He H. Waveform design for active sensing systems: a computational approach (Cambridge, 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаHe H. Waveform design for active sensing systems: a computational approach / H.He, J.Li, P.Stoica. - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012. - ix, 312 p.: ill. – Ref.: p.301-309. – Ind.: p.311-312. – ISBN 378-1-107-01969-0
Шифр: (И/З 81-Н43) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ....................................................... xi
Notation .................................................... xiii
Abbreviations ................................................ xiv

1  Introduction ................................................ 1
   1.1  Signal model ........................................... 2
   1.2  Design metrics ......................................... 4
   1.3  Review of existing waveforms ........................... 6

Part I. Aperiodic correlation synthesis ....................... 15

2  Single aperiodic sequence design ........................... 17
   2.1  Cyclic algorithm-new (CAN) ............................ 18
   2.2  Weighted cyclic algorithm-new (WeCAN) ................. 21
   2.3  Numerical examples .................................... 25
        2.3.1  Integrated sidelobe level (ISL) design ......... 25
        2.3.2  Weighted integrated sidelobe level (WISL)
               design ......................................... 25
        2.3.3  Channel estimation in communications ........... 30
        2.3.4  Quantization effects ........................... 31
   2.4  Conclusions ........................................... 34
   Appendix 2A Connections with a phase-retrieval algorithm ... 35
3  Aperiodic sequence set design .............................. 39
   3.1  The Multi-CAN algorithm ............................... 40
   3.2  The Multi-WeCAN algorithm ............................. 43
   3.3  The Multi-CA-original (Multi-CAO) algorithm ........... 46
   3.4  Numerical examples .................................... 48
        3.4.1  Multi-CAN ...................................... 48
        3.4.2  Multi-WeCAN .................................... 53
        3.4.3  Multi-WeCAN continued .......................... 55
        3.4.4  Quantization effects ........................... 57
        3.4.5  Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging ......... 57
   3.5  Conclusions ........................................... 65
   Appendix ЗА Proof of Equation (3.28) ....................... 65
   Appendix 3B Proof of Equation (3.47) ....................... 66
4  Lower bounds for aperiodic sequences ....................... 67
   4.1  Bound derivation ...................................... 67
   4.2  Approaching the bound ................................. 69
   4.3  Conclusions ........................................... 73
5  Stopband constraint case ................................... 74
   5.1  Stopband CAN (SCAN) ................................... 75
   5.2  Weighted SCAN (WeSCAN) ................................ 77
   5.3  Numerical examples .................................... 80
        5.3.1  SCAN ........................................... 80
        5.3.2  WeSCAN ......................................... 82
        5.3.3  Relaxed amplitude constraint ................... 82
        5.3.4  Using a different frequency formulation ........ 87
   5.4  Conclusions ........................................... 87
6  Ambiguity function (AF) .................................... 88
   6.1  AF properties ......................................... 88
   6.2  Discrete-AF ........................................... 97
   6.3  Minimizing the discrete-AF sidelobes .................. 99
   6.4  Conclusions .......................................... 101
   Appendix 6A Wideband ambiguity function ................... 102
7  Cross ambiguity function (CAF) ............................ 106
   7.1  Discrete-CAF synthesis ............................... 106
        7.1.1  The proposed algorithm ........................ 107
        7.1.2  Numerical examples ............................ 109
   7.2  CAF synthesis ........................................ 115
        7.2.1  The proposed algorithm ........................ 116
        7.2.2  Numerical examples ............................ 118
   7.3  Conclusions .......................................... 121
   Appendix 7A Constant volume property of discrete-CAF ...... 121
8  Joint design of transmit sequence and receive filter ...... 123
   8.1  Data model and problem formulation ................... 124
   8.2  A gradient approach .................................. 126
   8.3  A frequency-domain approach .......................... 128
   8.4  Specialization for matched filtering ................. 134
   8.5  Numerical examples ................................... 136
        8.5.1  Spot jamming .................................. 137
        8.5.2  Barrage jamming ............................... 140
        8.5.3  Robust design ................................. 142
   8.6  Conclusions .......................................... 142
   Appendix 8A Proof of Equation (8.25) ...................... 145
   Appendix 8B Lagrange approach ............................. 146

