Fenn A.J. Ultrawideband phased array antenna technology for sensing and communications systems (Cambridge; London, 2015). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаFenn A.J. Ultrawideband phased array antenna technology for sensing and communications systems / A.J.Fenn, P.T.Hurst. - Cambridge; London: MIT press, 2015. - xvi, 280 p.: ill. - (MIT Lincoln laboratory series). - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - Ind.: p.277-280. - ISBN 978-0-262-02900-1
Шифр: (И/З.84-F38) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ........................................................ xi
About the Authors ............................................ xiii
Acknowledgments ................................................ xv
1  Electromagnetics and Antenna Theory .......................... 1
   1.1  Introduction ............................................ 1
   1.2  Bandwidth ............................................... 4
   1.3  Ultrawideband Phased Arrays ............................. 7
   1.4  Wavefront Time Delay .................................... 8
   1.5  Electromagnetic Radiation: Maxwell's Equations ......... 13
   1.6  Fields from Time-Varying Electric and Magnetic Current
        Sources ................................................ 25
        1.6.1  Magnetic Vector Potential and the Scalar
               Green's Function ................................ 28
        1.6.2  Dyadic Green's Function ......................... 34
   1.7  Boundary Conditions .................................... 48
   1.8  Wave Equation for Conducting Media, Propagation
        Parameters ............................................. 49
   1.9  Electromagnetic Energy Flow ............................ 55
   1.10 Fields of Short Electric and Magnetic Dipoles .......... 60
        1.10.1 Introduction .................................... 60
        1.10.2 Derivation of Fields for z Hertzian Dipole ...... 62
        1.10.3 Derivation of Fields for an Arbitrarily
               Polarized Hertzian Dipole ....................... 64
        1.10.4 Duality and Fields for Hertzian Loop and
               Dipole Antennas ................................. 67
        1.10.5 Image Theory for Electric and Magnetic Dipoie
               Antennas ........................................ 70
   1.11 Electromagnetic Wave Polarization and Receive
        Antennas ............................................... 71
        1.11.1 Introduction .................................... 71
        1.11.2 Short Dipole with Triangular Current
               Distribution .................................... 78
        1.11.3 Small Current Loop with Uniform Current
               Distribution .................................... 80
   1.12 Summary ................................................ 81
   References .................................................. 81
2  Phased Array Antenna Theory ................................. 91
   2.1  Introduction ........................................... 91
   2.2  Phased Array Basics .................................... 91
        2.2.1  Arrays of Isotropic Elements .................... 93
        2.2.2  Array Far-Zone Electromagnetic Fields ........... 99
        2.2.3  Array Mutual Coupling Effects .................. 100
   2.3  Reaction Integral Equation ............................ 109
   2.4  Method of Moments ..................................... 112
   2.5  Theory for Analysis of Infinite Arrays ................ 117
   2.6  Summary ............................................... 127
   References ................................................. 127
3  Ultrawideband Dipole Arrays ................................ 135
   3.1  Introduction .......................................... 135
   3.2  Ultrawideband Dipole Array Concept .................... 135
   3.3  Ultrawideband Dipole Compared to Thin Dipole: Free
        Space ................................................. 141
   3.4  Ultrawideband Dipole Embedded in Seven-Element Array .. 142
   3.5  Ultrawideband Dipole over Perfect Conducting Ground
        Plane ................................................. 143
   3.6  Ultrawideband Dipole with Feed Point Close to Ground
        Plane ................................................. 152
   3.7  Infinite Array of Ultrawideband Dipoles over Ground
        Plane ................................................. 156
   3.8  Ultrawideband Dipole Array Prototype Design
        Fabrication, and Test ................................. 160
        3.8.1  Prototype 1 .................................... 165
        3.8.2  Prototype 2 .................................... 168
        3.8.3  Prototype 3 .................................... 170
        3.8.4  Prototype 4 .................................... 170
        3.8.5  Prototype 5 .................................... 171
   3.9 Summary ................................................ 175
   References ................................................. 177
4  Resistively Loaded Patch Dipole Array Antenna .............. 181
   4.1  Introduction .......................................... 181
   4.2  Array Antenna Design Approach ......................... 181
   4.3  Ultrawideband Patch Dipole Array Antenna Design
        and Prototype Development ............................. 184
   4.4  Ultrawideband Dipole Array Antenna Simulation
        Results ............................................... 186
   4.5  Summary ............................................... 191
   References ................................................. 195
5  Linear Array of Horizontally Polarized Omnidirectional
   Antennas ................................................... 197
   5.1  Introduction .......................................... 197
   5.2  Slot Array Antenna Design and Analysis ................ 198
   5.3  Prototype Slotted Cylinder Array Antenna .............. 205
   5.4  Summary ............................................... 206
   References ................................................. 211
6  Parasitic Dipole Array ..................................... 213
   6.1  Introduction .......................................... 213
   6.2  Parasitic Dipole Array Prototype Design and
        Fabrication ........................................... 214
   6.3  Prototype Parasitic Dipole Array Measured Results ..... 218
   6.4  Summary ............................................... 219
   References ................................................. 224
7  Parasitic Dipole and Monopole Arrays over Ground Plane ..... 227
   7.1  Introduction .......................................... 227
   7.2  Array Design .......................................... 227
   7.3  Array Fabrication ..................................... 230
   7.4  Measured Results ...................................... 233
   7.5  Summary ............................................... 235
   References ................................................. 239
8  Time-Delay Steered Parasitic Dipole Linear Array ........... 241
   8.1  Introduction .......................................... 241
   8.2  Array Design and Fabrication 001855 ................... 241
   8.3  Measured Results ...................................... 247
   8.4  Summary ............................................... 252
   References ................................................. 254
9  Multipolarized Vector Sensor Antenna Array ................. 255
   9.1  Introduction .......................................... 255
   9.2  UAV Characteristics for Vector Sensor Antenna
        Integration ........................................... 256
   9.3  Vector Sensor Antenna Prototype: Design and
        Fabrication ........................................... 257
   9.4  Measured Radiation Patterns of Vector Sensor
        Prototypes Installed on a UAV ......................... 264
   9.5  Summary ............................................... 266
   References ................................................. 273
   Acronyms ................................................... 275

Index ......................................................... 277

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