Writing for professional development (Leiden; Boston, 2016). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаWriting for professional development / ed. by G.Ortoleva, M.Bétrancourt, S.Billett et al. - Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2016. - vii, 384 p.: ill., tab. - (Studies in writing; vol.32). - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - Ind.: p.383-384. - ISBN 978-90-04-26482-3; ISSN 1572-6304
Шифр: (И/Ш143-W88) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
1  Writing for Professional Development: An Introduction ........ 1
   Mireille Bétrancourt, Giulia Ortoleva and Stephen Billett
2  Learning through Writing: Mimetic Processes in Action ....... 12
   Stephen Billett
3  Transforming Practice through Reflective Writing:
   A Discursive Approach ....................................... 32
   Sabine Vanhulle, Anne Perréard Vité, Kristine Balslev and 
   Dominika Dobrowolska
4  Writing as a Body-Mind Performance Learning Activity for 
   Educational Development of Wholetheme Professional 
   Artistry .................................................... 61
   Asghar Iran-Nejad
5  Writing to Learn from Experience: Unguided Reflection as 
   Meaning Making Practices for Teachers ....................... 88
   Luísa Álvares Pereira, Íris Susana Pires Pereira and Inês
6  Writing Reflective Learning Journals: Promoting the Use of
   Learning Strategies and Supporting the Development of 
   Professional Skills ........................................ 107
   Laetitia Mauroux, Jessica Dehler Zufferey, Elisa Rodondi,
   Alberto Cattaneo, Elisa Motta andJean-Luc Gurtner
7  Students' Experiences of Reflective Writing as a Tool for
   Learning in Physiotherapy Education ........................ 129
   Merja Kurunsaari, Päivi Tynjälä and Arja Pürainen
8  Developing the Language of Midwifery through Continuity of
   Care Experiences ........................................... 152
   Pauline Glover and Linda Sweet
9  Using Writing to Support Student Professional Development 
   during Periods of Practical Training: A Case Study ......... 170
   Kirk Patrick Haig Sullivan and Peter E. Czigler
10 Individual and Collaborative Writing-to-Learn Activities 
   in Vocational Education: An Overview of Different 
   Instructional Strategies ................................... 188
   Alberto Cattaneo and Elena Boldrini
11 Computer-Supported Collaborative Writing for Professional 
   Development ................................................ 209
   Giulia Ortoleva and Mireille Bétrancourt
12 Professional Text Genres: Writing Standards in Vocational 
   Education .................................................. 233
   Astrid Neumann
13 Learning to Write as a Professional: Engineers and Health
   Professionals in the United Kingdom and Germany ............ 253
   Esther Odilia Breuer, Sigrid Newman and Julian Newman
14 Teaching Writing in Australian Vocational Education and
   Training Contexts: The Need for a New Professional 
   Development Approach and Commitment ........................ 276
   Ann Kelly
15 Becoming Brave Writers and Writing Teachers: Teachers 
   Recognizing Emotional Dimensions of Writing and 
   Transforming their Classroom Instruction ................... 298
   Rebecca Woodard
16 Researcher Professional Development through Writing: 
   A Negotiation Perspective .................................. 320
   Ray Smith
17 Becoming an Academic: Reflective Writing and Professional 
   Development ................................................ 340
   Cecile Marie Badenhorst, Rhonda Joy, Sharon Penney, Sarah
   Pickett, Jackie Hesson, Gabrielle Young, Heather McLeod, 
   Dorothy Vaandering and Xuemei Li
18 Constructing Professional Communication Identity through 
   the Final Client Deliverable: The Multimodal Investigation 
   Report ..................................................... 360
   Terri Grant
   Index ...................................................... 383

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