Part II Periodic correlation synthesis ....................... 147

9  Single periodic sequence design ........................... 149
   9.1  Design criteria ...................................... 150
   9.2  The periodic CAN (PeCAN) algorithm ................... 153
   9.3  Numerical examples ................................... 154
   9.4  Conclusions .......................................... 155
   Appendix 9A Proof of Equation (9.9) ....................... 155
10 Periodic sequence set design .............................. 158
   10.1 The Multi-PeCAO algorithm ............................ 159
   10.2 The Multi-PeCAN algorithm ............................ 161
   10.3 Numerical examples ................................... 163
        10.3.1 Multi-PeCAO ................................... 163
        10.3.2 Multi-PeCAN ................................... 165
   10.4 Conclusions .......................................... 167
11 Lower bounds for periodic sequences ....................... 168
   11.1 Bound derivation ..................................... 168
   11.2 Optimal fig.1 sequence sets ............................ 171
   11.3 Numerical examples ................................... 173
   11.4 Conclusions .......................................... 174
12 Periodic ambiguity function (PAF) ......................... 175
   12.1 PAF properties ....................................... 176
   12.2 Discrete-PAF ......................................... 177
   12.3 Minimizing the discrete-PAF sidelobes ................ 182
   12.4 Conclusions .......................................... 184

Part III Transmit beampattern synthesis ...................... 185

13 Narrowband beampattern to covariance matrix ............... 187
   13.1 Problem formulation .................................. 188
   13.2 Optimal designs ...................................... 190
        13.2.1 Maximum power design for unknown target
               locations ..................................... 190
        13.2.2 Maximum power design for known target
               locations ..................................... 191
        13.2.3 Beampattern matching design ................... 193
        13.2.4 Minimum sidelobe beampattern design ........... 196
        13.2.5 Phased-array beampattern design ............... 197
   13.3 Numerical examples ................................... 197
        13.3.1 Beampattern matching design ................... 198
        13.3.2 Minimum sidelobe beampattern design ........... 205
   13.4 Conclusions .......................................... 211
   Appendix 13A Covariance matrix rank ....................... 211
14 Covariance matrix to waveform ............................. 213
   14.1 Problem formulation .................................. 213
   14.2 Cyclic algorithm for signal synthesis ................ 215
   14.3 Numerical examples ................................... 216
   14.4 Conclusions .......................................... 219
15 Wideband transmit beampattern synthesis ................... 222
   15.1 Problem formulation .................................. 222
   15.2 The proposed design methodology ...................... 225
        15.2.1 Beampattern to spectrum ....................... 226
        15.2.2 Spectrum to waveform .......................... 227
   15.3 Numerical examples ................................... 229
        15.3.1 The idealized time-delayed case ............... 229
        15.3.2 A narrow mainbeam ............................. 230
        15.3.3 Two mainbeams ................................. 233
        15.3.4 A wide mainbeam ............................... 233
   15.4 Conclusions .......................................... 242
   Appendix 15A Narrowband transmit beampattern .............. 242
   Appendix 15B Receive beampattern .......................... 243

Part IV. Diverse application examples ........................ 245

16 Radar range and range-Doppler imaging ..................... 247
   16.1 Problem formulation .................................. 247
   16.2 Receiver design ...................................... 249
        16.2.1 Matched filter ................................ 249
        16.2.2 Instrumental variable (IV) receive filter ..... 250
   16.3 Iterative adaptive approach (IAA) .................... 251
   16.4 Numerical examples ................................... 252
        16.4.1 Negligible Doppler example .................... 252
        16.4.2 Non-negligible Doppler example ................ 255
   16.5 Conclusions .......................................... 255
17 Ultrasound system for hyperthermia treatment of breast
   cancer .................................................... 259
   17.1 Waveform diversity based ultrasound hyperthermia ..... 260
   17.2 Numerical results .................................... 262
   17.3 Conclusions .......................................... 266
18 Covert underwater acoustic communications - coherent
   scheme .................................................... 267
   18.1 Problem formulation .................................. 268
   18.2 Spreading waveform synthesis ......................... 269
   18.3 Numerical examples ................................... 273
   18.4 Conclusions .......................................... 279
19 Covert underwater acoustic communications - noncoherent
   scheme .................................................... 280
   19.1 RAKE energy-based detection of orthogonal signals .... 280
   19.2 RAKE demodulator for DPSK signals .................... 283
   19.3 The impact of P and R on performance and an
        enhanced RAKE scheme ................................. 287
        19.3.1 Impact of P and R on the BER performance ...... 287
        19.3.2 RAKE reception based on the principal
               arrival ....................................... 288
   19.4 Numerical examples ................................... 290
        19.4.1 Binary orthogonal modulation .................. 290
        19.4.2 DPSK modulation ............................... 296
   19.5 Conclusions .......................................... 300

References ................................................... 301
Index ........................................................ 311

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