Symplasmic transport in vascular plants (New York, 2013). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаSymplasmic transport in vascular plants / ed.: K.Sokolowska, P.Sowinski. - New York: Springer Science+Business Media, 2013. - x, 257 p.: ill. - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - Ind.: p.245-257. - ISBN 978-1-4614-7764-8
Шифр: (И/Е5-S98) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
1  Characteristics of Symplasmic Transport ...................... 1
   Paweł Sowiński
2  Developmental Control of Plasmodesmata Frequency,
   Structure, and Function ..................................... 41
   Katrin Ehlers and Maike Große Westerloh
3  Regulation of Intercellular Transport Through
   Plasmodesmata Under Abiotic Stresses ........................ 83
   Anna Bilska
4  Symplasmic Transport in Wood: The Importance of Living
   Xylem Cells ................................................ 101
   Katarzyna Sokołowska
5  Symplasmic Transport in Phloem Loading and Unloading ....... 133
   Johannes Liesche and Alexander Schulz
6  Mechanism of Long-Distance Solute Transport in Phloem
   Elements ................................................... 165
   Craig A. Atkins
7  Plasmodesmata and Phloem-Based Trafficking of
   Macromolecules ............................................. 183
   Dhinesh Kumar, Ritesh Kumar, Tae Kyung Hyun, and
   Jae-Yean Kim
8  Plasmodesmata: New Perspectives on Old Questions ........... 217
   Robyn L. Overall, Danny Y.T. Liu, and Deborah A. Barton

Index ......................................................... 245

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