Surface models for geosciences (Cham, 2015). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаSurface models for geosciences / eds.: K.Ružičková, T.Inspektor. - Cham: Springer, 2015. - xxii, 308 p.: ill., tab. - (Lecture notes in geoinformation and cartography). - Bibliogr. at the end of the art. - Auth. ind.: p.307-308.6 - ISBN 978-3-319-18406-7; ISSN 1863-2246
Шифр: (И/Д8-S94) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Modelling and Visualising Landscape and Terrain Impacts of
Planned Developments ............................................ 1
   Gábor Barton, Katalin Bódis and Robert Géczi
Morphological Analyses of the Central Slovakia on Base of the
DEM ............................................................ 13
   Dalibor Bartonĕk, Jiří Bureš, Lubomil Pospišil and Otakar
Surface Classification Above Gas Pipeline Facilities ........... 27
   Dalibor Bartonĕk, Irena Opatřilová and Jiří Bureš
Rockfall Monitoring Based on Surface Models .................... 37
   Snežana Bogdanović, Miloš Marjanović, Biljana Abolmasov, 
   Uroš Đurić and Irena Basarić
Coping with Integrating Low-Cost 3D Printing and Surface
Models: A Case Study on Prusa i3 ............................... 45
   Jan Brus and Radek Barviř
Line-of-Sight Derived Indices: Viewing Angle Difference to
a Local Horizon and the Difference of Viewing Angle and
the Slope of Line of Sight ..................................... 61
   Jan Caha and Alexandra Rášová
Initial Results of a Surface Deformation by Using InSAR
Techniques: Case Study of Babadağ (Denizli), Turkey ............ 73
   Fatma Canaslan Çomut, Şule Gürboğa and Aydin Üstün
Results Comparison of the Flow Direction and Accumulation
Algorithms Together with Distributed Rainfall-Runoff Models
in Czech Switzerland National Park ............................. 87
   Vladimir Fárek and Jan Unucka
Surveying of Small Water Reservoirs for Water Management
Purposes ....................................................... 99
   Jakub Fuska and Viliam Bárek
Detailed Digital Terrain Models in the Research of Deserted
Settlement: Hydrological Modelling and Environment
of Settlement Areas ........................................... 113
   Lukáš Holata and Radek Světlík
DTM Impact on the Results of Dam Break Simulation
in ID Hydraulic Models ........................................ 125
   Andrea Jančíková and Jan Unucka
Dasymetric Mapping of Population Distribution in Serbia
Based on Soil Sealing Degrees Layer ........................... 137
   Nikola Krunić, Branislav Bajat and Milan Kilibarda
Geographic Information System for Flood Hazard Analysis
and Early Warning Using Numerical Weather Predictions ......... 151
   Marcin Kulawiak, Andrzej Chybicki, Јukasz Markiewicz and
   Marlena Jankowska
Effect of DEM Inaccuracy on Precision of Satellite InSAR
Results ....................................................... 165
   Milan Lazecký, Matúš Bakoň and Ivana Hlaváčová
Creating of DSM Based on RPAS Measurement and Accuracy
Testing ....................................................... 173
   Karel Pavelka and Jaroslav Šedina
The Use of Real and Fictitious Surfaces for Territorial
Distribution Assessment of Given Geographic Phenomenon ........ 189
   Aleš Ruda and Jaromir Kolejka
Impact of GDAL JPEG 2000 Lossy Compression to a Digital
Elevation Model ............................................... 205
   Jan Růžička and Kateřina Ružičková
Design of Test Base for Determine Volume Accuracy ............. 215
   Václav Šafář
New Automatic Accuracy Evaluation of Altimetry Data:
DTM 5G Compared with ZABAGED® Altimetry ....................... 225
   Jakub Šilhavý and Václav Čada
Hydraulic Erosion Modeling on a Triangular Mesh ............... 237
   Věra Skorkovská, Ivana Kolingerová and Bedrich Benes
Registration of Optical and Radar Satellite Images Using
Local Features and Non-rigid Geometric Transformations ........ 249
   Mohamed Tahoun, Aboul Ella Hassanien and Ralf Reulke
Experimental Comparison of Sequential and Global Modelling
Methods of Subsurface Horizon Sequence ........................ 263
   Ladislav Vizi and Maria Benčoková
Implementation of Poisson Faulting Algorithm with Circular
Fault Function for Hardness Data Synthesis .................... 281
   Korneliusz К. Warszawski and Sławomir S. Nikiel
Photogrammetric Point Clouds for GIS-Based High-Resolution
Estimation of Solar Radiation for Roof-Тор Solar Systems ...... 293
   Roland Zink, Luis Ramirez Camargo, Patrick Reidelstürz and
   Wolfgang Dorner

Author Index .................................................. 307

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