Diversity and phylogeny of the monocotyledons: contributions from Monocots V (Bronx, 2017). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаDiversity and phylogeny of the monocotyledons: contributions from Monocots V: the 5th Intern. conf. on the comparative biology of monocotyledons, June 2013, New York / ed. by L.M.Campbell et al. - Bronx: New York botanical garden press, 2017. - viii, 161 p.: ill., tab. - (Memoirs of the New York botanical garden; vol.118). - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.157-161. - ISBN 978-0-89327-534-1; ISSN 0077-8931
Шифр: (И/Е5-D64) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Contributors .................................................. vii
Preface ........................................................ ix
Acknowledgments ................................................. x

Morphological misfits and character evolution in monocots,
with particular reference to Pandanales ......................... 1
Paula J. Rudall
Comparative labellar micro-morphology of Mormolyca
(Maxillariinae: Orchidaceae) ................................... 10
Rafael Arévalo, Barbara S. Carlsward, Galen Bergquist, and
Kenneth M. Cameron
Tepal apex trichomes, specialized bud closure structures and
their systematic value in Asparagales .......................... 31
Terry D. Macearlane and John G. Conran
Anatomical evidence of the meristematic activity of the
endodermis and pericycle in the primary thickening of
Xyris L. (Xyridaceae) .......................................... 43
Graziela Cury, Karen L.M. Sasaki, and Nanuza L. De Menezes
Adaptive evolution of the chloroplast genome in the submersed
monocotyledon Najas (Hydrocharitaceae) ......................... 52
Ursula M. King, Donald H. Les, Elena L. Peredo, and Lori
K. Benoit
Pogoniopsis is an epidendroid orchid that has been
misclassified in subfamily Vanilloideae (Orchidaceae) .......... 69
Kenneth M. Cameron and Cassio van den Berg
Orchid taxonomy on a global scale: a network for data
verification ................................................... 79
Franco Pupulin
Biodiversity and distribution of Iridaceae in Italy ............ 86
Maretta Colasante
Comparative biology of aloes and related genera in the
context of recent phylogenetic evidence ....................... 100
Olwen M. Grace and Nina Rønsted
A first look at diversification of Beaksedges (tribe
Rhynchosporeae: Cyperaceae) in habitat, pollination, and
photosynthetic features ....................................... 113
Christopher E. Buddenhagen, W. Wayt Thomas, and Austin R. Mast
A molecular phylogeny of the subtribe Sporobolinae and
a classification of the subfamily Chloridoideae (Poaceae) ..... 127
Paul M. Peterson, Konstantin Romaschenko, Yolanda Herrera
Arrieta, and Jeffery M. Saarela
Endemism and the importance of intensive collections efforts
for a taxonomic revision of Dichorisandra J.C. Mikan,
Commelinaceae (Commelinales) .................................. 152
L.Y.S. Aona and M.C.E. Amaral

Index ......................................................... 157

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