Facing the challenges of a multi-age workforce: a use-inspired approach (New York; London, 2015). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаFacing the challenges of a multi-age workforce: a use-inspired approach / ed. by L.M.Finkelstein et al. - New York; London: Routledge/Taylor & Francis, 2015. - xxxv, 371 p.: ill., tab. - (SIOP organizational frontiers series / Society for industrial and organizational psychology). - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - Auth. ind.: p.363-365. – Sub. ind.: p.366-371. - ISBN 978-0-415-83895-5
Шифр: (И/У52-F12) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Series Foreword .............................................. xiii
Preface ........................................................ xv
List of Figures .............................................. xvii
List of Tables .............................................. xviii
About the Editors ............................................. xix
About the Contributors ....................................... xxii
Acknowledgments ............................................. xxxiv

PART I. Overview ................................................ 1

Chapter 1  An Introduction to Facing the Challenges of a Multi-
           Age Workforce: A Use-Inspired Approach ............... 3
           Lisa M. Finkelstein, Donald M. Truxillo, Franco 
           Fraccaroli, and Ruth Kanfer
PART II   Science Confronts the Global Challenges .............. 23

Issue 1: Organizations and Teams Go Global ..................... 25

Chapter 2  Age Diversity and Global Teamwork: A Future
           Agenda for Researchers and Practitioners ............ 27
           Florian Kunze and Stephan A. Boehm
Chapter 3  Human Resource Management and Sustainability
           at Work Across the Lifespan: An Integrative
           Perspective ......................................... 50
           Annet H. de Lange, Dorien Т.A.M. Kooij, and 
           Beatrice I.J.M. van der Heijden

Issue 2: Patterns of Employment and Unemployment ............... 81

Chapter 4  The Challenge of Building Human Capital and
           Benefiting from It: A Person-Centric View of
           Youth Unemployment and Underemployment .............. 83
           José M. Peiró, Ana Hernández, and José Ramos
Chapter 5  The Aging Workforce and the Demands of Work in
           the 21st Century ................................... 108
           Margaret E. Beier
Chapter 6  Work Ability and Aging ............................. 134
           Juhani Ilmarinen and Ville llmarinen
Issue 3: Challenges Facing Specific Workforce Sectors ......... 157

Chapter 7  The Implications of Changes in Job Demands for the 
           Continued and Future Employment of Older Workers ... 159
           Sara J. Czaja, Joseph Sharit, Neil Charness, and
           Andrew C. Schmidt
Chapter 8  Aging and Emotional Labor Processes ................ 180
           James M. Diefendorff, Jennifer Tehan Stanley, and 
           Allison S. Gabriel
Issue 4: Practical Workplace Changes and Challenges ........... 207
Chapter 9  Workplace Intervention Effectiveness Across
           the Lifespan ....................................... 209
           Keith L. Zabel and Boris B. Baltes           
Chapter 10 Retirement and Bridge Employment: People, Context,
           and Time ........................................... 230
           Yujie Zhan and Mo Wang
Issue 5: Age Differences and Discrimination ................... 251

Chapter 11 Intergenerational Perceptions and Conflicts in
           Multi-Age and Multigenerational Work Environments .. 253
           Cort W. Rudolph and Hannes Zacher
Chapter 12 A Comparison of EEO Law on Workforce Aging Across
           English-Speaking Countries ......................... 283
           Arthur Gutman and Eric Dunleavy
PART III. Multidisciplinary Viewpoints ........................ 311
Chapter 13 How Individuals Navigate Social Mobility: 
           Changing Capacities and Opportunities in
           Careers Across Adulthood ........................... 313
           Jutta Heckhausen and Jacob Shane
Chapter 14 Labor Force Transitions in Late Life: Between
           Agency and Structure ............................... 321
           Kène Henkens
Chapter 15 Optimizing Older Workforces ........................ 330
           Laura L. Carstensen, Michaela E. Beals, and 
           Martha Deevy
PART IV   Editor Viewpoints ................................... 337
Chapter 16 Employment Transitions in Late Adulthood ........... 339
           Ruth Kanfer
Chapter 17 An Aging Workforce: The Contribution of Work,
           Industrial, and Organizational Psychology .......... 344
           Franco Fraccaroli
Chapter 18 Developing "Best Practices" for Organizations:
           A Gap in the Current Aging Research ................ 350
           Donald M. Truxillo
Chapter 19 Now That We Know What.. . How? ..................... 356
           Lisa M. Finkelstein
Author Index .................................................. 363
Subject Index ................................................. 366

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