New results in numerical and experimental fluid mechanics IX: contributions to the 18th STAB/DGLR Symposium, Stuttgart, Germany, 2012 (Cham, 2014). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаNew results in numerical and experimental fluid mechanics IX: contributions to the 18th STAB/DGLR Symposium, Stuttgart, Germany, 2012 / eds.: A.Dillmann et al. - Cham: Springer, 2014. - xvi, 683 p.: ill. - (Notes on numerical fluid mechanics and multidisciplinary design; vol.124). - Bibliogr. at the end of the art. - Auth. ind.: p.681-683. - ISBN 978-3-319-03157-6; ISSN 1612-2909
Шифр: (И/В25-N52) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Part I. Airplane Aerodynamics
Influence of Meshing on Flow Simulation in the Wing-Body
Junction of Transport Aircraft .................................. 3
   Philipp Peter Gansel, Patriz Dürr, Markus Baumann, Thorsten
   Lutz and Ewald Krämer
Numerical Approach Aspects for the Investigation of the
Longitudinal Static Stability of a Transport Aircraft with
Circulation Control ............................................ 13
   Dennis Keller
Numerical Investigation of the Influence of Shock Control
Bumps on the Buffet Characteristics of a Transonic Airfoil ..... 23
   Steffen Bogdaсski, Klemens Nübler, Thorsten Lutz and Ewald
Numerical Investigation of the Flutter Behaviour of a Laminar
Supercritical Airfoil .......................................... 33
   A.C.L.M. van Rooij and W. Wegner

Part II. Optimization
Aero-Elastic Multipoint Optimization Using the Coupled
Adjoint Approach ............................................... 45
   Mohammad Abu-Zurayk and Joël Brezillon
Efficient Global Optimization of a Natural Laminar Airfoil
Based on Surrogate Modeling .................................... 53
   Chunna Li, Joël Brezillon and Stefan Görtz
Efficient Quantification of Aerodynamic Uncertainty due to
Random Geometry Perturbations .................................. 65
   Dishi Liu and Stefan Görtz
Fluid-Dynamic Optimization of the Cabin Air Outlet Do728-KLA
with Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis .............................. 75
   Anne Lincke, Gerrit Lauenroth, Thomas Rung and Claus Wagner

Part III. Turbulence Research and Turbulence Modeling
Geometrical Features of Streamlines and Streamline
Segments in Turbulent Flows .................................... 85
   Philip Schaefer, Markus Gampert, Fabian Hennig and Norbert
Numerical Investigation of the Combined Effects of Gravity
and Turbulence on the Motion of Small and Heavy Particles ...... 93
   Christoph Siewert, Rudie Kunnen, Matthias Meinke and
   Wolfgang Schröder
On "Adaptive Wall-Functions" for LES of Flow and Heat
Transfer ...................................................... 103
   G. John-Puthenveettil and S. Jakirlić
The Influence of the Diffusion Model on the Separation
Sensitivity of Differential Reynolds Stress Models ............ 113
   Bernhard Eisfeld
DNS and LES of Turbulent Mixed Convection in the Minimal
Flow Unit ..................................................... 123
   Christian Kath and Claus Wagner
Turbulence Resolving Simulations of the Flow About a Tandem
Cylinder and a Rudimentary Landing Gear ....................... 133
   Dieter Schwamborn, Axel Probst, Roland Kessler,
 Mariafrancesca Valentino and Keith Weinman
Superstructures in a Turbulent Boundary Layer Under the
Influence of an Adverse Pressure Gradient Investigated by
Large-Scale PIV ............................................... 143
   D. Schanz, Т. Knopp, A. Schröder, M. Dumitra and 
   С.J. Kähler

Part IV. Laminar Flow Control and Transition
Impact of Forward-Facing Steps on Laminar-Turbulent
Transition in Subsonic Flows .................................. 155
   Christopher Edelmann and Ulrich Rist
Contents xi Interaction of a Cylindrical Roughness Element
and a Two-Dimensional TS-Wave ................................. 163
   Benjamin Plogmann, Werner Würz and Ewald Krämer
Effects of a Discrete Medium-Sized Roughness in a Laminar
Swept-Wing Boundary Layer ..................................... 173
   Holger В.E. Kurz and Markus J. Kloker
Wing Design Based on a Tapered Wing Natural Laminar Flow
Airfoil Catalogue ............................................. 183
   Judith Frfr. von Geyr, Fedime von Knoblauch zu Hatzbach,
   Arne Seitz, Thomas Streit and Georg Wichmann
Experimental and Numerical Investigations of the Laminar
Airfoil NLF9 .................................................. 193
   Rene-Daniel Cécora and Henning Rosemann
Reconstruction of a Disturbance Flow Field from Wall
Measurements of Tollmien-Schlichting Waves .................... 203
   Arne Seitz
Flight Measurements Under Turbulent Atmospheric Conditions .... 213
   Andreas Reeh, Michael Weismüller and Cameron Tropea

