Intelligent analysis of multimedia information (Hershey, 2017). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаIntelligent analysis of multimedia information / [eds.]: S.Bhattacharyya et al. - Hershey: Engineering science reference (an imprint of IGI Global), 2017. - xxi, 520 p.: ill. - (Advances in multimedia and interactive technologies (AMIT) book series) (Premier reference source). - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - Compilation of references: p.467-511. - Ind.: p.518-520. - ISBN 978-1-5225-0498-6; ISSN 2327-929X
Шифр: (И/ З 973.2-I.69) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ...................................................... xvii

Chapter 1
Foundations of Multimedia Information Processing ................ 1
   Anindita Das Bhattacharjee, Swami Vivekananda Institute of
   Science and Technology, India

Chapter 2
Theoretical Concepts and Technical Aspects on Image
Segmentation ................................................... 32
   Anju Pankaj, Mahatma Gandhi University, India
   Sonal Ayyappan, SCMS School of Engineering and Technology,

Chapter 3
Feature Extraction ............................................. 48
   Anindita Das Bhattacharjee, Swami Vivekananda Institute of
   Science and Technology, India

Chapter 4
Multilevel Image Segmentation Using Modified Particle Swarm
Optimization .................................................. 106
   Sourav De, The University ofBurdwan, India
   Firoj Haque, University ofKalyani, India

Chapter 5
Retrieval of Multimedia Information Using Content-Based
Image Retrieval (CBIR) Techniques ............................. 143
   Anupam Mukherjee, Siliguri Institute of Technology, India

Chapter 6
Biomedical Image Processing and Analysis ...................... 181
   Swanirbhar Majumder, North Eastern Regional Institute of
   Science and Technology, India
   Smita Majumder, Tripura University, India

Chapter 7
Cellular Automata Algorithms for Digital Image Processing ..... 212
   Petre Anghelescu, University of Pitesti, Romania

Chapter 8
Indian River Watershed Image Analysis Using Fuzzy-CA Hybrid
Approach ...................................................... 232
   Kalyan Mahata, Government College of Engineering and
   Leather Technology, India
   Subhasish Das, Jadavpur University, India
   Rajib Das, Jadavpur University, India
   Anasua Sarkar, Jadavpur University, India

Chapter 9
A Fuzzy Relational Classifier Based Image Quality
Assessment Method ............................................. 247
   Indrajit De, MC KVInstitute of Engineering, India

Chapter 10
Data Compression as a Base for eHealth Interoperability: 3D
FWT Applied on Volumetric Neuroimages ......................... 266
   Martin Žagar, University of Applied Sciences, Croatia
   Branko Mihaljević, Rochester Institute of Technology,
   Josip Knezović, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Chapter 11
Detection of Gradual Transition in Videos: Approaches and
Applications .................................................. 282
   Hrishikesh Bhaumik, RCC Institute of Information
   Technology, India
   Manideepa Chakraborty, RCC Institute of Information
   Technology, India
   Siddhartha Bhattacharyya, RCC Institute of Information
   Technology, India
   Susanta Chakraborty, Indian Institute of Engineering
   Science and Technology, India

Chapter 12
Time-Slot Based Intelligent Music Recommender in Indian
Music ......................................................... 319
   Sudipta Chakrabarty, Techno India Salt Lake, India
   Samarjit Roy, Techno India Silli, India
   Debashis De, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of
   Technology, India

Chapter 13
Content Coverage and Redundancy Removal in Video
Summarization ................................................. 352
   Hrishikesh Bhaumik, RCC Institute of Information
   Technology, India
   Siddhartha Bhattacharyya, RCC Institute of Information
   Technology, India
   Susanta Chakraborty, Indian Institute of Engineering
   Science and Technology, India

Chapter 14
Compressive Sensing for Biometrie System ...................... 375
   Rohit M. Thanki, С U. Shah University, India
   Komal R. Borisagar, Atmiya Institute of Technology and
   Science, India

Chapter 15
Integration of Different Analytical Concepts on Multimedia
Contents in Service of Intelligent Knowledge Extraction ....... 401
   Goran Klepac, University College for Applied Computer
   Engineering Algebra, Croatia & Raijfeisenbank Austria,

Chapter 16
Digital Watermarking: Technical Art of Hiding a Message ....... 431
   Rohit M. Thanki, C. U. Shah University, India
   Ashish M. Kothari, Atmiya Institute of Technology and
   Science, India

Compilation of References ..................................... 467
About the Contributors ........................................ 512
Index ......................................................... 518

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