Aigner J.S. Archaeological remains in Pleistocene China (Munchen, 1981). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаAigner J.S. Archaeological remains in Pleistocene China. - München: C.H.Beck, 1981. - 351 p.: ill. - (Forschungen zur allgemeinen und vergleichenden Archäologie; Bd.1). - Bibliogr.: p.331-351. - ISBN 3-406-08731-0
Шифр: (И/Т4-А28) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Introduction .................................................... 1
Cenozoic Geology ................................................ 9
Pleistocene and Modern Vegetation in China ..................... 34
Modern Faunal Provinces and South China Pleistocene 
   Zoogeographie Regions ....................................... 47
Archaeological Remains from South China ........................ 57
North Chinese Zoogeographie Regions ............................ 78
Archaeological Remains from the North China Plain and 
   Shantung Peninsula .......................................... 87
Archaeological Remains from the Loess Region .................. 174
Archaeological Remains from the Ordos, Mongolian 
   Borderlands, Inner Mongolia, Northeast and Western
   Interior Regions ........................................... 245
Pleistocene Prehistory and Biogeographic Regions in North
   China ...................................................... 269
1  Regional stratigraphies .................................... 283
2  Faunal lists and early lithic typologies ................... 286
3  Modern and fossil fauna from Quaternary China .............. 321

References cited .............................................. 331

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