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ОбложкаZhou Zingjing. Jieshou painted pottery: album. - Anhui: Anhui science and technology publisher, 2013. - 216 p.: ill. - Text paral. Chin., Engl. - ISBN 978-7-5337-5586-7
Шифр: (И/Щ-Z62) 02


Место хранения: 02 | Отделение ГПНТБ СО РАН | Новосибирск

Оглавление / Contents
Chapter One. Ties with Jieshou Painted Pottery ................... 2
I   Making a first contact with the Jieshou painted pottery ...... 2
II  Visiting Mr. Zhang Zhi ....................................... 4
III Investigating ................................................ 6
IV  Master Lu Shanyi ............................................. 8
V   Unearthing Jieshou painted potteries from an underground 
    city site of the Ming Dynasty in Xuzhou City ................ 10
VI  Having a deep feeling with the Jieshou painted pottery ...... 12
VII Master Han Meilin and Master Yan Yumin ...................... 20
VIII Art professionals once worked in the Jieshou City Craft 
    Ceramics Factory ............................................ 22
IX  Being listed in the Intangible Cultural Heritage Items ...... 26
X   Finding a last home ......................................... 28

Chapter Two. Exploration for the History of Jieshou Painted 
Pottery ......................................................... 30
I   Kilns in Jieshou ............................................ 32
II  Pottery-making resources of the Jieshou painted pottery ..... 36
III Painted pottery in Jieshou and pottery from civilian 
    kilns of the North in the Song Dynasty ...................... 36
IV  History, geographic environment and traffic with painted 
    pottery in Jieshou .......................................... 38
V   Developing stages of the Jieshou painted pottery ............ 40

Chapter Three. Techniques of Baking and Decorating of 
Jieshou Painted Pottery ......................................... 64
I   Plastic arts of the Jieshou painted pottery ................. 64
II  Decorative techniques of the Jieshou painted pottery ........ 70
    i   Cutting technique ....................................... 70
    ii  Incising technique ...................................... 80
    iii Mold-stamping technique ................................. 84
    iv  Painting technique ...................................... 86
    v   Applying and sculpturing techniques ..................... 88
III Glazes of the Jieshou painted pottery ....................... 94
    i  Single glaze ............................................. 94
    ii Tricolored glaze ........................................ 102

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