Beyond peaceful coexistence: the emergence of space, time and quantum (London, 2016). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаBeyond peaceful coexistence: the emergence of space, time and quantum / ed. by I.Licata; forew. by G.'t Hooft. - London: Imperial college press, 2016. - xx, 720 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.697-720. - ISBN 978-1-78326-831-3
Шифр: (И/В31-В55) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Foreword ....................................................... ix
Gerard't Hooft

From Peaceful Coexistence to Co-Emergence ...................... xi
Ignazio Licata

The Algebraic Way ............................................... 1
B.J. Hiley

Fermi Blobs and the Symplectic Camel: A Geometric Picture of
Quantum States ................................................. 27
Maurice A. de Gosson

Space-Time in Quantum Gravity: Does Space-Time have Quantum
Properties? .................................................... 45
Reiner Hedrich

Introduction to the Quantum Theory of Elementary Cycles ........ 93
Donatello Dolce

Observers and Reality ......................................... 137
George Jaroszkiewicz

The Stability of Physical Theories Principle .................. 153
R. Vilela Mendes

Factory of Realities: On the Emergence of Virtual
Spatiotemporal Structures ..................................... 201
Roman R. Zapatrin

Space-Time from Topos Quantum Theory .......................... 221
Cecilia Flori

From Born Reciprocity to Reciprocal Relativity: A Paradigm
for Space-Time Physics ........................................ 265
Peter Jarvis

On  Non-Equilibrium  Thermodynamics  of Space-Time and
Quantum Gravity ............................................... 287
Joakim Munkhammar

World Crystal Model of Gravity ................................ 299
Hagen Kleinert

Quantum Features of Natural Cellular Automata ................. 307
Hans-Thomas Elze

Structurally Dynamic Cellular Networks as Models
for Planck Scale Physics and the Quantum Vacuum ............... 327
Manfred Requardt

On a Time-Space Operator (and other Non-Self-adjoint
Operators) for Observables in QM and QFT ...................... 371
Erasmo Recami, Michel Zamboni-Rached and Ignazio Licata

Emergent Space-Time ........................................... 419
George Chapline

The Idea of a Stochastic Space-Time: Theory and Experiments ... 433
M. Consoli and A. Pluchino

...And Kronos Ate His Sons .................................... 465
Giuseppe Vitiello

The Emergence of Space-Time: Transactions and Causal Sets ..... 487
Ruth E. Kastner

An Adynamical, Graphical Approach to Quantum Gravity and
Unification ................................................... 499
W.M. Stuckey, Michael Silberstein and Timothy McDevitt

Is Bohr's Challenge Still Relevant? ........................... 545
Leonardo Chiatti

In and Out of the Screen. On Some New Considerations about
Localization and Derealization in Archaic Theory .............. 559
Ignazio Licata

Schrödinger-Milne Big Bang - Creating a "Universe of
Threeness" .................................................... 579
Geoffrey F. Chew

Quantized Fields à la Clifford and Unification ................ 615
Matej Pavšič

Non-commutative Einstein, almost Kähler-Finsler and Quantum
Deformations .................................................. 661
Sergiu I. Vacaru

Index ......................................................... 697

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