Subjects and narratives in archaeology (Boulder, 2015). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаSubjects and narratives in archaeology / ed. by R.M. van Dyke, R.Bernbeck. - Boulder: University press of Colorado, 2015. - vi, 299 p.: ill. - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - Ind.: p.291-299. - ISBN 978-1-60732-387-7
Шифр: (И/Т4-S91) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
1  Alternative Narratives and the Ethics of Representation: 
   An Introduction
   Ruth M. Van Dyke and Reinhard Bernbeck ....................... 1
2  Creating Narratives of the Past as Recombinant
   Ruth Tringham ............................................... 27
3  Authoritative and Ethical Voices: From Diktat to
   the Demotic
   Mark Pluciennik ............................................. 55
4  The Chacoan Past: Creative Representations and
   Sensory Engagements
   Ruth M. Van Dyke ............................................ 83
5  Landscape: The Reservoir of the Unconscious Phillip
   Tuwaletstiwa and
   Judy Tuwaletstiwa .......................................... 101
6  Archaeologists as Storytellers: The Docudrama
   Mary Praetzellis and Adrian Praetzellis .................... 123
7  Constructive Imagination and the Elusive Past:
   Playwriting as Method
   James G. Gibb .............................................. 145
8  The Archaeologist as Writer
   Jonathan T. Thomas ......................................... 169
9  Eleven Minutes and Forty Seconds in the Neolithic: 
   Underneath Archaeological Time
   Doug Bailey and Melanie Simpkin ............................ 189
10 The Talking Potsherds: Archaeologists as Novelists
   Sarah Milledge Nelson ...................................... 217
11 Limits of Archaeological Emplotments from the Perspective
   of Excavating Nazi Extermination Centers
   Isaac Gilead ............................................... 235
12 From Imaginations of a Peopled Past to a Recognition of
   Past People
   Reinhard Bernbeck .......................................... 257
13 Wrestling with Truth: Possibilities and Peril in 
   Alternative Narrative Forms
   Sarah Pollock .............................................. 277
List of Contributors .......................................... 287
Index ......................................................... 291

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