31th International conference on information technologies (InfoTech-2017) (Sofia, 2017). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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Обложка31th International conference on information technologies (InfoTech-2017), 20th-21st September 2017, Sofia: proceedings / ed. by R.Romansky. - Sofia: Technical University, 2017. - 188 p.: ill., tab. + 1 эл. опт. диск (CD-ROM). - (InfoTech-2017). - Bibliogr. at the end of the art. - Auth. ind.: p.187. - ISSN 1314-1023
Шифр: (И/З 972.2-I.69) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
All indexed reports could be finding in tbe enclosed CD ROM

                Section 'A': Information Technologies 

                Software Technologies and Programming
[A1] SCRUM Methodology Compared with Other Methodologies ........ 7
     Applied in the Software Development Projects
     Vangel Fustik
     Faculty of Electrical Engineering and IT- Skopje
     (R. Macedonia)

            Business Intelligence, CRM- and ERP-Systems
[A2] Enhanced PSO Algorithm for Single-Objective Flexible ...... 17
     Job Shop Scheduling Problems
     Asen Tochev, Vassil Guliashki
     Institute of ICT- BAS, Sofia (Bulgaria)

                Section 'B': Information Security

[B1] Invited paper (Key note): The Method of Data
     Integrity Assurance for Increasing IoT Infrastructure
     Security .................................................. 27
     Vladimir Pevnev, Yegor Novakov, Mikhail Tsuranov,
     Vyacheslav Kharchenko
     National Aerospace University "KhAI", Kharkiv (Ukraine)

                Security Policy, Methods and Tools
[B2] An Authentication Mechanism to Manage Mobile Agents
     Along with Sensor Nodes to Improve Wireless Sensor
     Network Security .......................................... 37
     Nafees Ayub, Zubair Nabi, Naima Sabir
     Government College University, Faisalabad (Pakistan)

       Section 'C: Networking and Communication Technologies

[C1] Invited paper (Key note): Design and Implementation of
     Data Centre (Case Study of New Bulgarian University) ...... 49
     Vassil Fournadjiev, Yonka Gancheva
     New Bulgarian University, Sofia (Bulgaria)

          Networking - Protocols, Design, Investigation
[C2] Performance Comparison of the Different Streams in
     a TCP Bottleneck Link in the Presence of Background
     Traffic ................................................... 63
     Igli Tafa, Elior Vila, Ezmerina Kotobelli, Aida Stefani,
     Jona Dushi
     Polytechnic University of Tirana (Albania)

          Cloud Computing (Cloud Services and Applications)
[C3] Integration of Cloud Services Criteria in the Selection
     Process of IT Solutions in Technical Wholesale ............ 75
     Andreas Pescholl
     Haustechnik Handels-GmbH, Treuen (Germany)

          Section "D": Intelligent Systems and Applications

[D1] Invited paper (Key note): Surveillance and Protection
     by Drones ................................................. 81
     Leon Rothkrantz
     Delft University of Technology/Czech TU in Prague (The
     Netherlands/Czech Republic)
[D2] Invited paper (Key note):
     Comparison of Wild Dog Algorithm, Bat Algorithms and
     Biogeography Based Optimization ........................... 91
     Karl O. Jones, Tarek Zaibet, Grйgoire Boizanté
     Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering,
     Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool (UK)
                   Intelligent and Agent Systems
[D3] Dynamic Hierarchy in Decision-Making in Behaviour
     Selection of Mobile Robots ................................ 99
     Roumen Trifonov, Galya Pavlova
     Technical University of Sofia, Sofia (Bulgaria)
[D4] Graph Generation Approach for Agent Behaviour ............ 105
     Vanya Markova, Ventseslav Shopov
     Institute of Robotics - BAS, Plovdiv (Bulgaria)
[D5] Evolutionary Graph-Based SLAM ............................ 113
     Ventseslav Shopov, Vanya Markova
     Institute of Robotics - BAS, Plovdiv (Bulgaria)

                   Knowledge-Based Applications	
[D6] Mobile Application for Pattern Recognition Base on
     Machine Learning ......................................... 119
     Desislava Ivanova, Vladimir Kadurin
     Technical University of Sofia, Sofia (Bulgaria)

                    Ontology and Semantic Web
[D7] Multilingual Ontologies and English-Bulgarian Ontology
     Development .............................................. 127
     Tatyana Ivanova
     CEE at Technical University of Sofia, Sofia/Botevgrad

             Section "E": Technologies for System Design

                          Embedded Systems
[E1] STEM Project "MODULAIR" - an Investment in the
     Environmental Future ..................................... 137
     Krasimir Bozhinov, Martin Banov, Vladimir Stamenov,
     Georgi Dachev
     Math and Science School "Prof. Dr. Assen Zlatarov",
     Botevgrad (Bulgaria)

        Section "F": Technological Asspects of e-Governance
                           and Privacy

            F1. Technological Aspects of e-Governance
[F1] An Approach to the Training of Medical Lab Technicians
     for the Efficient Use of Diverse IT Systems .............. 149
     Georgios Christoforidis1, Meropi Themistokleous2
     1 Technical University of Sofia,
     2 Cezanne HR Software Developer (Bulgaria/Greece/Scotland)

           F2. Technological Aspects of Data Protection
[F2] Data Governance as a Business Technology and General
     Data Protection Regulation ............................... 157
     Tzanko Tzolov
     Member of the Commission for Personal Data Protection,
     Sofia (Bulgaria)
[F3] Opportunities of the Digital Space and Challenges for
     Privacy and Individual's Security ........................ 169
     Radi Romansky
     Technical University of Sofia, Sofia (Bulgaria)

Advertisement (Conference Sponsors - Information) ............. 179
Conference Proceedings Dissemination and Indexing
     (see the last cover too) ................................. 183
Next InfoTech Conference ...................................... 184
International Journal on Information Technologies and
     Security ................................................. 185
List of registered participants in the conference ............. 186
Authors Index ................................................. 187

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