What is existential anthropology? (New York; Oxford, 2015). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаWhat is existential anthropology? / ed.: M.Jackson, A.Piette. - New York; Oxford: Berghahn, 2015. - vi, 248 p. - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - Ind.: p.243-248. - ISBN 978-1-78238-636-0
Шифр: (И/Ю2-W62) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Anthropology and the Existential Turn ........................... 1
           Michael Jackson and Albert Piette
Chapter 1  Conversion and Convertibility in Northern 
           Mozambique .......................................... 30
           Devaka Premawardhana 
Chapter 2  Both/And ............................................ 58
           Michael Lambek
Chapter 3  Reading Bruno Latour in Bahia: Or, How to 
           Approach The "Great, Blooming, Buzzing Confusion"
           of Life and Being Without Going Mad ................. 84 
           Mattijs van de Port
Chapter 4  The Station Hustle: Ghanaian Migration Brokerage
           in a Disjointed World .............................. 104 
           Hans Lucht
Chapter 5  Mobility and Immobility in the Life of an Amputee .. 125 
           Sónia Silva
Chapter 6  Existential Aporias and the Precariousness of 
           Being .............................................. 155
           Michael Jackson
Chapter 7  Existence, Minimality, and Believing ............... 178
           Albert Piette
Chapter 8  Considering Human Existence: An Existential
           Reading of Michael Jackson and Albert Piette ....... 214
           Laurent Denizeau

Notes on Contributors ......................................... 237
Index ......................................................... 243

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