Clinical MRI of the abdomen: why, how, when (Berlin; Heidelberg, 2011). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаClinical MRI of the abdomen: why, how, when / ed. N.C.Gourtsoyiannis with contributions by Ph.Aschoff et al. - Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer, 2011. - 750 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.729-750. - ISBN 978-3-540-85688-7
Шифр: (И/Р41-C61) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Part I  Technical Considerations

1  Technical Considerations ..................................... 3
   Nickolas Papanikolaou and Charalampos Mpougias

Part II  Contrast Agents
2  MR Contrast Agents .......................................... 17
   Luis Curvo-Semedo and Filipe Caseiro-Alves

Part III  Liver and Biliary Tract
3  Diffuse Parenchymal Disease ................................. 43
   Luis Martí-Bonmatí and Lucía Flors Blasco
4  Benign Focal Lesions ........................................ 73
   Bernard E. Van Beers and Valerie Vilgrain
5  Hepatocellular Carcinoma .................................... 95
   Carlo Bartolozzi, Valentina Battaglia, and Elena Bozzi
6  Primary and Secondary Liver Malignancies ................... 117
   Sukru Mehmet Erturk, Karin Herrmann, and Pablo R. Ros
7  Biliary Tract .............................................. 133
   Sylvain Terraz, Magalie Viallon, and Christoph D. Becker
8  Pearls and Pitfalls of Liver and Biliary Tract Imaging ..... 149
   Luis Martí-Bonmatí and Estela López-Pérez

Part IV Pancreas
9  Ducts ...................................................... 187
   Celso Matos and Sandra Baleato
10 Parenchymal Disease ........................................ 225
   Thomas K. Helmberger
11 Pearls and Pitfalls of Pancreatic Imaging .................. 255
   Celso Matos, Martina Pezzullo, and Charikleia

Part V Spleen
12 Spleen ..................................................... 281
   Olle Ekberg

Part VI Adrenals
13 Adrenal Incidentalomas ..................................... 301
   Marzena Kulawska-Didoszak and Gabriel P. Krestin
14 Functioning Adrenal Pathology .............................. 335
   Anju Sahdev and Rodney H. Reznek
15 Pearls and Pitfalls of the Imaging of the Adrenals ......... 353
   Marzena Kulawska-Didoszak and Gabriel P. Krestin

Part VII Kidneys
16 Renal Masses ............................................... 383
   Roberto Pozzi Mucelli, Niccolò Faccioli, and Riccardo
17 Excretory System ........................................... 403
   Claus Nolte-Ernsting
18 Pitfalls of Imaging of the Kidneys ......................... 425
   Roberto Pozzi Mucelli

Part VIII Gut
19 Small Bowel ................................................ 449
   Sofia Gourtsoyianni, Nicholas C. Gourtsoyiannis, and
   Nickolas Papanikolaou
20 MR Colonography ............................................ 471
   Thomas C. Lauenstein
21 Rectum ..................................................... 481
   Sofia Gourtsoyianni and Regina G.H. Beets-Tan
22 Fistula-in-Ano ............................................. 493
   Steve Halligan and Stuart Taylor
23 Pearls and Pitfalls of Imaging of the Small Bowel and
   Rectum ..................................................... 507
   Regina G.H. Beets-Tan, Nickolas Papanikolaou, and
   Nicholas C. Gourtsoyiannis

Part IX Pelvis
24 Female Pelvis .............................................. 535
   Evis Sala and Rodney H. Reznek
25 Prostate Gland ............................................. 559
   François Cornud and Nicholas Papanicolaou
26 Pearls and Pitfalls of Imaging of the Pelvis ............... 599
   Anju Sahdev and Rodney H. Reznek

Part X  Pediatric Abdomen
27 MR Imaging of Paediatric Abdomen ........................... 639
   Michael Riccabona and Fred Avni

Part XI  MRI Advances in Patients with Cancer
28 Whole-Body MRI ............................................. 677
   Philip Aschoff, Claus D. Claussen, and Heinz-Peter
29 Diffusion-Weighted Imaging ................................. 685
   Anwar R. Padhani and Shilpan M. Patel
30 Target Volume Definition ................................... 707
   Anju Sahdev and Rodney H. Reznek

Part XII  Abdominal MRI at 3 Tesla
31 3 Tesla MR Imaging in the Abdomen .......................... 719
   Pablo R. Ros and Sukru Mehmet Erturk

Index ......................................................... 729

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