Open cell foams as substrates for the design of structured catalysts, solid oxide fuel cells and supported asymmetric membranes (New York, 2017). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаOpen cell foams as substrates for the design of structured catalysts, solid oxide fuel cells and supported asymmetric membranes / ed. O.L.Smorygo et al. - New York: Nova Science Publichers, 2017. - xii, 201 p.: ill., tab. - (Biochemistry research trends). - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.197-201. - ISBN 978-1-63485-428-3
Шифр: (И/Л2-O.63) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ....................................................... vii
Chapter 1  Porous Permeable Materials as Supports for
           Structured Catalysts and Supported Membranes ......... 1
Chapter 2  Plastic Deformation as an Approach to Design New
           Open Cell Metal Foam Supports ....................... 33
Chapter 3  Processing the Composite Foam Supports with
           the Graded Pore Structure and Composition ........... 55
Chapter 4  Converting Hydrocarbon and Oxygenated Fuels
           over the Structured Foam Catalysts .................. 81
Chapter 5  Open Cell Foam Substrates in Supported Asymmetric
           Membranes and SOFCs ................................ 155
Acknowledgments ............................................... 191
About the Authors ............................................. 193
Index ......................................................... 197

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