Lateral gene transfer in evolution (New York, 2013). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаLateral gene transfer in evolution / ed. U.Gophna. - New York: Springer Science+Business Media, 2013. - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - Ind.: p.291-294. - ISBN 978-1-4614-7779-2
Шифр: (И/ Е4-L36) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Part I. LGT-Driven Metabolic Innovations and Adaptations
1  Lateral Gene Transfer and the Synthesis of Thymidine ......... 3
   Itay Levin, Moshe Giladi and Uri Gophna
2  Lateral Gene Transfer and the Evolution of Photosynthesis
   in Eukaryotes ............................................... 15
   Claudio H. Slamovits and Adrian Reyes-Prieto
3  On the Eco-Evolutionary Relationships of Fresh and Salt
   Water Bacteria and the Role of Gene Transfer in Their
   Adaptation .................................................. 55
   David A. Walsh, Josine Lafontaine and Hans-Peter Grossart
4  Mobilized Integrons: Team Players in the Spread of
   Antibiotic Resistance Genes ................................. 79
   Elena Martinez, Steven Djordjevic, H.W. Stokes and Piklu
   Roy Chowdhury
5  Rumen Plasmids ............................................. 105
   Aya Brown Kav, Itai Benhar and Itzhak Mizrahi

Part II. The Integration of New Genes into Existing Networks
6  Lateral Genetic Transfer and Cellular Networks ............. 123
   Elizabeth Skippington and Mark A. Ragan
7  The Complexity Hypothesis and Other Connectivity Barriers
   to Lateral Gene Transfer ................................... 137
   Ofir Cohen, Uri Gophna and Tal Pupko
8  The Effect of Codon Usage on the Success of Horizontal
   Gene Transfer .............................................. 147
   Tamir Tuller

Part III. Inter-Domain Gene Transfer
9  Lateral Gene Transfer in Multicellular Organisms ........... 161
   Julie C. Dunning Hotopp
10 Gene Transfer and the Chimeric Nature of Eukaryotic
   Genomes .................................................... 181
   Jan O. Andersson
11 Interdomain Horizontal Gene Transfer Shaped the Genomes
   of Legionella pneumophila and Legionella longbeachae ....... 199
   Laura Gomez-Valero, Mario Neou Bonora, Simonetta Gribaldo
   and Carmen Buchrieser
12 Application of a New Mapping Algorithm to Reevaluate
   Evidence of Interdomain Lateral Gene Transfer in the
   Genome of Thermotoga maritima .............................. 221
   Pascal Lapierre, Nicholas C. Butzin and Kenneth M. Noll

Part IV. LGT, Speciation and the Tree/Web of Life
13 Gradual Speciation: Further Entangling the Tree of Life ... 243
   Jeffrey G. Lawrence
14 Biased Gene Transfer Contributes to Maintaining the
   Tree of Life .............................................. 263
   Cheryl P. Andam and Johann Peter Gogarten
15 Speciation in the Shadow of Recombination and Lateral
   Gene Transfer ............................................. 275
   R. Thane Papke, Adit Naor and Uri Gophna

Index ........................................................ 291

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