Authorship ..................................................... vi
Acknowledgements .............................................. vii
Tables and figures ........................................... viii
1 Words, meaning, and methodology .............................. 1
2 Men, women, and children: the semantics of basic social
categories .................................................. 22
3 Sweet, hot, hard, heavy, rough, sharp: physical-quality
words in cross-linguistic perspective ....................... 55
4 From "colour words" to visual semantics: English, Russian,
Warlpiri .................................................... 80
5 Happiness and human values in cross-cultural and
historical perspective ..................................... 102
6 Pain: is it a human universal? The perspective from
cross-linguistic semantics ................................. 127
7 Suggesting, apologizing, complimenting: English
speech-act verbs ........................................... 156
8 A stitch in time and the way of the rice plant: the
semantics of proverbs in English and Malay ................. 184
9 The meaning of "abstract nouns": Locke, Bentham, and
contemporary semantics ..................................... 205
10 Broader horizons: beyond lexical semantics ................. 238
References .................................................... 262
Index ......................................................... 291