List of Figures ............................................... vii
Notes on Contributors ........................................ xvii
Series Introduction: Material Culture and Modern Conflict ..... xxv
Series Editors' Preface by Nicholas). Saunders and Paul
Cornish ...................................................... xxix
Introduction: Conflict Landscapes and Archaeology from Above .... 1
Birger Stichelbaut and David Cowley
1 The Archaeology of World War I in Comines-Warneton (Belgium)
through Aerial Photographs and Proximal Soil Sensing ........ 11
Wouter Gheyle, Timothy Saey, Yannick Van Hollebeeke,
Stephanie Verplaetse, Nicolas Note, Jean Bourgeois, Marc
Van Meirvenne, Veerle Van Eetvelde and Birger Stichelbaut
2 Bellewaarde Ridge (Belgium): Survey of a World War I
Landscape ................................................... 29
Marc Dewilde, Hilde Verboven and Franky Wyffels
3 Contested Landscape: La Boisselle and the Glory Hole ........ 45
Peter Masters
4 World War I Remains in Scotland: Aerial Photography as
Heritage .................................................... 59
Allan Kilpatrick
5 Protecting the Home Front: Understanding and Conservation
of Twentieth-century Conflict Landscapes in England ......... 73
Helen Winton
6 Airborne Laser Scanning and the Archaeological
Interpretation of Ireland's World War I Landscape:
Randalstown Training Camp, County Antrim, Northern
Ireland ..................................................... 91
Heather A. Montgomery and Kory W.A. McNeary
7 Aerial Perspectives on Archaeological Landscapes:
The Anzac/Anburnu Battlefields, Gallipoli, Turkey .......... 109
Jessie Birkett-Rees
8 Landscapes of Death and Suffering: Archaeology of
Conflict Landscapes of the Upper Soжa Valley, Slovenia ..... 127
Dimitrij Mleku, Uroš Košir and Matija Črešnar
9 The 'Gas-scape' on the Eastern Front, Poland (1914-2014):
Exploring the Material and Digital Landscapes and
Remembering Those 'Twice-Killed' ........................... 147
Anna Zalewska
10 Remembering Uncertainty: The World War II
Warscape of the Australian Northern Territory .............. 167
Keir Reeves, Birger Stichelbaut and Gertjan Plets
11 World War II Conflict and Post-conflict Landscapes in
Northwest France: An Evaluation of the Aerial
Photographic Resource ...................................... 185
David G. Passmore, David Capps Tunwell and Stephan
12 Mapping Unexploded Ordnance in Italy: The Role of World
War II Aerial Photographs .................................. 205
Elizabeth Jane Shepherd
13 Erased Landscapes: Conflict, Memory and Post-World War II
Landscape Transformation in Western Poland ................. 219
Grzegorz Kiarszys
14 A Cold War Conflict Landscape in the Borderlands of West
Bohemia .................................................... 235
Michaі Rak, Lukáš Funk and Lenka Starková
15 Anzac from the Air': Re-imagining the Australian War
Memorial's Gallipoli Aerial Collection ..................... 253
Luke Diggins, Kate Morschel and Snow
16 Italian World War I Aerial Photographs for Landscape
Study and Public Engagement ................................ 265
Roberta Cuttini
17 The Aerial Perspective in a Museum Context: Above
Flanders Fields 1914-1918 .................................. 279
Birger Stichelbaut and Piet Chielens
Index ......................................................... 293