The Oxford handbook of financial regulation (Oxford, 2015). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаThe Oxford handbook of financial regulation / ed. by N.Moloney [et al.]. - Oxford: Oxford university press, 2015. - xix, 795 p. - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - Ind.: p.769-795. - ISBN 978-0-19-968720-6
Шифр: (И/У52-O.97) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
List of Abbreviations .......................................... ix
List of Contributors ........................................... xv
Introduction .................................................... l

Part I. financial systems and regulation
1  The Evolution of Theory and Method in Law and Finance ....... 13
   Simon Deakin
2  Economic Development, Financial Systems, and the Law ........ 41
   Colin Mayer
3  Financial Systems, Crises, and Regulation ................... 68
   Frank Partnoy

Part II. the organization of financial system regulation
4  Institutional Design: The Choices for National Systems ...... 97
   Eilis Ferran
5  Institutional Design: The International Architecture ....... 129
   Chris Brummer and Matt Smallcomb
6  Organizing Regional Systems: The EU Example ................ 157
   Brigitte Haar
7  Organizing Regional Systems: The US Example  ............... 188
   Eric J. Pan

Part III. delivering outcomes and regulatory techniques
8  Regulatory Styles and Supervisory Strategies ............... 217
   Julia Black
9  The Role of Gatekeepers .................................... 254
   Jennifer Payne
10 Enforcement and Sanctioning ................................ 280
   Iain MacNeil

Part IV. financial stability
11 Systemic Risk and Macro-Prudential Supervision ............. 309
   Rosa M. Lastra
12 The Role of Capital in Supporting Banking Stability ........ 334
   Kern Alexander
13 Managing Risk in the Financial System ...................... 364
   Peter О Mülbert
14 Regulating the Insurance Sector ............................ 409
   Michelle Everson
15 Making Bank Resolution Credible ............................ 453
   John Armour
16 Cross-Border Supervision of Financial Institutions ......... 487
   Douglas W. Arner

Part V. market efficiency, transparency, and integrity
17 Disclosure and Financial Market Regulation ................. 511
   Luca Enriques and Sergio Gilotta
18 Conduct of Business Regulation.............................. 537
   Andrew F. Tuch
19 Regulating Financial Market Infrastructures ................ 568
   Guido Ferrarini and Paolo Saguato
20 Regulating Trading Practices ............................... 596
   Andreas Martin Fleckner
21 Supporting Market Integrity ................................ 631
   Harry McVea
22 Regulating Financial Innovation ............................ 659
   Emilios Avgouleas

Part VI. consumer protection
23 The Consumer Interest and the Financial Markets ............ 695
   Dimity Kingsford Smith and Olivia Dixon
24 Regulating the Retail Markets .............................. 736
   Niamh Moloney
23 Index ...................................................... 769

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