Highly integrated low-power radars (Boston; London, 2014). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

Архив выставки новых поступлений | Отечественные поступления | Иностранные поступления | Сиглы
ОбложкаHighly integrated low-power radars / S.Saponara et al. - Boston; London: Artech house, 2014. - xiii, 215 p.: ill. - (Artech House radar series). - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - Ind.: p.209-215. - ISBN 978-1-60807-665-9
Шифр: (И/З.95-H65) 02


Место хранения: 02 | Отделение ГПНТБ СО РАН | Новосибирск

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ........................................................ ix
Acknowledgments .............................................. xiii

1    Scenarios, Applications, and Requirements for Highly
     Integrated Low-Power Radar ................................. 1
     References ................................................. 8

2    Radar Integration Levels, Technology Trends, and
     Transceivers .............................................. 11
2.1  Radar Integration Levels .................................. 11
     2.1.1  System-on-a-Single-Chip ............................ 11
     2.1.2  System-in-a-Package ................................ 12
     2.1.3  Single-Board Radar ................................. 13
2.2  Next Steps in Radar Miniaturization ....................... 14
2.3  Integrated Antennas ....................................... 15
2.4  Semiconductor Technology and Devices for Integrated
     Radar ..................................................... 18
2.5  Trends in 1С Radar Design ................................. 21
     2.5.1  MIC and MMIC Technology ............................ 21
     2.5.2  Si-Based Technology ................................ 22
     Highly Integrated Low-Power Radars
2.6  Radar Transceivers ........................................ 25
     References ................................................ 28

3    Hardware-Software Implementing Platforms for
     Radar Digital Signal Processing ........................... 31
3.1  Implementing Platforms and Performance Metrics for
     Radar Signal Processing ................................... 31
     3.1.1  Implementing Platforms for Radar Digital Signal
            Processing ......................................... 31
     3.1.2  Main Performance Metrics for Radar Implementing
            Platforms .......................................... 34
3.2  Hardware-Software Architecture for a Cost-Effective
     Radar ..................................................... 38
3.3  DSP and GPU for Radar Signal Processing ................... 40
     3.3.1  Vector DSP and the CELL Many-Core Computing
            Engine ............................................. 42
     3.3.2  GPU ................................................ 44
     3.3.3  VLIW DSP for Space Applications (DSPace)
            Processor .......................................... 48
3.4  FPGA for Radar Signal Processing .......................... 57
     3.4.1  Overview of FPGAs .................................. 57
     3.4.2  High-End FPGA for Radar Signal Processing .......... 59
     3.4.3  Cost-Effective FPGA for Radar Signal Processing .... 61
3.5  Conclusions ............................................... 66
     References ................................................ 68

4    Radar for E-Health Applications: Signal Processing
     Perspective ............................................... 71
4.1  General Characteristic of the Sensor and Its Functions .... 71
4.2  CW Doppler Radar for Health Care Monitoring ............... 72
4.3  Choice of Carrier Frequency ............................... 78
4.4  Phase Noise and Range-Correlation ......................... 78
4.5  Front-End Architectures ................................... 79
     4.5.1  Homodyne ........................................... 80
     4.5.2  Double-Sideband Heterodyne ......................... 80
4.6  UWB Radar for Health Care Monitoring ...................... 81
4.7  UWB Radar with Correlator ................................. 83
4.8  Conclusions ............................................... 85
     References ................................................ 86

5    Radar for Automotive Applications: Signal Processing
     Perspective ............................................... 89
5.1  General Characteristic of the Sensor and Its Functions .... 89
5.2  Signal Processing for the Single Sensor ................... 91
     5.2.1  Range and Frequency Estimation ..................... 93
     5.2.2  CFAR Processing .................................... 97
     5.2.3  Azimuth Direction of Arrival Estimation ........... 100
     5.2.4  Target Tracking ................................... 104
5.3  SRR Radar ................................................ 108
5.4  Conclusions .............................................. 111
     References ............................................... 111

6    Low-Power Radar Front-End for E-Health and Harbor
     Surveillance: Implementation Examples .................... 115
6.1  Summary .................................................. 115
6.2  Miniaturized Radar for E-Health .......................... 116
6.3  Microwave Integrated Circuit ............................. 122
     6.3.1  The Substrates .................................... 124
     6.3.2  Design, Simulation, and Realization of Microwave
            Integrated Circuits ............................... 125
6.4  Low-Cost Radar Prototype for Harbor Surveillance ......... 126
     6.4.1  Feasibility Study and Dimensioning ................ 127
     6.4.2  Realization ....................................... 130
     6.4.3  Data Processing ................................... 132
     References ............................................... 134

7    Automotive Radar 1С Design: 24-GHz UWB and 77-GHz
     FMCW Implementation Examples ............................. 137
7.1  Silicon Technologies for Automotive Radar ................ 138
7.2  A Fully Integrated 24-GHz UWB SRR Sensor ................. 139
     7.2.1  Sensor Architecture ............................... 140
     7.2.2  PLL Circuit Design ................................ 143
     7.2.3  RX Circuit Design ................................. 146
     7.2.4  TX Circuit Design ................................. 152
     7.2.5  On-Chip Inductive Component Design ................ 155
     7.2.6  Radar Sensor Implementation ....................... 159
7.3  Transmitter Chipset for 24-/77-GHz Automotive
     Radar Sensors ............................................ 159
     7.3.1  Design of the 77-GHz TX Front-End ................. 162
     7.3.2  Experimental Results of the 77-GHz TX Front-End ... 165
7.4  W-Band TX Front-End for FMCW Automotive Radar ............ 167
     7.4.1  Design of the W-Band TX Front-End ................. 167
     7.4.2  Experimental Results of the W-Band TX Front-End ... 174
7.5  W-Band RX Front-End for FMCW Automotive Radar ............ 175
     7.5.1  Design of the W-Band RX Front-End ................. 178
     7.5.2  Experimental Results of the W-Band RX Front-End ... 180
     References ............................................... 183

8    Conclusions .............................................. 187

List of Acronyms .............................................. 191
About the Authors ............................................. 203
Index ......................................................... 209

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