Tsuneda T. Density functional theory in quantum chemistry (Tokyo, 2014). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаTsuneda T. Density functional theory in quantum chemistry. - Tokyo: Springer, 2014. - x, 200 p.: ill., tab. - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - Ind.: p.197-200. - ISBN 978-4-431-54824-9
Шифр: (И/Г5-T89) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
1  Quantum Chemistry ............................................ 1
   1.1  History of Quantum Chemistry ............................ 1
   1.2  History of Theoretical Chemistry Prior to the Advent
        of Quantum Chemistry .................................... 6
   1.3  Analytical Mechanics Underlying the Schrцdinger
        Equation ............................................... 11
   1.4  Schrцdinger Equation ................................... 15
   1.5  Interpretation of the Wavefunction ..................... 17
   1.6  Molecular Translational Motion ......................... 19
   1.7  Molecular Vibrational Motion ........................... 22
   1.8  Molecular Rotational Motion ............................ 25
   1.9  Electronic Motion in the Hydrogen Atom ................. 29
   References .................................................. 31
2  Hartree-Fock Method ......................................... 35
   2.1  Hartree Method ......................................... 35
   2.2  Molecular Orbital Theory ............................... 38
   2.3  Slater Determinant ..................................... 42
   2.4  Hartree-Fock Method .................................... 43
   2.5  Roothaan Method ........................................ 47
   2.6  Basis Function ......................................... 50
   2.7  Coulomb and Exchange Integral Calculations ............. 53
   2.8  Unrestricted Hartree-Fock Method ....................... 56
   2.9  Electronic States of Atoms ............................. 59
   References .................................................. 63
3  Electron Correlation ........................................ 65
   3.1  Electron Correlation ................................... 65
   3.2  Dynamical and Nondynamical Correlations ................ 67
   3.3  Configuration Interaction .............................. 70
   3.4  Brillouin Theorem ...................................... 73
   3.5  Advanced Correlation Theories .......................... 75
   References .................................................. 77
4  Kohn-Sham Method ............................................ 79
   4.1  Thomas-Fermi Method .................................... 79
   4.2  Hohenberg-Kohn Theorem ................................. 80
   4.3  Kohn-Sham Method ....................................... 83
   4.4  Generalized Kohn-Sham Method ........................... 85
   4.5  Constrained Search Method for Constructing Kohn-Sham
        Potentials ............................................. 87
   4.6  Time-Dependent Kohn-Sham Method ........................ 90
   4.7  Coupled Perturbed Kohn-Sham Method ..................... 94
   References .................................................. 99
5  Exchange-Correlation Functionals ........................... 101
   5.1  Classification of Exchange-Correlation Functionals .... 101
   5.2  LDA and GGA Exchange Functionals ...................... 103
   5.3  LDA and GGA Correlation Functionals ................... 107
   5.4  Meta-GGA Functionals .................................. 114
   5.5  Hybrid Functionals .................................... 118
   5.6  Semiempirical Functionals ............................. 120
   References ................................................. 123
6  Corrections for Functionals ................................ 125
   6.1  Long-Range Correction ................................. 125
   6.2  Self-interaction Correction ........................... 130
   6.3  van der Waals Correction .............................. 134
   6.4  Relativistic Corrections .............................. 144
   6.5  Vector Potential Correction and Current Density ....... 152
   References ................................................. 158
7  Orbital Energy ............................................. 161
   7.1  Koopmans Theorem ...................................... 161
   7.2  Janak's Theorem ....................................... 163
   7.3  The Indispensability of Producing Accurate Orbital
        Energies .............................................. 166
   7.4  Electron Correlation Effects on Orbital Energies ...... 169
   7.5  Optimized Effective Potential Method .................. 170
   7.6  Highly Correlated Correlation Potentials .............. 172
   7.7  Constrained Search for Exact Potentials ............... 175
   7.8  Corrections for Orbital Energy Gaps in Solids ......... 176
   7.9  Orbital Energy Reproduction by Long-Range Corrected
        DFT ................................................... 180
   References ................................................. 187
8  Appendix: Fundamental Conditions ........................... 189
   References ................................................. 195

Index ......................................................... 197

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