Part V. Rotorcraft Aerodynamics
Numerical Investigation of the Influence of the Model
Installation on Rotor Blade Airfoil Measurements .............. 225
   K. Richter, A.D. Gardner and S.H. Park
Flow Simulation of a Five: Bladed Rotor Head .................. 235
   Moritz Grawunder, Roman Reß, Victor Stein, Christian
   Breitsamter and Nikolaus A. Adams
Blade Shape Design: Trim Acceleration for Fluid-Structure
Coupled Simulations of an Isolated Rotor in Forward Flight .... 245
   Martin Hollands, Manuel Keßler and Ewald Krämer
Numerical Investigations of a Back-Flow Flap for Dynamic
Stall Control ................................................. 255
   K. Kaufmann, A.D. Gardner and K. Richter
Adaptation of the Dynamic Rotor Blade Modelling in CAMRAD	
for Fluid-Structure Coupling Within a Blade Design Process .... 263
   Christian Stanger, Martin Hollands, Manuel Keßler and Ewald

Part VI. Convective Flows
Flight Testing of Alternative Ventilation Systems for
Aircraft Cabins ............................................... 275
   J. Bosbach, A. Heider, Т. Dehne, M. Markwart, I. Gores	A
   and P. Bendfeldt
Large-scale Coherent Structures in Turbulent Mixed
Convective Air Flow ........................................... 285
   Andreas Westhoff, Johannes Bosbach and Claus Wagner
Numerical Simulation of the Air Flow and Thermal Comfort
in Aircraft Cabins ............................................ 293
   Mikhail Konstantinov, Waldemar Lautenschlager, Andrei
   Shishkin and Claus Wagner
Highly-Resolved Numerical Simulations of High Rayleigh and
Reynolds Number Indoor Ventilation in a Generic Room .......... 303
   Olga Shishkina and Claus Wagner
Influence of the Geometry on Rayleigh-Benard Convection ....... 313
   Sebastian Wagner, Olga Shishkina and Claus Wagner

Part VII. Aerodynamics and Aeroacoustics of Ground Vehicles
An Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Near
Wake Field of a Tractor-Trailer Configuration ................. 325
   Johannes Haff, Joachim Tschech, Hugues Richard, Sigfried
   Loose and Claus Wagner
Experimental Study of the Pressure Rise due to Tunnel Entry
of a High-Speed Train ......................................... 335
   Daniela Heine and Klaus Ehrenfried
Aerodynamic Loads Induced by Passing Trains on Track Side
Objects ....................................................... 343
   Sabrina Rutschmann, Klaus Ehrenfried and Andreas Dillmann
Flow-Induced Airborne and Structure-Borne Noise
at a Simplified Car Model ..................................... 353
   Stefan Müller, Stefan Becker, Christoph Gabriel,
   Reinhard Lerch and Frank Ullrich

Part VIII. Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics
Prediction of Transonic Flutter Behavior of a Supercritical
Airfoil Using Reduced Order Methods ........................... 365
   Nagaraj K. Banavara and Diliana Dimitrov
Partitioned Fluid-Structure Interaction on Solution-Adaptive
Hierarchical Cartesian Grids .................................. 375
   Gonzalo Brito Gadeschi, Matthias Meinke and Wolfgang
An Assessment of the Influence of Fuselage Deformations
on the Numerical Prediction of High-Lift Performance .......... 385
   Stefan Keye
Combined Time-Resolved PIV and Structure Deformation
Measurements for Aeroelastic Investigations ................... 395
   Hauke Ehlers, Reinhard Geisler, Sebastian Gesemann and
   Andreas Schröder

