Carbohydrate chemistry: state of the art and challenges for drug development: an overview on structure, biological roles, synthetic methods and application as therapeutics (London, 2016). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаCarbohydrate chemistry: state of the art and challenges for drug development: an overview on structure, biological roles, synthetic methods and application as therapeutics / ed. by L.Cipolla. - London: Imperial college press, 2016. - xxviii, 506 p.: ill., tab. - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - Ind.: p.501-506. - ISBN 978-1-78326-719-4
Шифр: (И/Р28-C21) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ......................................................... v
Acronyms and Abbreviations ..................................... xi

Part 1. Structure and Biological Function of Glycoconjugates .... 1

Chapter 1  Glycoproteins: Chemical Features and Biological 
           Roles ................................................ 3
           Yanhong Li, Xixuan Li and Xi Chen 
Chapter 2  Gangliosphingolipids: Structure and Biological 
           Roles ............................................... 35
           Sophie Groux-Degroote, Yann Guérardel and Philippe
Chapter 3  Bacterial Lipopolysaccharides: An Overview of
           Their Structure, Biosynthesis and Immunological
           Activity ............................................ 57
           Flaviana Di Lorenzo, Alba Silipo, Rosa Lanzetta,
           Michelangelo Parrilli and Antonio Molinaro

Part 2. Towards Glycomics: Methodologies and Techniques for
the Determination of Structure and Activity Relationship ....... 91

Chapter 4  Mass Spectrometry: Updates in the Elucidation
           of Structure of Oligosaccharides .................... 93
           Maria Michela Corsaro
Chapter 5  Advanced NMR Techniques: Defining Carbohydrate 
           Structures and Ligand-Receptor Interactions ........ 121
           M. Álvaro Berbis, Ángeles Canales, Javier Sastre-
           Martinez, Luca Unione, M.C. Fernández-Alonso, 
           Pilar Blasco, F. Javier Cañada and Jesús 
Chapter 6  Glycoarrays: An Invaluable Tool for Glycomics ...... 147
           Niels-Christian Reichardt, Sonia Serna and Juan 
Chapter 7  Informatics and Analytical Tools for Glycan
           Analysis and the Development of Biotherapeutics .... 173
           Catherine A. Hayes, Giorgio Carta, Niclas 
           G. Karlsson. Fergal Duffy and Pauline M. Rudd

Part 3. Synthetic Challenges: Towards Drug Development ........ 193

Chapter 8  Classical Tools for Oligosaccharide Synthesis ...... 195
           Daniel B. Werz
Chapter 9  When Enzymes Do It Better: Enzymatic Glycosylation 
           Methods ............................................ 215
           Antoni Planas, Magda Faijes and Victoria Codera
Chapter 10 Automated Chemical Synthesis of Oligosaccharides
           and Glycoconjugates ................................ 247
           Salvatore G. Pistorio, Keith J. Sline and Alexei
           V. Demchenko

Part 4. Carbohydrate-Based Compounds for Medicinal Chemistry
Applications .................................................. 277

Chapter 11 Iminosugars: The Potential of Carbohydrate 
           Analogs ............................................ 279
           Naoki Asano
Chapter 12 Vaccines against Bacterial Pathogens: A General 
           Overview ........................................... 303
           Darielys Santana Medero, Dagmar Garcia Rivera, 
           Yury Valdes Balbin and Vicente Verez Bencomo
Chapter 13 Carbohydrate-Based Antibacterial Vaccines: 
           Current Progress and Future Outlook ................ 321
           Sachin S. Shivatare and Chung-Yi Wu
Chapter 14 Synthetic Vaccines against Cancers ................. 357
           Michele Flore, Baptiste Thomas, Gour Chand
           Daskhan and Olivier Renaudet
Chapter 15 DC-SIGN as a Target for Drug Development Based on 
           Carbohydrates ...................................... 379
           Sara Sattin, Franck Fieschi and Anna Bernardi
Chapter 16 Carbohydrates, Biomaterials, and Tissue 
           Engineering Applications ........................... 395
           Laura Russo, Antonella Sgambato, Davide Bini, 
           Ilaria Calloni, Davide Origgi, Fatma Cetin Telli
           and Laura Cipolla
Chapter 17 Carbohydrate Multivalent Systems: Synthesis and 
           Therapeutic Opportunities .......................... 419
           Jose J. Reina and Javier Rojo
Chapter 18 Anti tubercular Drugs Based on Carbohydrate
           Derivatives ........................................ 441
           Vishwanath Gaitonde and Steven J. Sucheck

Part 5. Conclusion ............................................ 479

Chapter 19 Carbohydrate-Based Drugs on the Market:
           Overview and Future Directions ..................... 481
           Matteo Gentili and Oscar Francesconi

Index ......................................................... 501

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