Maiti S.K. Fracture mechanics: fundamentals and applications (Delhi, 2015). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаMaiti S.K. Fracture mechanics: fundamentals and applications. - Delhi: Thomson press; Cambridge: Cambridge university press, 2015. – xix ,279 p.: ill. - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - Ind.: p.272-279. - ISBN 978-1-107-09676-9
Шифр: (И/Ж-M19) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
List of Figures ................................................ xi
List of Tables ............................................... xvii
Preface ....................................................... xix

1  Introduction ................................................. 1
   1.1  Introduction ............................................ 1
   1.2  Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics ....................... 1
   1.3  Elastic Plastic or Yielding Fracture Mechanics .......... 2
   1.4  Mixed Mode Fracture ..................................... 2
   1.5  Fatigue Crack Growth .................................... 3
   1.6  Computational Fracture Mechanics ........................ 4
   1.7  Scope of the Book ....................................... 4
   References ................................................... 5

2  Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics ............................ 6
   2.1  Introduction ............................................ 6
   2.2  Calculation of Theoretical Strength ..................... 6
   2.3  Griffith's Explanation Based on Stress Concentration .... 8
   2.4  Griffith's Theory of Brittle Fracture .................. 10
        2.4.1 Irwin-Orowan Modification ........................ 12
   2.5  Stress Intensity Factor (SIF) Approach ................. 13
        2.5.1 Relationship between G and К ..................... 17
   2.6  Concepts of Strain Energy and Potential Energy
        Release Rates .......................................... 22
        2.6.1  Crack Extension Under Load Control (Soft
               Loading) ........................................ 22
        2.6.2  Crack Extension Under Displacement Control
               (Hard Loading) .................................. 23
   2.7  Irwin Plastic Zone Size Correction ..................... 24
   2.8  Dugdale-Barenblatt Model for Plastic Zone Size ......... 26
   2.9  Crack-Tip Plastic Zone Shape ........................... 27
        2.9.1  Mode I Plastic Zone ............................. 28
        2.9.2  Plane Strain Constraint ......................... 30
        2.9.3  Mode II and Mode III Plastic Zones .............. 30
   2.10  Triaxiality at Crack Front ............................ 31
   2.11  Thickness Dependence of Fracture Toughness KC ......... 33
   2.12 Design Applications .................................... 34
   Appendix 2.1 SIFs for Various Configurations ................ 48
   Exercise .................................................... 54
   References .................................................. 60

3  Determination of Crack-Tip Stress Field ..................... 65
   3.1  Introduction ........................................... 65
   3.2  Airy Stress Function Approach .......................... 65
   3.3  Kolosoff-Muskhelishvili Potential Formulation .......... 68
   3.4  Examples on Analytic and Stress Functions .............. 68
   3.5  Westergaard Stress Function Approach ................... 69
        3.5.1  Mode I Crack-Tip Field .......................... 71
        3.5.2  Mode II Crack-Tip Field ......................... 75
   3.6  Mode III Solution ...................................... 77
   3.7  Williams' Eigenfunction Expansion for Mode I ........... 80
   3.8  Williams' Eigenfunction Expansion for Mode II and
        Mixed Mode ............................................. 83
   Exercise .................................................... 84
   References .................................................. 84

4  Crack Opening Displacement J Integral, and Resistance
   Curve ....................................................... 86
   4.1  Introduction ........................................... 86
   4.2  Crack Opening Displacement ............................. 87
   4.3  Special Integrals ...................................... 89
   4.4  Rice's Path-Independent Integral J ..................... 91
   4.5  J As Potential Energy Release Rate ..................... 92
   4.6  Graphical Representation of J for Non-linear Elastic
        Case ................................................... 94
   4.7  Resistance Curve ....................................... 95
   4.8  Stability of Crack Growth .............................. 97
   Exercise ................................................... 100
   References ................................................. 101

