, A.V. Belozerov, E.V. Chernysheva, S.N. Dmitriev,
A.V. Gulyaev, A.V. Gulyaeva, A.B. Komarov, A.S. Novoselov,
A.V. Podshibyakin, S. Salamatin, S.V. Stepantsov,
V.Yu. Vedeneev, S.A. Yukhimchuk, L. Krupa, C. Granja,
S. Pospisil, M. Holik, J. Kliman, S. Motycak, D. Kamas

Lifetime Measurements Beyond l32Sn ............................. 262
R. Lozeva
Beta-Delayed Fission of Neutron-Rich Uranium and
Plutonium Isotopes ............................................ 267
Yu.S. Lutostansky, V.I. Lyashuk, I.V. Panov

Determination of the Galaxy Age on the Basis of Uranium-
Thorium ....................................................... 272
Isotopic Relations and Galaxy Nucleosynthesis Model
I.V. Panov, Yu.S. Lutostansky, M. Eichler, F.-K. Thielemann

Structures in the Nuclear Electric-Dipole Spectrum ............ 278
P. Papakonstantinou

New Results in Study of Shape Isomer States in Fission
Fragments ..................................................... 284
Yu.V. Pyatkov, D.V. Kamanin, A.A. Alexandrov,
I.A. Alexandrova, Z.I. Goryainova, E.A. Kuznetsova,
A.O. Strekalovsky, O.V. Strekalovsky, V.E. Zhuchko,
N. Mkaza, V. Malaza

Spontaneous Fission of 256Rf and 250No — New Experimental
Data .......................................................... 288
A.I. Svirikhin, A.V. Andreev, A.V. Yeremin, I.N. lzosimov,
A.V. Isaev, A.N. Kuznetsov, A.A. Kuznetsova, O.N. Malyshev
A.G. Popeko, Y.A. Popov, E.A. Sokol, M.L. Chelnokov,
V.I. Chepigin, T.M. Schneidman, B. Gall, O. Dorvaux,
P. Brione, K. Hauschild, A. Lopez-Martens, K. Rezynkina,
S. Mullins, P. Jones, P. Mosat

Pygmy Gamow-Teller Resonance in the N = 50 Region: New
Evidence from Staggering of β-Delayed Neutron-Emission
Probabilities Observed with TETRA ............................. 292
D. Verney, B. Roussière, F. Ibrahim, S. Franchoo, R. Li,
I. Matea, I. Stefan, D. Suzuki, D. Testov, V. Smirnov,
Yu.E. Penionzhkevich, E. Kuznetsova, E. Sokol,
F. Didierjean, H. Pai

Multi-Phonon у Vibrational Bands in l03,108Mo and 103,105Nb,
Chiral Vibrations in l04,106Mo and Octupole Correlations
in l46,l47La ................................................... 298
E.H. Wang, J.H. Hamilton, C.J. Zachary, H. Fryman-Sinkhorn,
J. Marcellino, W. Lewis, B. Musangu, A.V. Ramayya,
J.M. Eldridge, G.H. Bhat, J.A. Sheikh, R.N. Ali,
A.A. Wani, A.C. Dai, W.Y. Liang, F.R. Xu, J.K. Hwang,
Y.X. Luo, J.O. Rasmussen, S.J. Zhu, G.M. Ter-Akopian,
Yu.Ts. Oganessian

4. Scientific Projects and Experimental Facilities ............ 307

Mass and Energy Resolutions in 2V-Method ...................... 309
E.V. Chernysheva, E.M. Kozulin, I.M. Itkis, G.N. Knyazheva

Correlation Method for Studies of Continuum States in Direct
Reactions ..................................................... 315
V. Chudoba, A.A. Bezbakh, A.S. Fomichev, I.E. Egorova,
S.N. Ershov, M.S. Golovkov, A.V. Gorshkov, L.V. Grigorenko,
G. Kaminski, A.G. Knyazev, S.A. Krupko, I.G. Mukha,
E.Yu. Nikolskii, Yu.L. Parfenova, P. Pluciński, P.G. Sharov,
S.I. Sidorchuk, R.S. Slepnev, S.V. Stepantsov,
G.M. Ter-Akopian, R. Wolski, M.G. Zhukov

The ALTO Facility and its Recent Highlights with ISOL Beams ... 322
F. Ibrahim, D. Verney, M. Cheikh Mhamed, C. Delafosse,
S. Essabaa, S. Franchoo, A. Gottardo, C. Lau, R. Li,
B. Roussière, A. Said, S. Tusseau-Nenez, D. Testov,
Yu.E. Penionzhkevich, V. Smirnov, E. Sokol

Computation of the Binding Energies in the Inverse Problem
Framework ..................................................... 330
S.Cht. Mavrodiev, M.A. Deliyergiyev

