Stone D.P. The changing Arctic environment: the Arctic Messenger (New York, 2015). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаStone D.P. The changing Arctic environment: the Arctic Messenger. - New York: Cambridge university press, 2015. - xiv, 360 p.: ill. - Bibliogr.: 323-353. - Ind.: p.355-360. - ISBN 978-1-107-09441-3
Шифр: (И/Б1-S86) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Acknowledgements ............................................... ix
Acronyms ....................................................... xi
1  Personal Beginnings .......................................... 1

PART i: THE CHANGING ARCTIC ..................................... 9
2  The Arctic Messenger ........................................ 11

PART II: WORKING TOGETHER ...................................... 21
3  The Arctic Messenger Gains a Voice: The Arctic Monitoring
   and Assessment Programme .................................... 23

4  Radioactivity ............................................... 43
5  Heroic Efforts .............................................. 70
6  Acidification and Arctic Haze ............................... 76
7  Stratospheric Ozone Depletion ............................... 85
8  Persistent Organic Pollutants and Heavy Metals (Including
   Mercury) ................................................... 106
9  Conducting Marine Science in the Arctic .................... 181
10 Climate Change in the Arctic ............................... 194

PART IV: WHAT DOES ALL THIS MEAN? ............................. 265
11 Thoughts on Education, the Training of Arctic Scientists,
   and Arctic Research ........................................ 267
12 The Long and the Short of It: Has the Arctic Messenger
   Been Noticed? What Can Be Done? ............................ 279
13 Epilogue: Keeping the Rovaniemi Flame Alive ................ 300

Appendix I: The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
   (IPCC) ..................................................... 307
Appendix II: What Will Happen in the Future If We Do Nothing
   or If We Try Very Hard to Aggressively Reduce GHG
   Emissions: Projected Change Under Different Emission
   Scenarios .................................................. 309
Appendix III: Some Geophysical Background Notes Related to
   Climate and Weather ........................................ 314
Appendix IУ: Orbital Forting .................................. 318
Appendix V: The Concept of Commitment ......................... 320
Bibliography .................................................. 323
Credits ....................................................... 351
Index ......................................................... 355

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