Ward D.B. Thomas Walter and his plants: the life and works of a pioneer American Botanist (Bronx, 2017). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаWard D.B. Thomas Walter and his plants: the life and works of a pioneer American Botanist. - Bronx: New York botanical garden press, 2017. - 221 p. - (Memoirs of the New York botanical garden; vol.115) (Heritage series; N 2). - Bibliogr.: p.198-202. - Ind. of names: p.206-218. - ISBN 978-89327-539-6; ISSN 0077-8931
Шифр: (И/Е5-W26) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
INTRODUCTION ................................................... 01

Early Records .................................................. 05
The Plantation ................................................. 09
The War Years .................................................. 13
John Fraser and His Herbarium .................................. 17
The Flora Caroliniana .......................................... 25
Walter's Botanical Library ..................................... 31
The Thomas Walter Typification Project ......................... 35
The Inventory .................................................. 39
   Part One:
   Thomas Walter's New Plant Names ............................. 41
   Part Two:
   Other Plant Names Used by Thomas Walter .................... 115
Eponyms ....................................................... 185
Unresolved Issues ............................................. 189

EPILOGUE AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .................................. 193
THOMAS WALTER BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................... 197
PLANT NAME INDEX .............................................. 205

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