Trace metals and infectious diseases (Cambridge; London, 2015). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаTrace metals and infectious diseases / ed. by J.O.Nriagu, E.P.Skaar; progr. advisory comm.: R.R.Dietert et al. - Cambridge; London: MIT press, 2015. - xii, 488 p.: ill., tab. - (Strungmann forum reports). - Bibliogr.: p.407-476. – Sub. ind.: p.477-488. - ISBN 978-0-262-02919-3
Шифр: (И/Р51-Т82) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
List of Contributors ........................................... ix
1  Introduction ................................................. 1
   Jerome O. Nriagu and Eric P. Skaar

Host-Microbe Interactions: The Microbe Perspective
2  Is Metal Uptake Related to Ecological Niche
   in the Vertebrate Host? ..................................... 13
   Joseph Lemire, Trevor F. Moraes, Vahid Fa Andisi, and
   Anthony B. Schryvers
3  Competition for Metals among Microbes and Their Host ........ 29
   Michael A. Bachman and Jeffrey N. Weiser
4  The Fate of Intracellular Metal Ions in Microbes ............ 39
   Slade A. Lou tet, Anson С.K. Chan, Marek J. Kobylarz, 
   Meghan M. Verstraete, Stephanie Pfaffen, Bin Ye, 
   Angel L. Arrieta, and Michael E.P. Murphy
5  Common Mechanisms of Bacterial Metal Homeostasis ............ 57
   James A. Imlay
6  Intervention Strategies for Metal Deficiency and Overload ... 83
   Fudi Wang and Li hong Zhang
7  Trace Metals in Host-Microbe Interactions: The Microbe 
   Perspective ................................................. 99
   Jennifer S. Cavet, Robert D. Perry, Sascha Brunke,
   K. Heran Darwin, Carol A. Fierke, James A. Imlay, 
   Michael E.P. Murphy, Anthony B. Schryvers, Dennis 
   J. Thiele, and Jeffrey N. Weiser

Host-Microbe Interactions: The Host Perspective
8  Metal Homeostasis during Development, Maturation, and 
   Aging: Impact on Infectious Diseases ....................... 125
   Inga Wessels
9  Impact of Metals on Immune Response and Tolerance, and 
   Modulation of Metal Metabolism during Infection ............ 147
   Günter Weiss
10 Metal-Based Antiparasitic Therapeutics ..................... 161
   Maribel Navarro and Gonzalo Visbal
11 Impact of Lifestyle on Metal Exposure, Homeostasis, and 
   Associated Diseases ........................................ 173
   George V. Dedoussis
12 Obesity, Trace Metals, and Infection ....................... 185
   Jerome O. Nriagu
13 Metals in Host-Microbe Interaction: The Host Perspective ... 199
   Dieter Rehden Robert E. Black, Julia Bornhorst, Rodney
   R. Dietert, Victor J. DiRita, Maribel Navarro, Robert
   D. Perry, Lothar Rink, Eric P. Skaar, Miguel С.P. Soares,
   Dennis J. Thiele, Fudi Wang, Günter Weiss, and Inga 

Metals in the Environment as Risk Factors for Infectious 
14 Selenium and Mercury: Their Interactions and Roles in
   Living Organisms ........................................... 229
   Tamara García-Barrera
15 New Technologies Using Trace Metals of Concern ............. 239
   Jozef M. Pacyna, Kyrre Sundseth, and Elisabeth G. Pacyna
16 The Promise of Nanometals: Reducing Infection and 
   Increasing Biocompatibility ................................ 257
   Mian Wang, Wenwen Liu, and Thomas J. Webster
17 Metals in the Environment as Risk Factors for Infectious
   Diseases: Gaps and Opportunities ........................... 271
   M. Leigh Ackland, Julia Bornhorst, George V. Dedoussis,
   Rodney R. Dietert, Jerome O. Nriagu, Jozef M. Pacyna,
   and John M. Pettifor

Methods and Technologies for Analyzing Trace Metals in
Biological Systems
18 Emerging Strategies in Metalloproteomics ................... 311
   Peter-Leon Hagedoorn
19 Measuring Metals in Complex Biological Systems ............. 323
   Andreas Matusch, Ana-Maria Oros-Peusquens, and J. Sabine 
20 Methods and Technologies for Studying Metals in 
   Biological Systems ......................................... 341
   Wolfgang Maret, Joseph A. Caruso, Christopher H. Contag,
   David P. Giedroc, Peter-Leon Hagedoorn, Andreas Matusch,
   Eric P. Skaar, and Richard B. Thompson

List of Acronyms .............................................. 403
Bibliography .................................................. 407
Subject Index ................................................. 477

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