Part IX. Numerical Simulation
CTAU, A Cartesian Grid Method for Accurate Simulation
of Compressible Flows with Convected Vortices ................. 405
   Philip Kelleners and Frank Spiering
Coupling of Flow Solvers with Variable Accuracy of Spatial
Discretization ................................................ 415
   Frank Spiering and Philip Kelleners
Overlapping Grids in the DLR THETA Code ....................... 425
   Roland Kessler and Johannes Löwe
Detached Eddy Simulation Using the Discontinuous Galerkin
Method ........................................................ 435
   Michael Wurst, Manuel Keßler and Ewald Krämer
Application of Point and Line Implicit Preconditioning
Techniques to Unsteady Flow Simulations ....................... 443
   Dian Li and Stefan Langer
Validation of a Time-Domain TAU-Flight Dynamics Coupling
Based on Store Release Scenarios .............................. 455
   Lars Reimer, Ralf Heinrich and Rosemarie Meuer
Implementation of Flow Through Porous Media into
a Compressible Flow Solver .................................... 465
   Michael Mößner and Rolf Radespiel
Evaluation of Hybrid RANS/LES Methods for Computing Flow
over a Prolate Spheroid ....................................... 475
   Sunil Lakshmipathy
RANS-based Aerodynamic Drag and Pitching Moment Predictions
for the Common Research Model ................................. 485
   Olaf Brodersen and Simone Crippa
Aerodynamic Effects of Tip Tanks on a Swept Wing Wind-Tunnel
Model ......................................................... 495
   Claus-Philipp Hühne, Peter Scholz and Rolf Radespiel
Simulation of Interaction of Aircraft and Gust Using
the TAU-Code .................................................. 503
   Ralf Heinrich
Numerical Investigation of the Magnus Effect of a Generic
Projectile at Mach 3 up to 90° Angle of Attack ................ 513
   Daniel Klatt, Robert Hruschka and Friedrich Leopold

Part X. Experimental Simulation and Test Techniques
Large Scale Tomographic Particle Image Velocimetry of 
Turbulent Rayleigh-Benard Convection .......................... 525
   Daniel Schiepel, Johannes Bosbach and Claus Wagner
Pressure Measurement on Rotating Propeller Blades by Means
of the Pressure-Sensitive Paint Lifetime Method ............... 535
   C. Klein, U. Henne, W.E. Sachs, S. Hock, N. Falk,
   V. Ondrus, U. Beifuss and S. Schaber
Optical In-Flight Wing Deformation Measurements with the
Image Pattern Correlation Technique ........................... 545
   Ralf Meyer, Tania Kirmse and Fritz Boden
Development of a Rotating Camera for In-flight Measurements
of Aircraft Propeller Deformation by Means of IPCT ............ 555
   Fritz Boden and Boleslaw Stasicki
Impact of Forced High Frequency Airfoil Oscillations on the
Shock Motion at Transonic Buffet Flows ........................ 563
   Antje Feldhusen, Axel Hartmann, Michael Klaas and
   Wolfgang Schröder
Total Pressure Measurements Behind an Axial Ventilator Using
a Kiel Probe Array ............................................ 573
   Till Heinemann, Claus Bakeberg, Hermann Lienhart and Stefan
Experimental Study on Wave Drag Reduction at Slender Bodies
by a Self-aligning Aerospike .................................. 583
   Oliver Wysocki, Erich Schülein and Christian Schnepf

Part XI. Aeroacoustics
Aeroacoustic and Aerodynamic Importance of Unequal Rotor
Rotation Speeds of a CROR ..................................... 593
   R.A.D. Akkermans, J.W. Delfs, С.O. Márquez, A. Stuermer,
   C. Richter, С. Clemen, В. Caruelle and M. Omais
Computational Aeroacoustics of a Counter-Rotating Open
Rotor at Different Angles of Attack ........................... 601
   Eirene Rebecca Busch, Manuel Keßler and Ewald Krämer
Assessment of Front Rotor Trailing Edge Blowing for the
Reduction of Open Rotor Interaction Noise ..................... 609
   A. Stuermer, R.A.D. Akkermans and J.W. Delfs
Examination of the Influence of Flow Speed on the Coherence
Lengths in Turbulent Boundary Layers at High Subsonic Mach
Numbers ....................................................... 619
   Stefan Haxter, Klaus Ehrenfried and Stefan Kröber
Sound Generation by Low Mach Number Flow Through Pipes with
Diaphragm Orifices ............................................ 629
   Frank Obermeier, Mikhail Konstantinov, Andrei Shishkin and
   Claus Wagner
A Separated Flow Model for Semi-Empirical Prediction
of Trailing Edge Noise ........................................ 639
   Chan Yong Schuele and Karl-Stéphane Rossignol

Part XII. Biofluid Mechanics
Computational Analysis of a Three-dimensional Flapping Wing ... 651
   Nadine Buchmann, Rolf Radespiel and Ralf Heinrich
Combined Flow and Shape Measurements of the Flapping Flight
of Freely Flying Barn Owls .................................... 661
   Thomas Doster, Thomas Wolf and Robert Konrath
Numerical Investigation of the Aerodynamic Forces Induced
by the Flow around Free Flying Fruit Fly ...................... 671
   Andrei Shishkin and Claus Wagner

Author Index .................................................. 681

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