Wendt A. Quantum mind and social science: unifying physical and social ontology (Cambridge, 2015). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаWendt A. Quantum mind and social science: unifying physical and social ontology. - Cambridge: Cambridge university press, 2015. - xii, 354 p. - Bibliogr.: p.294-344. - Ind.: p.345-354. - ISBN 978-1-107-08254-0
Шифр: (И/Ю21/W54) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Acknowledgments ................................................. x

1  Preface to a quantum social science .......................... 1
   Why are we here? ............................................. 1
   Introduction ................................................. 2
   The causal closure of physics ................................ 7
   Classical social science .................................... 11
   The anomaly of consciousness ................................ 14
      The mind-body problem .................................... 14
      Intentionality and consciousness ......................... 18
      The threat of vitalism ................................... 21
   The anomaly of social structure ............................. 22
      Where is the state? ...................................... 23
      The threat of reification ................................ 25
   As if explanation and unscientific fictions ................. 26
   My central question, and answer in brief .................... 28
   Re-inventing the wheel? ..................................... 34
   Situating your observer ..................................... 36

Part I. Quantum theory and its interpretation .................. 39
   Introduction ................................................ 39
2  Three experiments ........................................... 43
   The Two-Slit Experiment ..................................... 43
      Measurement is creative .................................. 46
      Collapse of the wave function ............................ 46
      Complementarity .......................................... 48
   The Bell Experiments ........................................ 50
   The Delayed-Choice Experiment ............................... 54
3  Six challenges .............................................. 58
   The challenge to materialism ................................ 59
   The challenge to atomism .................................... 60
   The challenge to determinism ................................ 62
   The challenge to mechanism .................................. 63
   The challenge to absolute space and time .................... 65
   The challenge to the subject-object distinction ............. 66
4  Five interpretations ........................................ 70
   The problem and a meta-interpretive framework ............... 71
   Instrumentalism: the Copenhagen Interpretation .............. 73
   Realism I: materialist interpretations ...................... 76
      The GRW Interpretation ................................... 76
      The Many Worlds Interpretation ........................... 77
   Realism II: idealist interpretations ........................ 81
      The Subjectivist Interpretation .......................... 81
      The Bohm Interpretation .................................. 85

Part II Quantum consciousness and life ......................... 91
   Introduction ................................................ 91
5  Quantum brain theory ........................................ 95
   Your quantum brain .......................................... 96
      The Frцhlich tradition ................................... 98
      The Umezawa tradition ................................... 101
   Assessing the current debate ............................... 102
6  Panpsychism and neutral monism ............................. 109
   Panpsychism ................................................ 111
      Background .............................................. 112
      Defining 'psyche,' aka subjectivity ..................... 114
      Projecting subjectivity through the tree of life ........ 116
         .. And then all the way down ......................... 119
      The combination problem and quantum coherence ........... 123
   Neutral monism and the origin of time ...................... 124
7  A quantum vitalism ......................................... 131
   The materialist-vitalist controversy ....................... 132
   Life in quantum perspective ................................ 137
      Cognition ............................................... 139
      Will .................................................... 139
      Experience .............................................. 141
   Why call it vitalism? ...................................... 143

Part III. A quantum model of man .............................. 149
   Introduction ............................................... 149
8  Quantum cognition and rational choice ...................... 154
   Quantum decision theory .................................... 157
      Order effects in quantum perspective .................... 157
      Paradoxes of probability judgment ....................... 159
      Quantizing preference reversals ......................... 161
   Rationality unbound? ....................................... 164
   Quantum game theory: the next frontier ..................... 169
9  Agency and quantum will .................................... 174
   Reasons, teleology, and advanced action .................... 175
   Free will and quantum theory ............................... 182
      The philosophical literature ............................ 183
      The Libet experiments ................................... 185
10 Non-local experience in time ............................... 189
   The qualitative debate on changing the past ................ 191
      The Epistemological view ................................ 192
      The Ontological view .................................... 193
   The physics of changing the past ........................... 198

Part IV. Language, light, and other minds ..................... 207
   Introduction ............................................... 207
11 Quantum semantics and meaning holism ....................... 210
   Composition versus context in meaning ...................... 212
   Quantum contextualism ...................................... 215
12 Direct perception and other minds .......................... 222
   The problem of perception .................................. 223
   The dual nature of light ................................... 226
   Holographic projection and visual perception ............... 228
   Semantic non-locality and intersubjectivity ................ 230
      The theory of mind debate ............................... 230
      Semantic non-locality and other minds ................... 233
      Three objections considered ............................. 237

Part V The agent-structure problem redux ...................... 243
   Introduction ....................... 243
13 An emergent, holistic but flat ontology .................... 247
   Supervenience meets externalism ............................ 250
   Agents, structures, and quantum emergence .................. 255
   Downward causation in social structures .................... 260
14 Toward a quantum vitalist sociology ........................ 267
   The holographic state ...................................... 268
   The state as an organism ................................... 273
   The state and collective consciousness ..................... 275
   The politics of vitalist sociology ......................... 281
   Conclusion ................................................. 283
   Night thoughts on epistemology ............................. 284
   Too elegant not to be true? ................................ 288

Bibliography .................................................. 294
Index ......................................................... 345

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