Economic analysis of the digital economy (Chicago; London, 2015). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаEconomic analysis of the digital economy / ed. by A. Goldfarb, Sh.M.Greenstein, C.E.Tucker. - Chicago; London: University of Chicago press, 2015. - ix, 497 p.: ill., tab. - (National bureau of economic research conference report). - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - Auth. ind.: p.485-490. – Sub. ind.: p.491-497. - ISBN 978-0-226-20684-4
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Оглавление / Contents

Acknowledgments ................................................ xi

Introduction .................................................... 1
Avi Goldfarb, Shane M. Greenstein, and Catherine E. Tucker

I. Internet Supply and Demand

1  Modularity and the Evolution of the Internet ................ 21
   Timothy Simcoe
   Comment: Timothy F. Bresnahan
2  What Are We Not Doing When We Are Online? ................... 55
   Scott Wallsten
   Comment: Chris Forman

II. Digitization, Economic Frictions, and New Markets

3  The Future of Prediction: How Google, Searches Foreshadow
   Housing Prices and Sales .................................... 89
   Lynn Wu and Erik Brynjolfsson
4  Bayesian Variable Selection for Nowcasting Economic Time
   Series ..................................................... 119
   Steven L. Scott and Hal R. Varian

5  Searching for Physical and Digital Media: The Evolution
   of Platforms for Finding Books
   Michael R. Baye, Babur De los Santos, and Matthijs
   R. Wildenbeest
   Comment: Marc Rysman
5  Searching for Physical and Digital Media: The Evolution
   of Platforms for Finding Books ............................. 137
   Michael R. Baye, Babur De los Santos, and Matthijs
   R. Wildenbeest
   Comment: Marc Rysman
6  Ideology and Online News ................................... 169
   Matthew Gentzkow and Jesse M. Shapiro
7  Measuring the Effects of Advertising: The Digital
   Frontier ................................................... 191
   Randall Lewis, Justin M. Rao, and David H. Reiley
8  Digitization and the Contract Labor Market: A Research
   Agenda ..................................................... 219
   Ajay Agrawal, John Horton, Nicola Lacetera, and Elizabeth
   Comment: Christopher Stanton
9  Some Economics of Private Digital Currency ................. 257
   Joshua S. Gans and Hanna Halaburda

III. Government Policy and Digitization

10 Estimation of Treatment Effects from Combined Data:
   Identification versus Data Security ........................ 279
   Tatiana Komarova, Denis Nekipelov, and Evgeny Yakovlev
11 Information Lost: Will the "Paradise" That Information
   Promises, to Both Consumer and Firm, Be "Lost" on Account
   of Data Breaches? The Epic is Playing Out .................. 309
   Catherine L. Mann
   Comment: Amalia R. Miller
12 Copyright and the Profitability of Authorship: Evidence
   from Payments to Writers in the Romantic Period ............ 357
   Megan MacGarvie and Petra Moser
   Comment: Koleman Strumpf
13 Understanding Media Markets in the Digital Age: Economics
   and Methodology ............................................ 385
   Brett Danaher, Samita Dhanasobhon, Michael D. Smith, and
   Rahul Telang
14 Digitization and the Quality of New Media Products: The
   Case of Music .............................................. 407
   Joel Waldfogel
15 The Nature and Incidence of Software Piracy: Evidence
   from Windows ............................................... 443
   Susan Athey and Scott Stern
   Comment: Ashish Arora
Contributors .................................................. 481
Author Index .................................................. 485
Subject Index ................................................. 491

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