5  Determination of Stress Intensity Factors .................. 102
   5.1  Introduction .......................................... 102
   5.2  Analytical Methods .................................... 103
        5.2.1 Boundary Collocation Method ..................... 108
        5.2.2 Green's Function Approach ....................... 108
        5.2.3 Method of Superposition ......................... 109
        5.2.4 Weight Function Method .......................... 110
   5.3  Numerical Technique: Finite Element Method ............ 113
        5.3.1  Displacement and Stress-based Methods for
               Extraction of SIFs ............................. 118
        5.3.2  Energy-based Methods for Determination of
               SIFs ........................................... 120
   5.4  FEM-Based Calculation of G Associated with Kinking
        of Crack .............................................. 138
   5.5  Other Numerical Methods ............................... 139
   5.6  Experimental Methods .................................. 140
        5.6.1  Strain Gauge Technique ......................... 140
        5.6.2  Photoelasticity ................................ 142
   Exercise ................................................... 143
   References ................................................. 146

6  Mixed Mode Brittle Fracture ................................ 152
   6.1  Introduction .......................................... 152
   6.2  Theory based on Potential Energy Release Rates ........ 153
   6.3  Maximum Tangential Stress Criterion ................... 154
   6.4  Maximum Tangential Principal Stress Criterion ......... 157
   6.5  Strain Energy Density Criterion ....................... 159
   Exercise ................................................... 163
   References ................................................. 166

7  Fatigue Crack Growth ....................................... 168
   7.1  Introduction .......................................... 168
   7.2  Fatigue Crack Growth Rate under Constant Amplitude
        Loading ............................................... 170
   7.3  Factors Affecting Fatigue Crack Propagation ........... 174
   7.4  Crack Closure ......................................... 174
   7.5  Life Estimation Using Paris Law ....................... 176
   7.6  Retardation of Crack Growth Due to Overloads .......... 178
   7.7  Variable Amplitude Cyclic Loading ..................... 182
        7.7.1  Rainflow Cycle Counting ........................ 190
   7.8  Closure ............................................... 192
   Appendix 7.1 Fortran Program for Crack Growth
        Calculations .......................................... 192
   Exercise ................................................... 196
   References ................................................. 199

8  Elastic Plastic Fracture Mechanics ......................... 202
   8.1  Introduction .......................................... 202
   8.2  Briefs on Plasticity .................................. 202
        8.2.1 Incremental Theories of Plasticity .............. 207
   8.3  Crack Opening Displacement Criterion .................. 208
   8.4  Mode III Crack-Tip Field for Elastic-Perfectly-
        Plastic Materials ..................................... 209
   8.5  Relationship between / and COD ........................ 212
   8.6  Fracture Assessment Diagram and R-6 Curve ............. 213
   8.7  Mode I Crack-Tip Field ................................ 216
        8.7.1  Rice-Rosengren Analysis ........................ 216
        8.7.2  Hutchinson's Analysis .......................... 221
   8.8  Experimental Determination of ......................... 226
   8.9  Alternative Methods for Measuring ..................... 227
   8.10 Crack-Tip Constraints: T Stress and Q Factor .......... 230
   8.11 Crack Propagation and Crack Growth Stability .......... 233
   8.12 Engineering Estimates of .............................. 237
   8.13 Closure ............................................... 245
   Exercise ................................................... 254
   References ................................................. 254

9  Experimental Measurement of Fracture Tougness Data ......... 257
   9.1  Introduction .......................................... 257
   9.2  Measurement of Plane Strain Fracture Toughness KIC .... 257
   9.3  Measurement of JIC .................................... 263
   9.4  Measurement of Critical COD δC ........................ 267
   9.5  Measurement of K-Resistance Curve ..................... 269
        9.5.1  Linear Elastic Material ........................ 269
        9.5.2  Elastic Plastic Material ....................... 270

References .................................................... 272
Index ......................................................... 273

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