Knowledge and systems sciences: knowledge creation towards Internet+ inspired economy (Xi'an, 2015). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаKnowledge and systems sciences: knowledge creation towards Internet+ inspired economy: KSS' 2015 Xi'an: (proc. of the 16th Intern. symp. on knowledge and systems sciences, Xi'an, China, Sept. 24-26, 2015) / eds.: J.Chen et al. - Xi'an: JAIST Press, 2015. - [10], III, 247 p.: ill., tab. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art. - Auth. ind.: p.245. - Keyword ind.: p.246-247. - ISBN 978-4-903092-40-9
Шифр: (И/У5-K62) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Transfer Payment Effect on Different Disaster Vulnerability
Regions of Urban and Rural Residents' Household Consumption 
   Ruofei Li, Lili Rong, Quan Liu ............................... 1
Spatial Difference and Econometric Analysis on Urban Energy 
Efficiency in China
   Ruofei Li, Lili Rong, Quan Liu .............................. 13
A Homophily-Heterophily Model the Evolution of Scientific 
Collaboration Networks
   Peng Liu, Shuangling Luo, Haoxiang Xia ...................... 23
How do Middle-Eastern Employees See Social Networks Sites 
Influence on Their Social Relationships at Workplace?
   Mahmoud T.M. Qassrawi, Haoxiang Xia ......................... 32
A Survey on Knowledge Synthesis in Software Companies
   Shanmuganathan Vasanthapriyan, Jing Tian, Jianwen Xiang, 
   Jiangtio Wu ................................................. 40
Network-like DEA Approach for Environmental Assessment: 
Evidence from U.S. Manufacturing Sectors
   Yu Yu, Qinfen Shi, Jie Wu ................................... 50
A Study of Knowledge Management and Knowledge Creation in 
Undergraduate Based on Surveys in a Chinese Research 
   Jianguo Wu, Jing Tian, Bing Shi, Jianwen Xiang .............. 60
Risk Analysis of Regional Disaster Chain Based on Disaster 
   Yuting Liu, Lili Rong ....................................... 69
A Study on Multi-Attribute Evaluation for Personalized 
Recommendation of Traditional Crafts
   Wei Guo ..................................................... 78
Research on Emotion Affection and Team Affection in Knowledge
   Xilin Yang, Yanzhong Dang, Yutong Li ........................ 85
A Method of Responder Cooperation Oriented to Unconventional
   Xue Liu, Lili Rong .......................................... 91
Learning EOQ Models from Data
   Yanxin Feng.Guangfei Yang ................................... 99
Research on Knowledge Heterogeneity and Its Effect to the 
Success Rate of Interpersonal Knowledge Interaction
   Xin Yue, Yanzhong Dang, Deqiang Hu ......................... 108
Computational Model of Affective Trust in Knowledge 
Intensive Team
   Deqiang Нu, Yanzhong Dang, Xin Yue ......................... 114
Carbon Dioxide Emissions and Economic Growth: Panel Data 
Evidencefrom 67 Countries
   Wenli Li, Guangfei Yang .................................... 121
RFOTI: An Efficient and Effective Retweet-Forecasting Model
Based on User's Topics of Interest
   Juan Shi, Kin Keung Lai, Gang Chen ......................... 131
Sample and Rule Centric Approach for Associative 
Classification on Imbalanced Data
   Xiang Zhang, Xtiejiao Cui, Guangfei Yang ................... 140
An I-system Analysis of Biomass Utilization Project as 
Regional Innovation
   Yasuyoshi Taruta, Yoshitein Nakamori ....................... 150
Development and Evaluation of a Social Service System
   Fei Meng, V.N. Huynh, Y. Nakamori, J. Fujimori, 
   T. Tatsuse ................................................. 155
Study on Knowledge Management of Collaborative Product 
Design Based on Data Mining
   Shizhong Ai, Likuп Gao ..................................... 166
A Study on the Technological Innovation of Apple Using 
Patent Analysis
   Yi Zhang, Tieju Ma ......................................... 172
Patent-based Analysis of Google's Technology Networks 
   Nuoyu Xu, Tieju Ma ......................................... 174
Evolution of China's Export: Monte Carlo Simulations within 
a Product Space
   Quan Gu, Tieju Ma .......................................... 177
Research on Contribution of Science and Technology Inputs to
Regional Economic Growth in Shaanxi, China
   Mingyuan Yang, Rong Du ..................................... 180
Study on the Influential Factors of China's Regional Energy 
   Wenli Li, Guangfei Yang .................................... 185
The Risk Level Estimation Based on Deep Learning Method for 
Tianya Forum
   Jindong Chen, Xijin Tang ................................... 195
Empirical M-cycIes Balance Investigation on Relationship 
among theCountries of the Middle East, US and the Extreme 
   Zhenpeng Li, Xijin Tang .................................... 203
Requirements Oriented Design and Efficiency Evaluation of
   Shaaijun Cong, Xiaoji Zhou ................................. 207
CoSpa: A Co-training Approach for Spam Review Identification 
with Support Vector Machines
   Wen Zhang, Chaoqi Bu, Xijin Tang, Taketoshi Yoshida ........ 213
Optimization with the Objective as a Complex Adaptive 
Process - Optimizing the Layout of Initial AFVs Stations for 
Maximizing the Diffusion of AFVs
   Jiangjiang Zhao, Tieju Ma .................................. 224
Comparative Study on Electric Vehicle Technology in China, 
Japan and the United States: A Patent Data Perspective
   Feng Shen, Tieju Ma ........................................ 228
Research on Scenarios of China's Coal-Electricity System 
with MESSAGE Model
   Yaru Zhang, Tieju Ma ....................................... 231
Study on Public Opinion Formation and Evolution of Microblog 
Public Opinion Field Based on a Supernetwork Model
   Yuan Huang, Sijia Chen, Yijun Liu .......................... 234
Personalized Recommendation System Based On Privacy-
Preserving Link Prediction in Social Networks
   Xiao Zhang, Lingling Zhang ................................. 237

Author index .................................................. 245
Key words index ............................................... 246

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