Encyclopedia of knowledge management (Hershey, 2006). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаEncyclopedia of knowledge management / ed. by D.G.Schwartz. - Hershey: Idea Group Reference, 2006. - xxx, 897, 9 p.: ill., tab. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art. - Ind. at the end of the book. - ISBN 1-59140-573-4
Шифр: (И/У5-E54) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Anti-Foundational Knowledge Management. Tom Butler .............. 1
Aristotelian View of Knowledge Management. David G. Schwartz ... 10
Biological and Information Systems Approaches. Barry 
   E. Atkinson and Frada Burstein .............................. 17
Capability Maturity. Alfs Т. Berztiss .......................... 24
Communities of Practice. Elayne Coakes and Steve Clarke ........ 30
Competitive Advantage of Knowledge Management. Gabriel 
   Cepeda-Carrión .............................................. 34
Competitive Intelligence Gathering. Kevin R. Parkerand Philip
   S. Nitse .................................................... 44
Computational Experimentation. Mark E. Nissen and Raymond
   E. Levitt ................................................... 51
Coopetition. Claudia Loebbecke and Albert Angehrn .............. 58
Corporate Semantic Webs. Rose Dieng-Kuntz ...................... 67
Creating Knowledge for Business Decision Making. Shiraj Khan,
   Auroop R. Ganguly, and Amar Gupta ........................... 81
Customer Knowledge Management. Scott Paquette .................. 90
Data Semantics. Daniel W. Gillman .............................. 97
Description Logic-Based Resource Retrieval. Simona Colucci, 
   Tommaso Di Noia, Eugenio Di Sciascio, Francesco M. Donini,
   and Marina Mongiello ....................................... 105
Dissemination in Portals. Steven Woods, Stephen R. Poteet, 
   Anne Kao, and Lesley Quach ................................. 115
Distributed Knowledge Management. Roberta Cuel, Paolo
   Bouquet, and Matteo Bonifacio .............................. 122
Document Search Practices. Karen L. Corral, Ryan C. LaBrie,
   and Robert D. St. Louis .................................... 130
Domain Ontologies. Matteo Cristani and Roberta Cuel ........... 137
Dynamic Taxonomies. Giovanni M. Sacco ......................... 145
E-Learning for Knowledge Dissemination. Shyamala 
   C. Sivakumar ............................................... 152
Engineering Design Knowledge Management. Z.M. Ma .............. 161
Epistemology and Knowledge Management. Jeremy Aarons .......... 166
External and Internal Knowledge in Organizations. Rafael 
   Andreu and Sandra Sieber ................................... 173
External Knowledge Integration. Jeroen Kraaijenbrink and 
   Fons Wijnhoven ............................................. 180
Extracting Knowledge from Neural Networks. Christie 
   M. Fuller and Rick L. Wilson ............................... 188
Frequent Itemset Mining and Association Rules. Susan 
   Imberman and Abdullah Uz Tansel ............................ 197
Healthcare Knowledge Management. Kostas Metaxiotis ............ 204
Hierarchical Model for Knowledge Management. A. Nicolas Prat .. 211
Human Capital in Knowledge Creation, Management and 
   Utilization. Iris Reychav and Jacob Weisberg ............... 221
ICT and Knowledge Management Systems. Irma Becerra-Fernandez 
   and Rajiv Sabherwal ........................................ 230
Incentive Structures in Knowledge Management. Hamid R. Ekbia
   and Noriko Hara ............................................ 237
Inquiring Organizations. Dianne Hall and David Croasdell ...... 244
Integrated Modeling. Thomas Hädrich and Ronald Maier .......... 251
Integrating Knowledge Management with the Systems Analysis 
   Process. Doron Tauber and David G. Schwartz ................ 259
Integration of Knowledge Management and E-Learning. Dongming 
   Xu and Huaiqing Wang ....................................... 267
Intellectual Capital. HY Sonya Hsu and Peter 
   P. Mykytyn Jr. ............................................. 274
Intellectual Capital and Knowledge Management. Gil Ariely ..... 281
Intelligence and Counterterrorism Tasks. Antonio Badia ........ 289
Interesting Knowledge Patterns in Databases. Rajesh 
   Natarajan and B. Shekar .................................... 297
Intranet and Organizational Learning. Kees Boersma and Sytze
   Kingma ..................................................... 305
Knowledge Calibration. Ronald E. Goldsmith and Kishore 
   Gopalakrishna Pillai ....................................... 311
Knowledge Communication. Martin J. Eppler ..................... 317
Knowledge Creation. Nilmini Wickramasinghe .................... 326
Knowledge Flow. Vincent M. Ribière and Juan A. Román .......... 336
Knowledge in Innovation Processes. Marco Paukert, Claudia 
   Niederee, and Matthias Hemmje .............................. 344
Knowledge Integration. Hans Berends, Hans van der Bij, and
   Mathieu Weggeman ........................................... 352
Knowledge Intermediation. Enrico Scarso, Ettore Bolisani, 
   and Matteo Di Biagi ........................................ 360
Knowledge Management Agents. Leon Sterling .................... 368
Knowledge Management Governance. Suzanne Zyngier .............. 373
Knowledge Management in Professional Service Firms. Dieter 
   Fink and Georg Disterer .................................... 381
Knowledge Management in Safety-Critical Systems Analysis.