Application of the TIMEPIX Combo Detectors for the
Radioactive Nuclei Decay Identification ....................... 338
A.S. Novoselov, A.V. Podshibyakin, A.M. Rodin,
A.V. Belozerov, E.V. Chernysheva, S.N. Dmitriev,
A.V. Gulyaev, A.V. Gulyaeva, V.S. Salamatin,
S.V. Stepantsov, V.Yu. Vedeneev, L. Krupa, M. Holik,
C. Granja, S. Pospisil, J. Kliman, S. Motycak, D. Kamas

Development of a Technique for Measuring Neutrons Spectra
During Irradiation of Thick Uranium Targets by Protons
(660 MeV) ..................................................... 342
E.O. Saveljeva, E.M. Kozulin, К.V. Novikov, I.V. Vorobyev,
A.N. Baranov, I.N. Dyatlov, К.K. Limarev, S.I. Tyutyunnikov,
A.I. Berlev, S.A. Gustov, I.P. Yudin, V.Y. Shchegolev,
A.A. Solnyshkin, F. Hanappe

NUSTAR Experiments on the Way from GSI to FAIR ................ 349
C. Scheidenberger
Response Function Investigation of 4n y-Spectrometer
"Multi" by GEANT4 Monte-Carlo Code ............................ 356
I. Sivacek, Yu.G. Sobolev, A.V. Ashmanov, N.A. Lashmanov

Neutron Detectors Array for the Experiments at ACCULINNA-2
Fragment Separator ............................................ 361
R.S. Slepnev, A.A. Bezbakh, V. Chudoba, A.S. Fomichev,
M.S. Golovkov, A.V. Gorshkov, L.V. Grigorenko, G. Kaminski,
S.A. Krupko, P. Plucinski, P.G. Sharov, S.I. Sidorchuk,
G.M. Ter-Akopian, R. Wolski, B. Zalewski

Study of Fusion-Fission in Inverse Kinematics with
a Fragment Separator .......................................... 366
O.B. Tarasov, O. Delaune, F. Farget, D.J. Morrissey,
A.M. Amthor, B. Bastin, D. Bazin, В. Blank, L. Cacéres,
A. Chbihi, B. Fernández-Dominguez, S. Grévy, O. Kamalou,
S.M. Lukyanov, W. Mittig, J. Pereira, L. Perrot,
M.-G. Saint-Laurent, H. Savajols, B.M. Sherrill, C. Stodel,
J.C. Thomas, A.C. Villari

Problems to be Clarified by Means of Radioactive Ion Beams
Provided by the ACCULINNA-2 Separator ......................... 380
G.M. Ter-Akopian, A.A. Bezbakh, V. Chudoba, A.S. Fomichev,
M.S. Golovkov, A.V. Gorshkov, L.V. Grigorenko, G. Kaminski,
S.A. Krupko, M. Mentel, E. Yu. Nikolskii, Yu.L. Parfenova,
P. Pluczinski, S.A. Rymzhanova, S.I. Sidorchuk,
R.S. Slepnev, S.V. Stepantsov, R. Wolski, B. Zalewski

Gas Phase Chemistry of Superheavy Elements Coupled to an
Electromagnetic Separator ..................................... 390
A. Yakushev, Ch.E. Düllmann, M. Asai, M. Block, H. David,
J. Despotopulos, A. Di Nitto, K. Eberhardt, U. Forsberg,
P. Golubev, M. Götz, S. Götz, H. Haba, L. Harkness-Brennan,
F.P. Heßberger, R.-D. Herzberg, D.J. Hinde, J. Hoffmann,
A. Hübner, E. Jäger, D. Judson, J. Khuyagbaatar,
B. Kindler, Y. Komori, J. Konki, J.V. Kratz, J. Krier,
N. Kurz, M. Laatiaoui, S. Lahiri, L. Lens, В. Lommel,
Ch. Lorentz, M. Maiti, A.K. Mistry, C. Mokry, К. Moody,
Y. Nagame, J.P. Omtvedt, P. Papadakis, V. Pershina,
D. Rudolph, J. Runke, M. Schädel, P. Scharrer,
L.G. Sarmiento, T. Sato, D. Shaughnessy, B. Schausten,
J. Steiner, P. Thörle-Pospiech, N. Trautmann, K. Tsukada,
J. Uusitalo, A. Ward, M. Wegrzecki, E. Williams,
N. Wiehl, V. Yakusheva

Spectroscopy of Transfermium Elements at Dubna:
Results and Plans .............................................. 397
A. Yeremin, A. Popeko, O. Malyshev, V. Chepigin,
A. Svirikhin, A. Isaev, Yu. Popov, M. Chelnokov, A. Karpov,
A. Kuznetsova, I. Izosimov, E. Sokol, V. Saiko, D. Katrasev,
A. Lopez-Martens, K. Hauschild, K. Rezynkina, O. Dorvaux,
B. Gall, Z. Asfari, P. Brioneit, J. Piot, S. Hofmann,
P. Mosat, D. Tonev, E. Stefanova

Author Index ................................................... 405
List of Participants ........................................... 413
Photos ......................................................... 423

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