Integrated waste management in India: status and future prospects for environmental sustainability ([S. l.], 2016). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаIntegrated waste management in India: status and future prospects for environmental sustainability / eds.: M.Prashanthi, R.Sundaram. - [S. l.]: Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2016. - ix, 277 p.: ill., tab. - (Environmental science and engineering. Environmental science). - Bibliogr. at the end of the art. - ISBN 978-3-319-27226-9; ISSN 1431-6250
Шифр: (И/Ж-I.69) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Part I. Applied Waste Management
Impact of Water Pollution on Coconut Cultivation
in Vellore District, Tamil Nadu ................................. 3
   K. Sivakumar and M.P. Parvez Ahmed
Solid Waste Management in Vellore District, Tamil Nadu ......... 13
   A. Royal Edward Williams and S. Kumar
Site Suitability Analysis for Solid Waste Management
Using Multi Criteria Analysis .................................. 19
   Sanhita Ghosh and Sachikanta Nanda

Part II. Alternate Clean Energy Fuel Technologies
Nitrate Reduction by Denitrifying Bacillus Cohnii Isolated
from Sewage Treatment Plant .................................... 35
   Т.К. Poornima Priyadharsani, D. Suriyaprakasham, P. Prakash 
   and K. Thamaraiselvi
A Mini Review on Cyanophycin: Production, Analysis and Its
Applications ................................................... 49
   J. Aravind, T. Saranya, G. Sudha and P. Kanmani
Utilization of Cheese Industry Whey for Biofuel-Ethanol
Production ..................................................... 59
   G. Rajarajan, A. Irshad, B.V. Raghunath, G. Mahesh kumar and
   A. Punnagaiarasi
Anaerobic Digestion of Wastewater and Municipal Sludge
to Isolate Potent Methanogen Using BMP Assay ................... 65
   Ayesha Sulthana, K.C. Latha and S. Balasubramanian

Part III. Waste Management Strategies
A Statistical Based Experimental Approach for Biodegradation
and Optimization of Heavy Metals ............................... 85
   S. Umadevi, S. Aalfin Emmanuel, P.M. Ayyasamy and 
   S. Rajakumar
Wastewater Treatment Studies on Free Water Surface
Constructed Wetland System ..................................... 97
   G. Midhun, L. Divya, Jessen George, P. Jayakumar and 
   S. Suriyanarayanan
Recycling of Distillery Spent Wash and Their Effect
on Growth of Sesame (Sesamum) Crop ............................ 111
   V. Karthika, G. Rajannan and P. Thangavel
ISO 14001: Environmental Management System .................... 117
   R. Mayamumgan

Part IV. Bioremediation and Environmental Sustainability
Utilization of Medicinal Oil Effluent for Lipase Production
by Penicillium citrinum MKF3 .................................. 125
   N. Vinod Kumar, Mary Esther Rani, R. Gunaseeli and 
   N.D. Kannan
Waste Water Sludge Treatment Using Rice Bran .................. 133
   P. Geetha and M. Kokila
A Novel Lipopeptide Bacterial Biosurfactant for 
Bioremediation ................................................ 139
   C. Elizabeth Rani Juneius and Jayasundari
Bioremediation of Ethylbenzene by Soil Column Study
and Bioreactor Study for Polluted Soil and Water Samples
Using Optimized Bacterial Consortium .......................... 155
   S. Ashok, V. Akila, P.M. Ayyasamy and S. Rajakumar
Bio-degradation of Reactive Dyes by Indigenous Bacteria
Obtained from Textile Effluent Contaminated Site .............. 169
   P. Muthukumaran, M. Priya, P. Vignesh and J. Aravind
Hydrolytic Enzyme Profiling of Bacillus Subtilis COM6B
and Its Application in the Bioremediation of Groundnut
Oil Mill Effluent ............................................. 179
   P. Kanmani, J. Aravind and K. Kumaresan
Management of Grey Water with Bio-beds Using Phytotechnology .. 191
   N.D. Shrinithivihahshini, R. Chithra Devi, R. Viji, 
   D. Mahamuni and M. Sheela Mary
Optimization of Bacillus sp. (KTSMBNL-16) for 
Decolourization of Dye AV90 Using Batch Studies ............... 207
   P. Prakash, M. Dexilin, B. Gowri Manogri and 
   K. Thamaraiselvi

Part V. Implications of Waste on Human Health and 
Community Participation in Waste Management
Role of NGO's in Protecting Environment and Health ............ 221
   M. Loganathan and Jothi Narendiran
A Study on Self-sacrificing Role Played by Garbage Pickers 
in Cleaning up the Environment ................................ 229
   J. Jacob Stanley Inbaraj and M. Elangovan
Impact of Dairy Effluent on Environment - A Review ............ 239
   B.V. Raghunath, A. Punnagaiarasi, G. Rajarajan, A. Irshad,
   A. Elango and G. Mahesh kumar
Treatment of Waste Water from Meat Industry ................... 251
   A. Irshad, S. Sureshkumar, B.V. Raghunath, G. Rajarajan 
   and G. Mahesh Kumar
Waste Management in Food Packaging Industry ................... 265
   G. Mahesh Kumar, A. Irshad, B.V. Raghunath and 
   G. Rajarajan

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