Youla D.C. Theory and synthesis of linear passive time-invariant networks (Cambridge, 2015). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаYoula D.C. Theory and synthesis of linear passive time-invariant networks. - Cambridge: Cambridge university press, 2015. - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - Ind.: p.639-643. - ISBN 978-1-107-12286-4
Шифр: (И/З.2-Y69) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ........................................................ ix

1  Auxiliary results ............................................ 1
   1.1  Introduction ............................................ 1
   1.2  The rank of a matrix product ............................ 1
   1.3  Compound matrices and Jacobi's theorem .................. 2
   1.4  Singular value decomposition ............................ 4
   1.5  Joint diagonalization of hermitian matrices ............. 5
   1.6  Sylvester's law of inertia .............................. 6
   1.7  Row and column-reduced polynomial matrices .............. 7
   1.8  Some key results in the theory of equations ............. 8
   1.9  Optimality and the classical Riccati equation .......... 16
   1.10 Appendix ............................................... 22
   1.11 References ............................................. 28
2  Transforms and passivity .................................... 29
   2.1  Description ............................................ 29
   2.2  Transforms ............................................. 31
   2.3  Passive 1-ports ........................................ 33
   2.4  Properties of positive-real functions .................. 37
   2.5  References ............................................. 42
3  Some classical passive 1-port synthesis ..................... 43
   3.1  Preliminary mathematical background .................... 43
   3.2  Brune synthesis ........................................ 46
   3.3  Transformerless Bott-Duffin synthesis .................. 58
   3.4  A broader proof of Corollary 1 of Theorem 3 ............ 73
   3.5  References ............................................. 75
4  Tellegen's Theorem and 2-element 1-ports .................... 76
   4.1   The RCLM and Tellegen's Theorem ....................... 76
   4.2  Lossless passive 1-ports ............................... 79
   4.3  Scaling and other 2-element 1-ports .................... 96
   4.4  Magnetic coupling and 2-winding transformers .......... 102
   4.5  References ............................................ 107
5  Elements of filters and reactance-ladders .................. 108
   5.1  Fundamentals of insertion-loss filter design .......... 108
   5.2  Reactance-ladders ..................................... 116
   5.3  Low-pass reactance-ladders ............................ 125
   5.4  Concluding remarks .................................... 142
   5.5  References ............................................ 143
6  Passive n-ports ............................................ 144
   6.1  Foundations ........................................... 144
   6.2  Operational significance of S(s) ...................... 154
   6.3  The McMillan degree of a rational matrix .............. 159
   6.4  Gyrators and reciprocity .............................. 172
   6.5  References ............................................ 176
7  Procedures of passive л-port synthesis ..................... 177
   7.1  Counting reactances, resistances, and gyrators ........ 177
   7.2  Factorizing parahermitian-positive matrices ........... 180
   7.3  n-port synthesis via resistance extraction ............ 194
   7.4  Paraunitary matrices .................................. 219
   7.5  Non-tight embeddings .................................. 226
   7.6  л-port synthesis via reactance extraction ............. 240
   7.7  Numerical considerations .............................. 254
   7.8  и-port synthesis via gyrator extraction ............... 265
   7.9  Auxiliary techniques .................................. 279
   7.10 References ............................................ 288
8  Basic design of reactance 2-ports .......................... 289
   8.1  The Belevitch description of a reactance 2-port ....... 289
   8.2  Darlington equivalents ................................ 293
   8.3  Symmetric and antimetric filters ...................... 297
   8.4  References ............................................ 309
9  Cascade synthesis of passive 1-ports ....................... 310
   9.1  Transmission zeros of a p.r. function ................. 310
   9.2  On the extraction of transmission zeros ............... 313
   9.3  Designing with the indices of z(s) .................... 326
   9.4  Overview .............................................. 331
   9.5  References ............................................ 332
10 A theory of broadband matching ............................. 333
   10.1 Fundamentals .......................................... 333
   10.2 Single broadband matching ............................. 337
   10.3 Double broadband matching ............................. 352
   10.4 Numerical interlude ................................... 368
   10.5 The restrictions in integral form ..................... 371
   10.6 References ............................................ 383
11 Stability and complex normalization ........................ 384
   11.1 The role of stability ................................. 384
   11.2 Stability and steady-state ............................ 392
   11.3 Complex normalization ................................. 393
   11.4 Measuring the elements of S(jω) ....................... 395
   11.5 The concept of exchangeable power ..................... 400
   11.6 References ............................................ 401
12 Design of passive multiplexers ............................. 402
   12.1 The standard configuration ............................ 402
   12.2 Standard magnitude and phase multiplexers ............. 408
   12.3 The general case ...................................... 412
   12.4 Reactance-ladder diplexers ............................ 421
   12.5 Optimal reactance-ladder diplexer design .............. 422
   12.6 Concluding remarks .................................... 428
   12.7 References ............................................ 428
13 Selected topics ............................................ 429
   13.1 All-s normalization ................................... 429
   13.2 Special results ....................................... 436
   13.3 Bisection of symmetric and antimetric filters ......... 439
   13.4 2-port synthesis from partial data .................... 448
   13.5 Compatible impedances ................................. 455
   13.6 The Garloff-Wagner (GW) Theorem ....................... 466
   13.7 Addenda ............................................... 477
   13.8 References ............................................ 480
14 Multiconductor ТЕМ transmission lines ...................... 481
   14.1 Introduction .......................................... 481
   14.2 Analytical formulation ................................ 481
   14.3 The telegrapher's equations ........................... 486
   14.4 The ТЕМ line transducer ............................... 489
   14.5 Decoupling the telegrapher's equations ................ 494
   14.6 Transient performance ................................. 497
   14.7 Appendix .............................................. 516
   14.8 References ............................................ 523
15 The ideal ТЕМ 2-port ....................................... 525
   15.1 Preliminaries ......................................... 525
   15.2 Commensurate 2-port ideal TEM-line synthesis .......... 528
   15.3 Design of TEM-line transformers and filters ........... 535
   15.4 The quest for optimal power gains ..................... 538
   15.5 Key properties of Tchebycheff polynomials ............. 541
   15.6 The LLN-ideal TEM-line τ-cascade ...................... 552
   15.7 Appendix .............................................. 563
   15.8 References ............................................ 570
16 Single frequency n-port geometry ........................... 571
   16.1 Introduction .......................................... 571
   16.2 n-port tuning via 2n-port embedding ................... 573
   16.3 Geometry of the cross-ratio matrix .................... 576
   16.4 Canonic forms ......................................... 580
   16.5 Invariants of noisy linear n-ports .................... 590
   16.6 Overview .............................................. 598
   16.7 Appendix .............................................. 603
   16.8 References ............................................ 606
17 Immittances of n-terminal networks ......................... 608
   17.1 Introduction .......................................... 608
   17.2 Analysis .............................................. 609
   17.3 Direct admittance measurement of Y .................... 614
   17.4 The indefinite loop impedance matrix .................. 616
   17.5 References ............................................ 619
18 Two-state passive devices .................................. 620
   18.1 Introduction .......................................... 620
   18.2 Preliminaries ......................................... 620
   18.3 Analysis, lemmas, and theorems ........................ 621
   18.4 Performance ........................................... 628
   18.5 Appendix: Derivation of (18.110) ...................... 637
   18.6 References ............................................ 638
Index ......................................................... 639

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