   Guy Boy and Yvonne Barnard ................................. 389
Knowledge Management Ontology. Clyde W. Holsapple and 
   K.D. Joshi ................................................. 397
Knowledge Management Processes. Frank Land, Urooj Amjad, and
   Sevasti-Melissa Nolas ...................................... 403
Knowledge Management Software. Rodrigo Baroni de Carvalho
   and Marta Araújo Tavares Ferreira ......................... 410
Knowledge Management Strategy Formation. Clyde W. Holsapple
   and Kiku Jones ............................................. 419
Knowledge Management Success Models. Murray E. Jennex ......... 429
Knowledge Management System Success Factors. Murray
   E. Jennex .................................................. 436
Knowledge Management Systems. Ronald Maier and Thomas 
   Hädrich .................................................... 442
Knowledge Organizations. Daniel L. Davenport and Clyde 
   W. Holsapple ............................................... 451
Knowledge Producers and Consumers. Atreyi Kankanhalli, 
   Bernard C.Y. Tan, and Kwok-Kee Wei ......................... 459
Knowledge Representation. Gian Piero Zarri .................... 467
Knowledge Representation in Pattern Management. Pankaj 
   Kamthan and Hsueh-Ieng Pai ................................. 478
Knowledge Reuse. Han Oshri .................................... 487
Knowledge Sharing. William R. King ............................ 493
Knowledge Sharing Barriers. Keith L. Lindsey .................. 499
Knowledge Sharing Between Individuals. Carolyn McKinnell 
   Jacobson ................................................... 507
Knowledge Sharing in Legal Practice. Chad Saunders ............ 515
Knowledge Structure and Data Mining Techniques. Rick 
   L. Wilson, Peter A. Rosen, and Mohammad Saad Al-Ahmadi ..... 523
Knowledge Synthesis Framework. Кат Нои Vat .................... 530
Knowledge Transfer. William R. King ........................... 538
Knowledge Transfer Between Academia and Industry. Franz 
   Hofer ...................................................... 544
Knowledge Visualization. Martin J. Epplerand Remo 
   A. Burkhard ................................................ 551
Learning in Organizations. Irena Ali, Leoni Warne, and 
   Celina Pascoe .............................................. 561
Learning Networks and Service Oriented Architectures. George
   Tsekouras and George Roussos ............................... 569
Legal Knowledge Management. John Zeteznikow ................... 578
Logic and Knowledge Bases. J. Grant and J. Minker ............. 583
Mapping Group Knowledge. Duncan Shaw .......................... 591
Mathematical Knowledge Management. William M. Farmer .......... 599
Measuring Knowledge Management Capabilities. Uday Kulkarni 
   and Ronald Freeze .......................................... 605
Measuring Organizational Learning as a Multidimensional 
   Construct. Juan C. Real, Antonio Leal, and Jose L. Roldan .. 614
Mentoring Knowledge Workers. Ciara Heavin and Karen Neville ... 621
Military Knowledge Management. R. William Maule ............... 627
MNE Knowledge Management Across Borders and ICT. Jürgen
   Kai-Uwe Brock and Yu Josephine Zhou ....................... 635
Mobile Knowledge Management. Volker Derballa and Key 
   Pousttchi .................................................. 645
Mobile Technology for Knowledge Management. Volker Derballa
   and Key Pousttchi .......................................... 651
Motivation for Knowledge Work. Paul H.J. Hendriks and Célio
   A.A. Sousa ................................................. 657
Multidisciplinary Project Teams. Patrick S.W. Fong ............ 665
Musical Metadata and Knowledge Management. François Pachet .... 672
Narrative. Dave Snowden ....................................... 678
Object-Process Methodology. Dov Dori .......................... 683
Ontology. William Buchholz .................................... 694
Operational Knowledge Management. Fons Wijnhoven .............. 703
Operational Knowledge Management in the Military. Gil Ariely .. 713
Organisational Storytelling. N.A.D. Connell ................... 721
Organizational Attention. Eyal Yaniv and David G. Schwartz .... 728
Organizational Communication. Dov Te'eni ...................... 734
Organizational Semantic Webs. Jean-Yves Fortier and Gilles
   Kassel ..................................................... 741
Organizational Structure. Paul H.J. Hendriks .................. 749
Postmortem Reviews. Torgeir Dingsøyr .......................... 757
Practice-Based Knowledge Integration. Glenn Munkvold .......... 762
RDF and OWL. Gian Piero Zarri ................................. 769
Representation Languages for Narrative Documents. Gian Piero
   Zarri ...................................................... 780
Secure Knowledge Discovery in Databases. Rick L. Wilson,
   Peter A. Rosen, and Mohammad Saad Al-Ahmadi ................ 787
Secure Knowledge Management. S. Upadhyaya, H. Raghav Rao, 
   and G. Padmanabhan ......................................... 795
Sketching in Knowledge Creation and Management. Fernando 
   Ferri and Patrizia Grifoni ................................. 802
Social Capital Knowledge. Daniel L. Davenport and Clyde 
   W. Holsapple ............................................... 809
Social Network Analysis. David J. Dekker and Paul 
   H.J. Hendriks .............................................. 818
Social Network Perspective on Knowledge Management,
   A. Reed E. Nelson and H.Y. Sonya Hsu ....................... 826
Tacit Knowledge Sharing. Syed Z. Shariq and Morten Thanning 
   Vendelø .................................................... 833
Task-Based Knowledge Management. Frada Burstein and Henry
   Linger ..................................................... 840
Taxonomies of Knowledge. Phillip Ein-Dor ...................... 848
Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Knowledge Management. 
   Frank Land, Sevasti-Melissa Nolas, and Urooj Amjad ......... 855
Understanding Innovation Processes. Sue Newell ................ 862
Understanding Organizational Memory. Sajjad M. Jasimuddin, 
   N.A.D. Connell, and Jonathan H. Klein ...................... 870
Virtue-Nets. David Croasdell and Y. Ken Wang .................. 876
Work and Knowledge. Tom Butler and Ciaran Murphy .............. 884
Workflow Systems and Knowledge Management. Alfs Т. Berztiss ... 892

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