Application of materials science and environmental materials (AMSEM 2015) (New Jersey, 2015). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаApplication of materials science and environmental materials (AMSEM 2015):proc. of the 3rd Intern. conf. on application of materials science and environmental materials (AMSEM 2015), 1-3 Okt. 2015, Phuket Island, Thailand / ed.: Q.Xu. - New Jersey: World scientific, 2015. - ix, 266 p.: ill., tab. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art. - Auth. ind.: p.265-266. - ISBN 978-981-3141-11-7
Шифр: (И/Ж-А67) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Editorial ....................................................... v

Chapter 1  Materials Science and Materials Engineering .......... 1
The effect of sanding process on handling properties of cotton
   Y.E. Yu ...................................................... 3
A preliminary exploration of building energy efficiency
   С.X. Jia and D.X. Sun ........................................ 9
Optimal technical parameters for investment casting of steel
   X.B. Zhao, H.M. Liu, J.J. Zhang, J.H. Liu and S.N. Yu ....... 15
Effect of austempering low alloy cast steel at temperatures
below Ms point on its rnicrostructure and properties
   X.B. Zhao, J.J. Zhang, H.M. Liu, J.H. Liu and S.N. Yu ....... 24
Sliding wear behavior of AM60 alloys with alloyed lanthanum
and cerium (LC) mixed rare earths
   Q.Q. Zhang .................................................. 33
Adsorption of acetic acid from dilute solution on zeolite
13X: Isotherm, kinetic and thermodynamic studies
   H.H. Zhang, Y.M. Wang, P. Bai and X.H. Guo .................. 40
Activated carbon impregnated with zirconium hydroxide for
sulfur dioxide removal
   L. Li, K.Li, L. Ma and Z.Q. Luan ............................ 48
Improving the mechanical properties of fluorine rubber via
carbon fiber reinforcement
   W.L. Wu and H.T. Zuo ........................................ 55
Dynamic random-access memory device of butyl mathacrylate N,
N-4, 4-diphenylmethane-bismaleimide copolymer
   L.L. Fan, P.B. Dai and Y.R. He .............................. 61
Feasibility of waste heat recovery in diesel engines:
thermodynamic analysis
   M.Y. He and H.T. Gao ........................................ 66
Effect of different recoating methods on the performance of
room temperature vulcanized silicone rubber: An experimental
   M.Z. Zhu, Q. Zeng and X.J. Gao .............................. 75
Metabolic behavior based optimization of resource
utilization for iron and steel production
   Z. Zhang, G. Zhao and X. Zhang .............................. 82
Test study on anchor technique with cement-based materials
in gushing water holes
   D. Zheng, J.Y. Zhou, J.L. Yang and M.W. Zheng ............... 89
Ordered mesoporous alumina-supported CuO/CeO2
   H.R. Tang, T. Fu, X.Z. Zhou, X.M. Wang and B.S. Bi .......... 94

Chapter 2 Environmental Engineering ............................ 99
Testability allocation based on multi-objective genetic
   X.Q. Yang, P. Li and Y. Xiong .............................. 101
Effects of copper on germination of watermelon seeds and
growth of watermelon seedlings
   H.Q. Liu, Y.F. Mo, X.Z. Kong, Y. Liu and H.P. Liu .......... 108
Application of fuzzy analytic evaluation method in
occupational disease hazard control effect: Evaluation of
a battery enterprise
   H.B. Jiang ................................................. 114
A case study on odor pollutants at kitchen garbage
treatment facilities
   W. Qu, J.H. Yi, Y.L. Shan, A.H. Song, H.D. Zhang,
   C. Zhang, H. Zhang, R. Wang and H. Shao .................... 124
Stimulus packages and the commercialization of new energy
   J.T. Xiao .................................................. 129
Characteristics of runoff and sediment yield from purple
soil on sloping land under different rainfall intensities
   M. Lin, X.W. Ding, В.X. Lu, X. Chong and J.J. Zhan ......... 135
Study on risk decision modeling of generation investment
with distributed generation
   J. Dong, G.Y. Xue, H.X. Sun and R. Li ...................... 141
Factors influencing farmers' awareness of pollution caused
by sizable layer-breeding farms: An empirical analysis
   N. Zhu and F. Qin .......................................... 149
Environment- Friendly manufacturing and support — Issues
and challenges
   B. Ghodrati, H. Al-Chalabi and H. Hoseinie ................. 157
Comparative study on the adsorption of copper and cadmium
by corn-straw-derived biochar pyrolyzed at different
   S.P. Xu, B.S. Yang, H. Wang, Q.L. Chen, Z.H. Song and
   Q.X. Song .................................................. 164
Case study of the temporal and spatial changes in Lake
Luoma's water quality using multivariate analysis
   Y.F. Xie ................................................... 172
Change in enzymatic activity in Tween80-enhanced
phytoremediation of polychlorinated biphenyl-contaminated
   T. Chen, С.X. Sun, G.G. Lin and W.W. Chen .................. 179
Landscape building and ecological development of mangrove
wetlands—Case study of the constructed wetland ecological
park in Xia-Tan-Wei, Xiamen, China
   C.Y. Lu and X.L. Wang ...................................... 189
Column flushing of Cu(II) from sandy loess soil using
citric acid
   B. Zhao and H. Che ......................................... 199
Emission characteristics of odor pollutants from
a pharmaceutical enterprise and their remediation
   A.L. Ren, J. Zhang, B. Guo, С.M. Liu and Y.Z. Li ........... 208
Application of electrokinetics in the remediation of
polychlorinated biphenyl-contaminated soil by
a combination of soil washing and biodegradation
   T. Chen, С.X. Sun and W.W. Chen ............................ 214
Tween80-enhanced phytoremediation of polychlorinated
biphenyls-contaminated soil
   T. Chen, С.X. Sun and W.W. Chen ............................ 224
A critical evaluation of renewable energy technologies for
desalination M.F.A.Goosen, H.Mahmoudi, N.Ghaffour,
   J. Bundschuh and Y.Al. Yousef .............................. 233
Application of Cu2+ and Ni2+ loading-ions catalysts for
leachate treatment
   B.J. Jiang and Y.X. Zhao ................................... 259

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