Mathematical problem posing: from research to effective practice (New York, 2015). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаMathematical problem posing: from research to effective practice / eds.: F.M.Singer et al. - New York: Springer Science+Business Media, 2015. - xxxi, 569 p.: ill., tab. - (Research in mathematics education; 2). - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - Auth. ind.: p.557-564. – Sub. ind.: p.565-569. - ISBN 978-1-4614-6257-6
Шифр: (И/В1-М39) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Part I. Defining the Field: Interpreting Problem Posing
in the Context of Mathematics Education
1  Problem-Posing Research in Mathematics Education:
   Some Answered and Unanswered Questions ....................... 3
   Jinfa Cai, Stephen Hwang, Chunlian Jiang, and Steven Silber
2  Problem Posing from a Modelling Perspective ................. 35
   Ragnhild Hansen and Gert M. Hana
3  Conceptualizing Problem Posing via Transformation ........... 47
   Jasmina Milinković
4  Using Digital Technology for Mathematical Problem Posing .... 71
   Sergei Abramovich and Eun Kyeong Cho
5  On the Relationship Between Problem Posing, Problem
   Solving, and Creativity in the Primary School .............. 103
   Cinzia Bonotto and Lisa Dal Santo
6  Beyond Routine: Fostering Creativity in Mathematics
   Classrooms ................................................. 125
   Vincent J. Matsko and Jerald Thomas
7  Is Problem Posing a Tool for Identifying and Developing
   Mathematical Creativity? ................................... 141
   Florence Mihaela Singer and Cristian Voica

Part II. Mathematical Problem Posing in the School
Mathematics Curriculum
8  Problem Posing as Reformulation and Sense-Making
   Within Problem Solving ..................................... 177
   Victor V. Citarelli and Volkan Sevim
9  From Problem Posing to Posing Problems via Explicit
   Mediation in Grades 4 and 5	................................ 195
   Sharada Gade and Charlotta Blomqvist
10 Problem Posing as Providing Students
   with Content-Specific Motives .............................. 215
   Kees Klaassen and Michiel Doorman
11 Statistical Literacy in the Elementary School:
   Opportunities for Problem Posing ........................... 241
   Lyn D. English and Jane M. Watson
12 Problem Posing in the Upper Grades Using Computers ......... 257
   Mitsunori Imaoka, Tetsu Shimomura, and Eikoh Kanno
13 Using Problem Posing as a Formative Assessment Tool ........ 273
   Meek Lin Kwek
14 An Investigation of High School Students' Mathematical
   Problem Posing in the United States and China .............. 293
   Xianwei Van Harpen and Norma Presmeg
15 Enhancing the Development of Chinese Fifth-Graders'
   Problem-Posing and Problem-Solving Abilities,
   Beliefs, and Attitudes: A Design Experiment ................ 309
   Limin Chen, Wim Van Dooren, and Lieven Verschaffel

Part III. Mathematics Problem Posing in Teacher Education
Programs and Teacher Professional Development
16 Middle Grade Preservice Teachers' Mathematical
   Problem Solving and Problem Posing ......................... 333
   Roslinda Rosli, Mary Margaret Capraro, Dianne Goldsby,
   Elsa Gonzalez у Gonzalez, Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie, and
   Robert M. Capraro
17 Problem-Posing/Problem-Solving Dynamics in the Context
   of a Teaching-Research and Discovery Method ................ 355
   Vrunda Prabhu and Bronislaw Czarnocha
18 Problem Posing for and Through Investigations
   in a Dynamic Geometry Environment  ......................... 373
   Roza Leikin
19 Problem Posing Activities in a Dynamic Geometry
   Environment: When and How .................................. 393
   Ilana Lavy
20 Developing the Problem-Posing Abilities of Prospective
   Elementary and Middle School Teachers ...................... 411
   Todd A. Grundmeier
21 Problem Posing in Primary School Teacher Training .......... 433
   Alena Hošpesová and Marie Tichá
22 What Do High School Teachers Mean by Saying
   "I Pose My Own Problems"? .................................. 449
   Michal Klinshtern, Boris Koichu, and Avi Berman
23 A Review on Problem Posing in Teacher Education ............ 469
   Helena P. Osana and Ildiko Pelczer
24 A Collection of Problem-Posing Experiences for Prospective
   Mathematics Teachers that Make a Difference ................ 493
   Sandra Crespo
25 Problem Posing as an Integral Component
   of the Mathematics Curriculum: A Study with Prospective
   and Practicing Middle-School Teachers ...................... 513
   Nerida F. Ellerton

Part IV. Mathematics Problem Posing: Some Concluding
26 Problem Posing in Mathematics: Reflecting on the Past,
   Energizing the Present, and Foreshadowing the Future ....... 547
   Nerida F. Ellerton, Florence Mihaela Singer, and Jinfa Cai

Author Index .................................................. 557
Subject Index ................................................. 565

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