The routledge companion to international human resource management (London; New York, 2015). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаThe routledge companion to international human resource management / ed. by D.G.Collings et al. - London; New York: Routledge/Taylor & Francis, 2015. - xxv, 588 p.: ill., tab. - (Routledge companions in business, management and accounting). - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - Ind.: p.563-588. - ISBN 978-0-415-63604-9
Шифр: (И/У52-R83) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
List of figures ............................................... xii
List of tables ............................................... xiii
Notes on contributors ......................................... xiv

1  Introduction ................................................. 1
   David G. Collings, Geoffrey T. Wood and Paula M. Caligiuri

PART I. Perspectives on IHRM ................................... 11
2  Strategy and IHRM ........................................... 13
   Dana B. Minbaem and Helen De Cieri
3  Sociology and international human resource management ....... 29
   Gilton Klerck
4  Economics and IHRM .......................................... 59
   Mick Brookes
5  Geography and international HRM ............................. 72
   Phil Almond and María C. Gonzalez Menendez
6  International production, global governance and IHRM ........ 86
   Nigel Haworth and Stephen Hughes
7  Employment relations and IHRM ............................... 99
   J. Ryan Lamare, Elaine Farndale and Patrick Gunnigle
8  Comparative HRM and international HRM ...................... 121
   Chris Brewster and Geoffrey T. Wood
9  International HRM: A cross-cultural perspective ............ 138
   Terence Jackson

PART II. Managing IHRM ........................................ 153
10 Recruitment and selection in global organizations:
   a resource-based framework ................................. 155
   Robert E. Ployhart and Jeff A. Weekley
11 Performance management in the global organization .......... 172
   Amp Varma, Pawan S. Budhwar and Christopher McCusker
12 Compensation and benefits in the global organization ....... 190
   Yoshio Yanadori
13 Global talent management ................................... 210
   Vlad Vaiman and David G. Callings
14 Global leadership development .............................. 226
   Paula M. Caligiuri and Lisa Dragoni

PART III. Managing global mobility ............................ 241
15 Individual and organizational decisions for global
   mobility ................................................... 243
   Yu-Ping Chen and Margaret Shaffer
16 Types of international assignees ........................... 259
   David G. Callings, Anthony McDonnell and Amy McCarter
17 Selection for international assignments .................... 275
   Paula M. Caligiuri and Joost J.L.E. Bücker
18 Compensation package of international assignees ............ 289
   Christelle Tornikoski, Vesa Suutari and Marion Festing
19 Cross-cultural training and support practices of
   international assignees .................................... 308
   B. Sebastian Reiche, Yih-teen Lee and Javier Quintanilla
20 Expatriate adjustment and performance of international
   assignees .................................................. 324
   Thomas Hippler
21 Demographics and working abroad: what's missing, what's
   next? ...................................................... 348
   Nancy K. Napier, Nigel Holden and Marta Muñiz-Ferrer
22 Work-life balance and coping of international assignees .... 363
   Olivier Wurtz and Vesa Suutari
23 Taking stock of repatriation research ...................... 378
   Mila Lazarova
24 Expatriate return on investment: past, present and
   future ..................................................... 399
   Yvonne McNulty

PART IV. Contemporary issues in IHRM .......................... 421
25 IHRM issues in mergers and acquisitions .................... 423
   Satu Teerikangas, Günter К. Staid, Ingmar Björkman and
   Mark E. Mendenhall
26 IHRM's role in knowledge management in multinational
   corporations ............................................... 467
   Dana B. Minbaeva
27 Global cultures in MNEs .................................... 469
   Sully Taylor
28 From standardisation to localisation: developing
   a language-sensitive approach to IHRM ...................... 482
   Susanne Tietze, Rebecca Piekkari and Mary Yoko Brannen
29 The role of international human resource management
   in offshoring and managing contingent workers .............. 496
   Fang Lee Cooke
30 IHRM's role in managing global careers ..................... 511
   Michael Dickmann
31 IHRM's role in managing global teams ....................... 532
   Jennifer L. Gibbs and Maggie Boyraz
32 IHRM's role in managing ethics and CSR globally ............ 552
   Michael Muller-Camen and Wolfgang Elsik

Index ......................................................... 563

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