Delivery and adoption of cloud computing services in contemporary organizations (Hershey, 2015). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаDelivery and adoption of cloud computing services in contemporary organizations / [eds.]: V.Chang, R.J.Walters, G.ary Wills. - Hershey: Information science reference/ IGI Global, 2015. - xxii, 519 p.: ill., tab. - (Advances in systems analysis, software engineering, and high performance computing (ASASEHPC) book series) (Premier reference source). - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - Ind.: p.517-519. - ISBN 978-1-4666-8210-8; ISSN 2327-3453
Шифр: (И/З.973.2-D34) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ...................................................... xvii

Acknowledgment ............................................... xxii

Section 1. Cloud Fundamentals and Surveys

Chapter 1
Cloud Computing and Frameworks for Organisational Cloud 
Adoption ........................................................ 1
Victor Chang, Computing, Creative Technologies and 
   Engineering, Leeds Beckett University, UK
Robert John Walters, Electronics and Computer Science, 
   University of Southampton, UK
Gary B. Wills, Electronics and Computer Science, University 
   of Southampton, UK

Chapter 2
The Role of Cloud Computing Adoption in Global Business	 ....... 26
Kijpokin Kasemsap, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University,

Chapter 3
Impact of EU Data Protection Laws on Cloud Computing: 
Capturing Cloud-Computing Challenges and Fault Lines ........... 56
Morgan Eldred, University of Portsmouth, UK
Carl Adams, University of Portsmouth, UK
Alice Good, University of Portsmouth, UK

Section 2 Cloud Adoption Issues and Cases

Chapter 4
Analyzing French and Italian iPhone 4S Mobile Cloud Customer 
Satisfaction Presented by Organizational Sustainability 
Modeling ....................................................... 81
Victor Chang, Computing, Creative Technologies and 
Engineering, Leeds Beckett University, UK

Chapter 5
A Conceptual Model for Cloud Computing Adoption by SMEs 
in Australia .................................................. 100
Ishan Senarathna, Deakin University, Australia
Matthew Warren, Deakin University, Australia
William Yeoh, Deakin University, Australia
Scott Salzman, Deakin University, Australia

Chapter 6
Analysis of Cloud Services on Business Processes in the 
Digitalization of the Consumer Product Industry ............... 129
Ute Riemann, Business Principal Consultant, Business 
   Transformation Services, SAP Deutschland AG & Co. KG, 
   Walldorf, Germany

Chapter 7
Cloud Computing for Rural ICT Implementations: Methods, 
Models, and Architectures ..................................... 166
"Mohamed Fazil Mohamed Firdhous, University of Moratuwa, Sri 

Section 3 Current Cloud Advances

Chapter 8
A Resource Allocation Model for Desktop Clouds ................ 199
Abdulelah Alwabel, University of Southampton, UK
Robert John Walters, University of Southampton, UK
Gary B. Wills, University of Southampton, UK

Chapter 9
Performance Evaluation of Multi-Core Multi-Cluster
Architecture (MCMCA) .......................................... 219
Norhazlina Hamid, University of Southampton, UK
Robert John Walters, University of Southampton, UK
Gary B. Wills, University of Southampton, UK

Chapter 10
A Formal Framework for Cloud Systems .......................... 245
Zakaria Benzadri, University of Constantine 2, Algeria
Chafia Bouanaka, University of Constantine 2, Algeria
Faïza Belala, University of Constantine 2, Algeria

Chapter 11
Building Clouds: An Integrative Approach for an Automated 
Deployment of Elastic Cloud Services .......................... 269
Leonard Heilig, University of Hamburg, Germany
Stefan Voß, University of Hamburg, Germany
Lars Wulfken, Amazon Web Services, Germany

Section 4. Proofs-of-Concept and Demonstrations

Chapter 12
Cloud Services for Healthcare: Insights from 
a Multidisciplinary Integration Project ....................... 292
Konstantinos Koumaditis, University of Piraeus, Greece
George Pittas, University of Piraeus, Greece
Marines Themistocleous, University of Piraeus, Greece
George Vassilacopoulos, University of Piraeus, Greece
Andriana Prentza, University of Piraeus, Greece
Dimosthenis Kyriazis, University of Piraeus, Greece
Flora Malamateniou, University of Piraeus, Greece

Chapter 13
Genome Sequencing in the Cloud ................................ 318
Wei Chen, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer
Center, USA
Yun Wan, School of Arts & Science, University of Houston 
- Victoria, USA
Bo Peng, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer
   Center, USA
Christopher I. Amos, Geisel School of Medicine, 
   Dartmouth College, USA

Chapter 14
An SNMP Based Traffic Characterisation Paradigm for Green-
Aware Networks ................................................ 340
Kiran Voderhobli, Leeds Beckett University, UK

Chapter 15
Cloud-Based Infiltration Detection System for Military 
Purposes ...................................................... 358
ChandraMani Sharma, Institute of Technology and Science, 
   Ghaziabad, India
Deepika Sharma, Govindam Business School, India
Harish Kumar, Institute of Technology and Science, India

Section 5 Security

Chapter 16
Secure Deduplication with Encrypted Data for Cloud Storage .... 388
Pasquale Puzio, SecludIT, France & EURECOM, France
Refik Molva, EURECOM, France
Melek Önen, EURECOM, France
Sergio Loureiro, SecludIT, France

Chapter 17
Management of Privacy and Security in Cloud Computing: 
Contractual Controls in Service Agreements .................... 409
Deniz Tuncalp, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey

Chapter 18
Enterprise Security Framework for Enterprise Cloud Data 
Centres ....................................................... 435
Muthu Ramachandran, Leeds Beckett University, UK

Compilation of References ..................................... 459
About the Contributors ........................................ 507
Index ......................................................... 517

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